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Digitizing Power Grid System Through Modern Technology Using Robotina IOT

RavenzyxApr 10, 2018, 10:42:50 AM

Modern technology has proved its worth in areas of communication and health sector. This improvement is gradually moving its train to the power sector through the digitizing of the power grid system. The digital power grid system allows for fluid communication between customers and the transmission line. The ability of the transmission line to easily attune to the electrical demand of customers makes it smart. The smart grid system works collectively with controls, automation, and equipment.

With the aid of modern technology, the internet, artificial intelligence, and blockchain Robotina is creating a platform where clients can reduce the rate of energy consumption. By employing the smart grid system which will help clients save money and get some earnings.

What Is Robotina?

Robotina is a start-up organization that optimizes the electrical grid system and reduce energy consumption using state of the art technology.

The CEO of the organization Mr. Daved Palcec is an expert in the field of cognitive technology solutions also with team members that are experienced and vast in their discipline. They are also supported by organizations such as Crypto-orange, Firstline, Spartan solutions and Tim Valores.

What Does Robotina Do?

Robotina helps you save money by reducing your energy consumption. It will turn off devices that are not presently in use and bring it back on when it seems affordable. When customers have unused energy/power, this can be transformed into monetary benefits when they partake in their crowdfunding. In addition to this, customers can get other business opportunities such as virtual power plant, group buying, and power sales. To get substantial information about this, you can check out their whitepaper.

Why Do You Need A ROX Token?

The only means to access wonderful service available on Robotina is to partake its initial coin offering where you get to purchase your ROX token. The energy service company can only implement the energy efficiency scheme when the customer gets the ROX token.

There is a 3% discount offer at the point of subscription which will be offered to clients that pay with the ROX token. This subscription is done with the aid of the smart contract, which uses the peer to peer system of transaction. All purchases made on this platform whether hardware, software or on the app store must be done with the use of the ROX token.

Holders of the ROX token are regarded as true members; they have access to the community where they get benefits such as the ESCO pool, virtual power plant, and group buying. The virtual power plants will let ROX token holders trade unused energy.

How Robotina Utilize the Proceeds from ICO?

Robotina allocates 27% of its ICO earnings to the development of its platform while 23% goes to sales and marketing. Platform development and marketing gets the highest allotment regarding proceeds.


Households with varying electronic gadgets can easily manage their rate of energy consumption by utilizing Robotina. Imagine a platform that offers customers the privilege of saving money and making earnings on energy sales; that is what Robotina is offering you.

Special Thanks to Robotina for making this article possible! Check out their Twitter or Facebook Page to ask more about their project!