There are things that you know to be true, and things that are true that you do not yet know. Such is the way of the world. For years, we've stood silently as our freedoms were sold and our lives restricted.You've taken our children and turned them against us. You've taken our soldiers and turned them loose on those they were meant to protect. You've poisoned us, drugged us, sold us out and tried to enslave us. But guess what.. We're still here.
It's not every day that things change so radically. Those who were asleep for so long have awoken. Their eyes open to the hypocrisy of the world in which they sought change. For this, they were ostracized, banished and cast away by those whom sought to sully their hopes and morale. But they were resilient and they fought on...
At first there were a few, but soon there were many. People from all walks of life, of all ethnicities, colours and creeds. Some bound together and began to fight the battles others could not, be the voice of those who had none. They became...
The Deplorables
The leader, KnightGuard (Scott Wallard), a former navy seal dismissed from service as a result of Obama's diversity quotas. Two years ago he went off the grid. His mysterious past remains just that, a secret he keeps close to his heart. After a life spent serving his country, his country had let him down.
Guardian (Scott Mandrake), a child protege from an early age, his talent for marksmanship was unmatched by any other. Upon completing high school, he was offered an athletic scholarship and a chance to go to the olympics, but all those dreams soon faded away when his scholarship was taken away to make way for social refugee sponsorship programs.
Bolt (Edgar Sloan), originally from Detroit, he impressed the judges at the local science fair and was motivated to get into MIT. His parents died at a young age, leaving him to the foster care program, but he inherited a sizeable wealth upon turning eighteen. He worked hard and spent most of the money left him by his parents to complete a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering. Upon graduation he was promised a well paid job at a tech firm, but was soon after rejected for not fitting the company's diversity requirements. Forced to work at a fast food restaurant to make ends meet, he was soon dismissed from his job due to lower-paid illegal immigrants being given his job.
Sentinel (Rebecca Trumpstein) was a practicing surgeon in New York for years, but all that changed in 2016. As the election neared, so too did the end of her career. Being ostracized by her co-workers and bullied by complete strangers solely for her last name, she was forced to resign her post at Metro General. At the night of the election, she was beaten and raped by a gang in a dark alley. After six months, she recovered from her injuries and decided to leave New York.
MonoChrome (Trevor Mallacay) always lived with the stigma of his conception. Being a child of rape of his mother (Melissa Mallacay) by a Somalian 'refugee' (Jonas Frances), he was constantly fearful that he may become just like his father. Growing up he was always teased for his mixed heritage, but he never let it hold him down. When he was ten his mother became comatose as a result of her old injuries. He now spends time studying law so he can help those who've been legally harmed by it.
Together, these five fight for freedom, truth, and justice, hoping they too can Make America Great Again.
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