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BIOMETRIDS - ID online on blockchain that uses machine learning for face recognition

febbyMar 30, 2018, 6:29:31 PM

About Biometrids 

Biometrids’ platform is an online ID on the blockchain that uses machine learning for facial recognition. With facial recognition, it is possible to verify people are who they say they are. Biometrids solves one of the biggest issues today faced in the blockchain ecosystem and in life. Biometrids is a decentralised ID that uses the blockchain to identify people. The usage of the blockchain assures everyone is anonymous, but still valid to conduct transaction with one another. By using the API connected to the Biometrids platform, any service can adopt our ID protocol into their system, and force people to use the Biometrids ID to improve the security of knowing the their customers are transacting with genuine people.

Actual Problems

Many issues exist with identity systems. The issues occur because of centralized systems operating as a silo between several service providers. The silo approach causes limitations to the security necessary for protecting passwords and issued identification records, as it provides a central place to breach, giving high returns for hackers. For example, identity providers like Google, Facebook, and other organizations requiring usernames and passwords are economically valuable in hack attempts. The overview below illustrates how many records can be breached when hitting numerous large corporations for identity theft.

Biometrics Technology

Open-source blockchain technology offers the opportunity for a decentralized certificate authority for verification. It can maintain the mapping and distribution of identities to public keys, e.g. wallets. The smart contract can furthermore act as an autonomous computer program, executing predefined sophisticated logic within the blockchain system. The smart contracts help with verification between systems and the key management to ease the burden for the end users. Biometrics is a key feature, as every individual on the planet is born with a unique set of biometrics, providing a tamper-proof method to uniquely identify who they are. The concept of biometrics includes your fingerprints, your face, your eyes, and even your voice. Combining it with blockchain makes much sense. Instead of having a fragile piece of paper, the information is digitally recorded on an immutable ledger, which can be used as an approach to securely log each identity in a system. It also offers privacy, as you alone will be able to grant access to your ID and see who has accessed your ID and when. Further, the blockchain is inexpensive and transparent, and throughout its current lifetime, it has been proven to resist hacking attempts.

Facial Detection

Facial recognition works around a picture of a person. This picture could be 2D or 3D. If are using a 2D picture, chances of manipulation will rise significantly due to the non-complexities in the picture and the fact that it is easy to take a picture of another person, scan it with the phone, and then log in to that user’s account. By using 3D pictures, will raise the complexity significantly. When you need to have ears, eyes, and chin, from an angle, it gets much more complicated to manipulate. When also add a skin scan, and maybe even an iris scan, the complexity and uniqueness will be at a much more satisfying level and your facial scan will be unique.

The face is a measurable biological characteristic. All biometric authentication systems compare two complex patterns and calculate how similar they are. When a biometric system is set up, a computer will capture and store the reference patterns, known as a template or reference image. Then when you want to access a device (for example, unlocking your phone), your present appearance or probe will be compared with a verification (reference) image (model). Internally, it computes a score between 0 and 1. If it is closer to 1, then it means it is the same face. If it is closer to 0, it’s not the same person.

For More Information About Biometrids Project, Please Visit The Link Below:

Website : https://biometrids.io/

Whitepapper : https://biometrids.io/#biometrids-whitepaper

Team : https://biometrids.io/#biometrids-team

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Biometrids-1603692473026252/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/biometrids

Bitcointalk ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2345580

Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/E-BNGBDaHcasMMJOlsEPmw

Author: roti atos

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1409779