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the white road - helping the poor

cryptonuts and boltsApr 13, 2018, 1:50:33 AM

We live in a small village, outside a town called San Jose Pinula - a suburb of the capital of Guatemala.

Every now and then we go down the valley to the town, in order to get some rice, toilet paper, butter and sugar. It is funny that, after growing up in a world, where everything is accessible and the Nutella is a cheap way to sweeten your morning, things like snickers, chocolate cakes and Nutella become such a valuable thing. I always dreamed of having all fruits accessible at all time for cheap and then make the most healthy drinks and smoothies. Well, now, where a pineapple and 3 mangos are 0.7 $, I crave the sugar. The mind always recognizes first what's missing, I guess. An old program running in our subconscious.

Anyways. So we were doing our groceries, walking through the market and filling our bags with all kinds of fruits and vegetables. On the way back, I recognized a local woman, who was listening to the conversation we were having. Dr. Gato was talking to a woman about his work for indigenous people. When we got off the bus, the woman approached us and asked, if we might help her. Her son - a handsome young teenager - has Rheumatoid Arthritis which caused problems in his knees and chest and now started to deform his whole face and head. They are desperate for help, spending all their money on expensive medicine, but so far, nothing helped.

So we walked towards her house (which was 10 minutes away from where we got off the bus - so she stayed only to talk to us). After Dr. Gato examined the young man, we started to treat him with several methods. We ran a spooky2 machine, which sends bio-electric impulses through his body. Depending on the frequency of the impulses, it effects the cells of the body in different ways. There are frequencies for nearly everything. We also give him a solution of aloe vera and a tiny bit of alcohol which he should drink at night. In addition we give him nano colloidal silver water, as an overall treatment.

We now treat him daily and have a look what we can do. As the family is poor, we don't charge anything. And it is just amazing to experience how full my heart feels after watching those people smile at us, being so thankful for the help we can provide. As they say: help yourself, and you will feel good. Help other, and you will enjoy fulfillment and joy.

I hope that we can at some point blog videos about it. It is just wonderful to be able to give something back to the world, to poor people, who truly are thankful for what we can give.

After the treatment, we ran through the city with a purple bird doll and whenever kids showed up, we would start play with the bird, smell his feet and make weird faces. It was an amazing experience to watch kids first be skeptical and scared, with their grandmothers looking at us "gringos locos", but in the end we all laughed - and that split second of laughter made us all forget the pain and struggle we carry around in our life. Because there is no way to happiness - happiness IS the way!

Dr. Gato lives in Guatemala for over 20 years, honored by the president with the highest honor for his humanitarian help! He carried bags of medicine worth thousands of dollars with a dozen mules up into the mountains, to help the indigenous with dengue, cancer and diabetes. We now work with alternative medicines like bio electrical machines called spooky 2, with natural plant medicines and bio-magnetic plates and machines. We are also trying to collect $2000 for a new set of machines, so we can set up clinics and do this kind of work all day.

For more information, you can simply contact us here or on [email protected].

We are thankful for any help, whether it be money, a like or a remind. Thank you.