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OSR Open Table

BeezulbubbaMar 1, 2018, 12:31:01 PM

  So I have planned and am designing an #OSR Open Table game on #Roll20. When I got back into table top gaming it was hard to get my local players into the #OSR at first but eventually I got them to try out Labyrinth Lord by Goblinoid games which in my opinion is one of the best retro clones out there. As availability for table time in my kitchen became a premium due to scheduling and commitments I turned towards #Roll20. Me and an old friend got into an open table for Barrowmaze. It was hectic with the different players coming and going so the core group idea just did not exist. And it was a lethal glorious blood bath. That campaign like many online games abruptly ended and other adventures were found, other dungeons conquered.

   Life being life that campaign fell by the wayside as Me and my wife began a travel lifestyle and I have returned to gaming primarily on #Roll20. And to my surprise I have actually been gaming more. Its easy to pick up 3-5 games if you have a flexible schedule and currently I do but I am wanting to bring another open table experience to my online adventures. This time as the DM.

   I chose the BX rule set which is the old red and blue box and for a lucky few the purple box with the Erol Otis artwork.  This rule set is going to be heavily house ruled and rulings will be made and if we are lucky we will even remember to write them down for future reference. Handouts in #Roll20 will have some minor house ruling for those classes already made on them. Discord for voice chat in game and me and a good friend have a server just for OD&D, link to follow.

   For any who would be interested in playing its classic 3d6 in a row bitches but I allow three additional 3d6 floaters to put where you want. So odds are you are going to have some stats that just suck. Sorry, not sorry thems the breaks. Work it into your character and don't worry bout lengthy back story because this is BX. Bitches gonna die allot. Macro in game for quick character creation and 3d6*10 for starting gold piece equivalent of starting gear.

   Currently looking towards April as a starting time frame to begin but if people are interested we can roll up characters earlier. I am just timing this beginning for our next assignment which is in April sometime. The Duchy of Aerick is going to be just large enough for smaller parties in case the local #megadungeons are a bit much and I hope to place several smaller one page dungeons around for shorter sessions of game play. Some set time ad other times we will post and see who can make it for a random weekday. Let's keep it loose.

   I am unsure of the Minds OSR table top community size. Its scope I write my stuff up and toss it out there but I'll boost this a bit and see where it goes. Best and Worst case its too many folks and it collapses or worst case no one reads it and no one knows so ..... Best case we get a few dozen people on a discord server that chats up BX D&D organizes a few games themselves and plays in an open table trying to dig gold out of dark holes in the ground, loot crypts and destroy the minions of Chaos.

Oh as a note there will be no Role play for hitting on the tavern wenches its uncomfortable and creepy.

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/EdACFGu

Roll20 Invite: https://app.roll20.net/join/2719437/FcUYvg

And as ever, Game Well, Game Often

#OSR #MindsGaming #Roll20 #BX #DnD