I have to be honest this particular blog will be more personal than my other ones. In regards to my time on the internet in the past four years I have found myself more jaded, bitter, and numbed to constant flow of information through several platforms on the internet which people on the opposite side of the culture war are trying to take away from me. I admit to reacting on impulse at times because I have seen the same talking points brought up by different people and lashed out at them at a sheer sense of frustration. The names change but the game still stays the same.
My time offline has certainly helped me gain perspective but at the same time it has also showed me how clueless normies are to the issues that will affect them. People who claim to champion them want to strip them of their rights while acting in the interest of corporations. Redpilling people who are willing to listen has allowed me to not constantly look for the proverbial chink in the armor in the form of gotcha moments but rather allowed me to refine my arguments in a manner that more easily digestible to the common man. Grassroots movements have always had more success in the real world rather than the internet at least in my humble opinion.
It has surprised me because despite living in the liberal stronghold of Massachusetts that they are surprisingly right leaning without realizing it. My coworkers are all younger than me and maybe more leftist on certain issues but even my managers seem to aware of the issues and just how much things have devolved in the United States. They took the first step at this point all they need is a little push. I am not radicalizing people because quite frankly radicalization implies to me that I am propagandizing them but I have the facts, the data, the sources to back it all up.
To those you encounter on the wilds of Twitter and elsewhere there are always people that will look to astorturf the absolute fuck out of certain issues but its almost certainly the same group of people over and over again. If you ignore them and look to the people on the periphery you will find that more often than not they are a fellow traveler. Come to them with information not hostility and you may surprised where the conversation may go. I have followers that obviously don't agree with me on everything but when it comes to certain issues you will always have strange bedfellows even people you would absolutely loathe otherwise. This does not mean that you can simply abandon principle but rather gain perspective so that you can help others find your perspective.
I know this might seem like basic shit but even I have been guilty of tunnelvision, narrowing my focus and my audience through arbitrary criteria. Once in a while you have to sit back and take it all in. If things seem absolutely infuriating like you are screaming at a brick wall it is okay to take a break and not burn out. Nothing else is worse than a burn out who harps on you about absolutely petty bullshit despite the fact they agreed with you on almost everything in the past. Take to the streets and guide others to your truth and the way will make itself clear.