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The Deal Coin initiated a revolution on the global lending market

Roman KononetsApr 6, 2018, 9:37:05 PM

Today almost all world ratings and analysts in one voice say that the effective development of market relations is impossible without the participation of small and medium-sized businesses. Which is an integral part of the world and local economic system. In the modern world small and medium-sized businesses are an important tool for solving a number of economic, political and social problems facing virtually all states.

Exactly the founders of small and medium-sized businesses brings to our world the main innovations, cover the lion's share of unemployment and restructure the economy as a whole. And with all this such business does not need a huge initial investment and at the same time provides a fast turnover of resources and a high growth dynamics. In addition, the development of small and medium-sized businesses contributes to stabilization in the political and social spheres of the economies of countries, simply because most of the representatives of this business 'came from a common people' or are in close contact or have business relations with this stratum of the population.

Another advantage of this business is that it is mobile and quickly adapts to all changes in the economic environment, while continuing to create real products, services, jobs and pay taxes to the local treasury.

But unfortunately not all creative and talented people have the opportunity to become an entrepreneur because of a number of obvious reasons for us, among which the main is the complexity or even the inability to obtain seed capital, investment or credit for their undertaking.

And exactly about the attempt to solve this problem i will try to tell you below.

The name of the solution is "The Deal Coin".

The Deal Coin is a completely new way of interaction between the borrower and lender, and further supporting small and medium-sized businesses in general. It implies the creation of a completely new and unique platform for direct interaction between creditors and borrowers through the use of blockchain and smart contracts technologies, which, as has been repeatedly shown, allows us to make a deals cheap, fast, high-quality, safe, worldwide, regardless of your location or time zone and without involving third parties.

It should also be noted that this company is not a newcomer in the credit market, but on the contrary, it is a UK-based business that has been operating since 2015 and has grandiose plans for the future and an impressive road map for the project.

Below I will try to explain by simply words how this will work.

So, the borrower who is looking for a way to attract investment in his business fills out the application form through the decentralized application (DAPP) created by the developers of this project, providing all the necessary information to ensure compliance with the policy of KYC & AML. Further DAPP reliably connects to the loan solutions database (DLSD), where information is processed and the platform is checking all information about borrower. From other side investors also fill out KYC information for unobstructed viewing and connecting with borrowers around the world to discuss rates and conditions acceptable to both parties. Further if the borrower's request and the creditor's information have successfully passed the verification their data is sent to the platform where they can already see each other and start negotiations. And if both parties: the borrower and the lender have agreed then the borrower will receive a loan using a smart contract. Smart contact at the same time will provide insurance to the investor. The money is allocated in Deal Coin and later may be converted into the desired currency.

Two tokens will circulate in the constructed ecosystem.

The first (internal) is The Deal Token - the currency of the platform the purchase of which will be made by investors, to provide loans and in which they will receive their interest rate. In the process of working the token will be tightly tied to the British pound (GBP) at a rate of 1:1 and that will ensure a low volatility of the token.

The second (external) is The Deal Coin - the currency of the platform, which will be freely tardeable on exchanges or p2p trading. At the same time the purchase of The Deal Token for The Deal Coin will be more profitable than using any other fiat or digital currency.

Thus the project seeks to solve a significant problem on the market of p2p lending and business development and help to push the medium and small business to a new round of development. And as for me, i really think that it will be possible through such platforms and soon we will see a revolution in the sphere of P2P lending and small and medium-sized business crediting.

Useful and mandatory links for studying this project will be found below:

Official website


Bitcointalk ANN Thread


My bitcointalk username: NakiRR