-- The TRUTH Shall Set You FREE.
The Importance of the Words we, Speak English Grammar, Who Are You?, The Difference between Lawful and Legal, Person and Man Compared, Home and House Compared, Titles and Gifts Compared, The World and The Kingdom Compared, Schools and Children, Slaves and Contracts, Citizenship, The United States and America, Democracy and Voting, What's in a Name?, Avoid giving a Name, Legal Definition of Names, Why these Fictitious Names?, Are We in a State of War?, Military Flags indicate Military Rule, Minimum Contacts, Free Mail Delivery Service, Corporations, Traffic Laws - Voluntary or Mandatory?, Human Laws, God's Rod of Correction
The "Words of His Kingdom" refer to the words and ways of the Kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus, the Christ.
The "Words of the World" refer to the words and ways of the kingdoms of man.
The eptimology of the term “world" comes from the Old English word “werold.” This comes from an Old High German word, "Weralt." And this comes from an early West Germanic composition of two words: “wera” which means “man,” and the Indo-European base “alth” which comes from the Latin “altus”, meaning “old.”
Thus, the meaning of the ancient word "world" is: "The Old Man." (Old English word is "werold." Broken down individually, "were" means man, and "old" means old).
So when we talk about the words of His Kingdom, we are talking about the new life, the new man, those who are born again. And when we talk about the words of the world, we are talking about the old life, the old man, those who are not born again.
Proverbs 12:18, "...the tongue of the wise is health."
1 Corinthians 2:12-13, "Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual."
It is so very important, as the above passage states, to not
speak the words that we have been conditioned to speak by the spirit of
the world (by what man's wisdom has taught us); but to speak the words
which the Holy Spirit has taught us (to speak in a spiritual manner).
These words are contained in the Holy Scripture, which are for our "doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16).
The Importance of the Words we Speak
Matthew 4:4, "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
John 6:63, 68, "…the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life."
Proverbs 18:21, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue..."
Isaiah 8:20, "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."
Psalms 55:21, "The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords."
1 Timothy 6:3-5, "If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself."
Proverbs 12:6, "The words of ungodly men are crafty; but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them."
Hosea 6:5, "...I have slain them by the words of my mouth:"
Psalms 12:6, "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times."
John 7:46, "The officers answered, Never man spake like this man."
Ecclesiastes 8:4, "Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?"
And using His words in our life is a shield in everything we do.
Proverbs 30:5, "Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him."
Psalms 119:114, "Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word."
Proverbs 22:21, "I therefore teach thee truth, and knowledge good to hear; that thou mayest answer words of truth to them that question thee."Colossians 4:6, "Let your speech be alway with grace…that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man."
Ecclesiastes 10:12, "The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious: but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself."
1 Corinthians 2:6, "Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world..."
Psalms 37:30, "The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom."
Proverbs 21:28, "...an obedient man will speak cautiously."
1 Thessalonians 2:4-5, "even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God... For neither at any time used we flattering words."
Ephesians 4:29, "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers."
1 Corinthians 15:33, "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners."
Proverbs 26:4, "Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him."
Proverbs 13:3, "He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction."
1 Corinthians 14:8-11, "For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air. There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification. Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that speaketh a foreigner, and he that speaketh shall be a foreigner unto me."
When you're dealing with the natural man (those who reject the Spirit of God), you identify yourself as being of the world when you speak the words of the world.
1 John 4:5, "They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world…"
You stamp their seal on your heart by using their words. They see what's on your heart by the words that come out of your mouth.
Matthew 15:18, "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man."
What are the repercussions of using wrong words innocently?
Matthew 12:36-37, "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."
This doesn't mean you'll be condemned to hell, but you will condemn yourself in other ways; like when they bring you before the magistrate and throw you in jail. The day of judgment is every day, not just some specific day far distant in the future, for we set a Record of our walk here in the Court of God and it is that Record that must be found in the Lamb's Book of Life. If our Record is not there, then we were not in Him and never can partake of His Blessings. So heed this instruction from God:
Proverbs 6:2, "Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth."
So, if you're going to use the words of the world, be aware that you will be chastised for using those words. Therefore, words have a tremendous impact on us in doing the things we do, and in the way that we perceive things around us. If we perceive them in the way that the human being perceives them, then the world will perceive us as being one of them, as being of the world.
To avoid being perceived as being of the world, we need to speak the words of God in Truth. We need to speak about the Christ and speak as He spoke. Jesus makes a close connection between Himself and His words:
Mark 8:38, "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."
And it is Jesus who gave us our delegation of authority.
John 20:21, "Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you."
So He has sent us forth into the world to speak His words. And when we fail to do that we have failed him, and we have not honoured and glorified him. We act in His name and by His authority. So the only words that you can speak are the words that He puts in your mouth. Otherwise you're not acting in His name and by His authority, you're acting in the name of somebody else. The minister speaks as his master. When a bondman goes out and does anything, he does it in the name of his master. A third party, when they see the bondman do a particular act, they don't see the bondman doing that act, they see the master doing that act through the bondman himself. Even the heathen understand this when they go into treaty negotiations. They only speak the words that their sovereign has put in their mouth to the party sitting opposite the table from them. If they speak any other words, they're not a true ambassador, they're a phony messenger, they're a liar. And the treaty they sign is of no force and effect. All bondmen of Christ are "...ambassadors for Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:20, Ephesians 6:20), so speak like the sovereign who sent us.
John 3:34, "For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God."
Let us briefly go over three important points to remember while reading this article:
Nice: "Srange, lazy, foolish, stupid, ignorant, not knowing, to be ignorant, difficult to please, fastidious, discriminative." Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, page 914.
Job 14:4, "Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one."
So we can't make clean that which is
already unclean.
Corpse: "A living body." Page 311. (Today it means, "a dead body").Awful: "Highly impressive. Reverential." Page 96. (Today it means, "very bad, ugly, unpleasant, etc.").
Bank: "A judge's seat; also, a court sitting for the decision of matters of law." Page 104. (Today it means, "An institution for the deposit, discount, or circulation of money").Caucus: "See BRIBERY." Page 155. (Today it means, "a meeting of a committee of a political party or faction to decide on policy, pick candidates, etc., without bribery").
Elopement: "The act in a wife of voluntarily leaving her husband to live with another man." Page 398. (Today it means, "the act of one who is unmarried running away secretly in order to get married").
Lobbying: "Seeking to influence the vote of a member of the legislature by bribery, promise of reward, intimidation, or other dishonest means. Lobbying is a felony, by the constitution of California and Georgia." Page 636. (Today it means, "Seeking to influence the introduction of or voting on legislation or the decisions of government administrators, by honest means, and it is not a crime").
Permanent: "Does not always embrace the idea of absolute perpetuity." Page 769. (Today it means, "Lasting indefinitely without change").
Sea-worthy: "Not capable of going to sea or being navigated on the sea." Page 926. (Today it means, "Fit to travel on the open sea; sturdy").
Surcharge: "Overcharge; an excessive or unlawful charge." Page 995. (Today it means, "An additional amount added to the usual charge, lawfully).
Willful; willfully: "In common parlance "willful" means intentional, as distinguished from accidental or involuntary; in penal statutes it means with evil intent, with legal malice, without ground for believing the act to be lawful. The ordinary meaning of "willful" in statutes, is not merely "voluntary," but with a bad purpose. Sometimes it means little more than "intentional" or "designed." But that is not its ordinary signification in criminal and penal statutes; in them it most frequently conveys the idea of legal malice in greater or less degree – implies an evil intent without justifiable excuse." Pages 1114-1115. (Today it means, "Said or done deliberately or intentionally, without an evil intent").
In Balantine’s Self Pronouncing Law Dictionary, 1948, page 389, Human Being is defined as "See Monster." On page 540 of this same Law Dictionary, Monster is defined as "a human being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal."
In Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, pages 879-880, a Monster is defined as "a person so cruel, wicked, depraved, etc., as to horrify others."
From the Random House Dictionary of the English Language, 2nd Edition, page 901, Human Being is defined as a "Natural man: unenlightened or unregenerate," and on page 1461, Unregenerate means "not regenerate; unrepentant; an unregenerate sinner; not convinced by or unconverted to a particular religion; wicked, sinful, dissolute."
In Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, page 657, Humanitarianism is defined as "the doctrine that humankind may become perfect without divine aid."
In Colliers New Dictionary of the English Language, 1928, Humanitarian is defined as "a philanthropist; an anti-Trinitarian who rejects the doctrine of Christ’s divinity; a perfectionist."
And in the Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 1990, page 653, Humanism is defined as "any system or mode of thought or action in which human interests, values and dignity predominate, especially an ethical theory that often rejects the importance of a belief in God."
Jonah 4:11 (Septuagint), "and shall not I spare Nineve, the great city, in which dwell more than twelve myriads of human beings, who do not know their right hand or their left hand...?"
The term "human being" is also synonymous with the term 'natural man.'
"The natural man is a spiritual monster. His heart is where his feet should be, fixed upon the earth; his heels are lifted up against heaven, which his heart should be set on. His face is towards hell; his back towards heaven. He loves what he should hate, and hates what he should love; joys in what he ought to mourn for, and mourns for what he ought to rejoice in; glories in his shame, and is ashamed of his glory; abhors what he should desire, and desires what he should abhor." Thomas Boston, quoted in Augustus Toplady, Complete Works (1794, reprinted by Sprinkle Publications 1987), page 584.
1 Corinthians 2:14, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
The above verse witnesses to us that the natural man is spiritually dead. The ‘natural man’ in Scripture is synonymous with the ‘natural person’ as defined in man’s laws.
"Natural Person means human being, and not an artificial or juristic person." Shawmut Bank, N.A. v. Valley Farms, 610 A. 2d. 652, 654; 222 Conn. 361.
"Natural Person: Any human being who as such is a legal entity as distinguished from an artificial person, like a corporation, which derives its status as a legal entity from being recognized so in law. Natural Child: The ordinary euphemism for ‘bastard’ or illegitimate." Amon v. Moreschi, 296 N.Y. 395, 73 N.E.2d 716." Max Radin, Radin’s Law Dictionary (1955), p. 216.
Those that are spiritually dead belong to the prince of this world
because he's dead himself. Satan has dominion over the natural man, for he is
the prince of this world (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11); and, as a consequence of this, he has dominion over
those of the world, i.e., human beings, the natural man – those who receive
not the things of the Spirit of God and reject Christ. Because the bondman in Christ is sanctified from the world, he is
separated from the adversary's dominion over him–sin (John 8:34). This is the cause for
Christ having sanctified Himself in the Truth of the Word of God – to provide
the entrance to the refuge in and through Himself for us.
The Difference between Lawful and Legal
Lawful: "The principle distinction between the terms 'lawful' and 'legal' is that the former [Lawful] contemplates the substance of law, the latter [legal] the form of law. To say of an act that it is 'lawful' implies that it is authorized, sanctioned, or at any rate not forbidden, by law. To say that it is 'legal' implies that it is done or performed in accordance with the forms and usages of law, or in a technical manner. In this sense 'illegal' approaches the meaning of 'invalid.' For example, a contract or will, executed without the required formalities, might be said to be invalid or illegal, but could not be described as unlawful. Further, the word 'lawful' more clearly implies an ethical content than does 'legal.' The latter (legal) goes no further than to denote compliance, with positive, technical, or formal rules; while the former (Lawful) usually imports a moral substance or ethical permissibility." Black's Law Dictionary (4th edition, 1957 & 1968), page 1032.
Character: "Character consists of the qualities which constitute the individual, while reputation is the sum of opinions entertained concerning him. The former is interior; the latter external. The one is the substance; the other the shadow. Character is what a person is. Reputation is what people say of him." Ballentine, Self-Pronouncing Law Dictionary, (1948), page 138.
The term person appears in the bible, but it is not a noun, it only describes the noun.
Matthew 22:16, "...for thou regardest not the person of men."2 Corinthians 2:10, "...the person of Christ."
Man's law is also in agreement that "person" and "man" are not synonymous parts of speech:
Person: "In law, man and person are not exactly-synonymous terms." Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856, 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 137.Person: "...not every human being is a person." Black's Law Dictionary, 4th ed. 1957 & 1968, p.1300.
"A slave is not a person." Maxim of law .
"A slave, and everything a slave has, belongs to his master." Maxim of law.
[As a side note, we are told that a 'noun' refers to a "person, place, or thing." Well, a 'person' is not a noun, because it is only a fiction; it does not exist; it hides the true man. However a man (or woman) is a noun. Therefore, it is more accurate to say a noun refers to "people, places, or things."]
In Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, page 823, Mankind is defined as "all human beings; the human race."
2 Samuel 17:23, "...and gat him home to his house, to his city."
Notice this verse is describing something in general (home), and then gets more specific (which is in a house, which is in a city). A house and a city are not synonymous, a house can be in a city. Likewise, a home is not a house, it is something general that can be inside the house. Also, in scripture, the word "house" is always preceded by a pronoun, which is possessive (i.e. his house, my house, the house, thine house, father's house, brother's house, etc.), whereas the word 'home' is never preceded by these terms.
The following are all the verses in the entire scripture containing both the words "home" and "house" in the same verse. Notice while the word "home" is used in a general sense, the word "house" is always used in a specific, possessive sense:
Genesis 43:16, "...the ruler of his house, Bring these men home."
Genesis 43:26, "And when Joseph came home, they brought him the present which was in their hand into the house."
Deuteronomy 21:12, "Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house."
1 Samuel 18:2, "...let him go no more home to his father's house."
2 Samuel 13:7, "Then David sent home to Tamar, saying, Go now to thy brother Amnon's house."
2 Samuel 17:23, "...and gat him home to his house, to his city,"
1 Chronicles 13:13, "So David brought not the ark home...but carried it aside into the house."
Haggai 1:9, "...and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the LORD of hosts. Because of mine house."
Luke 9:61, "...but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house."
All the above verses show that "home" and "house" are not synonymous parts of speech. The substitution of one for the other is incorrect.
When you think about it, do you not say the same thing? We say, "let's go home" but we don't say "Let's go house." Sounds funny, doesn't it? Likewise, we say "it's in his car," or "it's in the car," but we do not say, "it's in car." Because a car and a house are something specific (physical), which belong to someone, whereas a 'home' is something in general (spiritual), and does not belong to anyone specifically. This is why 'home' is never preceded with a word which designates it as someone's personal property or possession.
Therefore, 'home' and 'house' are not synonymous terms. The natural man has made "home" into a noun for his deceitful purposes. Man re-defined the word 'home' to designate it as a specific, physical thing (a meaning which God never gave to it) so he may acquire jurisdiction over "the home" and its "residents."
It is imperative for the followers of Christ to learn and understand the words, such as ‘home,’ that the ‘natural men’ and ‘human beings’ have ‘incorporated’ into their ‘created’ codes, rules, and regulations. The term home within the Internal Revenue Code, § 162(a)(2), is defined as "a taxpayers principle place of business." Ellwein v. US, C.A.N.D., 778 F.2d. 506, 509.
"A person…may have his home in one town for the purpose of taxation…domicile for taxation and home are treated synonymously. Thayer v. City of Boston, 124 Mass. 147, 26 Am.Rep. 650.
The word 'home' is not just a newly re-defined word, it was redefined from as early as 541 A.D.!
"It is settled that there is to be considered the home of each one of us where he may have his habitation and account-books, and where he has made an establishment of his business." Maxim of Law, the Code of Justinian, 50, 16, 203 (541 A.D.).
Anyone who says, "Yes, I have a home" becomes known as a ‘person with a home for taxable purposes’, a ‘resident with a permanent place of business’, a ‘corporate citizen’, a ‘consumer’, etc. But the bondmen of Christ are actually "home"less (Matthew 8:20, 1 Corinthians 4:11)! This is scriptural, because we are called to be sojourners (Leviticus 25:23, 1 Chronicles 29:15, Psalms 39:12).
In Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, page 645, the term homeless means "without a permanent place of residence."
Today, the word "homeless" describes some bum laying in the gutter
somewhere; that's not the homeless we're talking about. The world calls
them "homeless," but really what they mean is they're "houseless"; they
have the terms mixed up, because they have a home...it's in the gutter
or wherever they happen to be sojourning. So, we can see how the natural
man takes something clean and twists it and makes it very unclean, and
we have to be able to discern the difference when we hear these words.
Bondmen of Christ are here temporarily, we are not here permanently,
indefinitely, and without change. We are all here temporarily on God’s earth. Therefore, we are transients, sojourners, or visitors; we are not residents.
1 Corinthians 12:28-30 speaks of the gifts of the spirit, such as 'apostles', 'prophets', and 'teachers.' This is not an invitation to call yourself something, but God gives you the gift to do something. Scripture never uses the title, "the Apostle Paul," it says "Paul, an apostle." (Galatians 1:1, Timothy 1:1). We never read of "Apostle Peter," but "Peter, an apostle." (1 Peter 1:1 and 2 Peter 1:1). Equally, we find the terms 'pastor,' 'shepherd' and 'evangelist,' but we do not find anyone using these terms as a title attached to their name. He's not "Evangelist Phillip," but "Philip, the evangelist" (Acts 21:8). It's not that these are the only gifts you have, because you're only teaching when you are actually teaching. Nobody calls you a sleeper just because you sleep at night, and you probably sleep more than you teach! They don't call you a breather or an eater, and that's what you predominantly do!
If somebody asks, "Are you a carpenter?" or "Are you a painter?" you respond, "No, I am not." You can do the work of one, but you’re not that thing. The terms ‘carpenter’ and ‘painter’ are verbs, not nouns. It’s something you can do, but it’s not who you are. You can work as a carpenter, or as a painter. It’s all in the words. As means "like or similar to," but it does not mean you are that commercial entity.
Jesus, our example, never answered to those commercial designations. For example, the Jews did ask Jesus, "Is not this the carpenter?" (Mark 6:3), but notice Jesus did not answer to that fictitious title, he did not give life to it. The Jews also asked, "Is not this the carpenter's son?" (Matthew 13:55), but, again, Jesus ignored their man-made label, he avoided their fiction, and stayed in the Truth. He did not engage in the words of the world, but spoke the words of God.
The purpose of all these different legal personalities is to humanize you. If you use the words of the world...if you use the words that Caesar created...beware. You may be brought under their jurisdiction. When you go to one of these human being judges and say, "Well, I’m not a resident, person, human being, natural man; I’m not this and I’m not that," how can you say you’re not a human being yet speak like one? You’re inconsistent, so therefore, you can’t be telling the Truth. This is how the ungodly knows whether you’re speaking the Truth or not. They say, "You speak like one of us, and yet you say you’re not one of us." And they'll proceed to get jurisdiction over you since you are bearing false witness.
The World and The Kingdom Compared
Luke 9:23, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me."
In Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, page 657, Humanity means "the fact or quality of being human; human nature."
John 8:23, "Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world."
If you take on the ways of the world, there’s no sacrifice at all. Everything is "I want." What are you going to sacrifice? "Nothing, because I want it". What do you need? "I don’t know what I need, I just know that I have wants. I want this and I want that." In other words, you want to be the consumer that does nothing but consumes. "I’m here for my pleasures," that’s the attitude. That’s what the world is, a world of consumers. A ‘consumer’ is another legal personality. Consumers are locusts. If you read scripture, that’s what locusts are. That was one of the judgments that was put on Egypt (Exodus 10:12-14). Locusts devour the land (2 Chronicles 7:13), and that’s what we have today, a bunch of locusts devouring the land. We call them corporations, merchants, customers, welfare recipients, residents, etc., they’re all consumers.
Every kingdom has its particular language. In America, it is American English; In England, it is British English; In Japan, it is Japanese. Using the words of the Kingdom/kingdom to which you belong is evidence of who you belong to. For instance, when an American meets a Japanese, both speak their respective languages, and neither understands the other, they know that the other is not from the same kingdom. If you speak the language of the kingdom you belong to, and that separates you from the other man's kingdom, then God will turn the other man’s face away from you (police, judges, lawyers, etc.) because he doesn’t understand anything you’re saying.
"Any law contrary to the Law of God, is no law at all." Sir William Blackstone.
"God alone is the lawgiver of eternity". Judge Henry Clay, Crimes of the Civil War, 1868, pages 428-432.
"The law is from everlasting." Bouviers Law Dictionary, 1914, 'Maxim', page 2143. (Psalm 90:2; 93:2; 145:13).
When Christ Jesus goes looking for his lost sheep, He is looking for those who hear and respond to His voice having His Word written on their hearts, and speaking that word to Him from their hearts through their works in fullness of faith to Him, thereby bearing witness to the world that they are His. He knows who are His and those who are not of his flock.
The term ‘world’ and ‘earth’ have different meanings. Jesus certainly made a
distinction between ‘world’ and ‘earth’ when he said, "I have overcome the
world" in John 16:33. This would not make any sense if he said, "I have overcome
the earth." The "world" is the ordered things that man has
created (i.e., "law and order" or "the new world order.") Order is
already there under God's order. But order
doesn’t necessarily mean a systematizing; orders is where one tells you
to do something.
Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God."Psalms 116:15, "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints."
John 15:13, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
Revelation 14:13, "...Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord…"
Ephesians 6:4, "And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."
Matthew 25:31-34, 41, "When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand [sheep], Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand [goats, kids], Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:"Slaves and Contracts
We are bondmen of Christ, we are servants to the one who bought us, and we are "bought with a price" by Him (1 Corinthians 6:20). Going to the law of slaves, you cannot make a contract with anybody if you're a slave, and we are all slaves of Christ.
"... a slave can have no rights adverse to those of his master; he can neither sue nor be sued, nor can he make any contract or acquire any rights under a deed which either a court of law or of equity can enforce." Wicks v. Chew, 4 H. & J., 547; State v. Van Lear, 5 Md. 91."[These slaves] ..were incapable of making any contract by reason of their bondage." Bigstaff v. Lumpkins, 16 S.W. 449.
Entering into contracts with Caesar's world is the downfall of most, because most contracts are on Caesar's terms. Promises (i.e. contracts) that are made on Caesar's terms are forbidden, because all promises are to be on God's terms (Leviticus 18:2, Jeremiah 22:9).
Man's law, in this case, is in complete agreement with the scriptural principle that "No man can serve two masters" (Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13).
"Each principle is entitled to the agent's undivided loyalty, for the law recognizes 'that no man can serve two masters."' Mechem on Agency, 3d. ed., sec. 298.
"A slave and all his earnings belong to his master or owner, and he could not, therefore, make contracts which were obligatory upon himself or the person contracted with." Bedford, Trustee v. Williams, Adm'r, (1837), 5 Coldw. (Tenn.) 202.
Bondmen of Christ are slaves, or bondservants, of Christ Jesus, and therefore are bound by the same law. Being the bondservants of Christ, we have no power to contract with the strangers of our Covenant with God, unless these contracts are in accord with God's ways.
Matthew 10:24, "The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord."
Like every other system of slavery, the law making power is in the hands of the master. Who is your master, dear reader? God or man?
Question: But in our society, it's almost impossible to not make contracts!
Answer: The society you talk about is "the world," and that's the last place you want to be found. That's why God said, "Come out of her my people" (Rev.18:4). "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord" (2 Corinthians 6:17)
Question: But we live in society.
Answer: Being in society is one thing, being of society is another. That's not saying you don't witness to the world, because that's one of our purposes here, to witness to that world. But that doesn't mean you become part of the world.
Question: But if you buy a house, you have to sign a contract.
Answer: Who said that we have to buy a house? Is the mortgage company, the surveyor, or the contractor mentioned in the scripture? There's nothing wrong with having a house, but when the only way to have a house is to enter into contracts with the ungodly, it becomes obvious the Lord would not have us do that. So we have to find the alternatives, and the alternatives are in scripture.Question: But you still have to deal with them in our society.
Answer: Do you want to stay in society? Society is where the problem is. Just as where "the world" is where the problem is, and partaking of the things of the world.
Question: Well…how would you deal with it?
Answer: We don't! Did Christ deal with it? No. He avoided it. Matthew 8:20, "And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head." That doesn't mean you don't have a bed where you sleep, that simply means you do not attach yourself to those things. There's nothing wrong with having a house, it's the way you go about aquiring the house. Are you doing it according to the ways of the Lord, or are you doing it according to the ways of the world? Those aren't easy answers to give, but if you continue to walk by faith and follow the ways of the Lord, He will provide those things for you and you don't have to go chasing them by entering into contracts with others.Did the apostles deal with it? No. 1 Corinthians 4:11, "Even unto this present hour...we have no certain dwellingplace." The apostle Paul was homeless too! The apostle Paul did not "own" a house, he rented a house from time to time, depending on where he happened to be sojourning at the time (Acts 28:30).
"Society" is a creation of man. "Contracts" are mostly a creation of man. In Black's Law Dictionary, 6th edition, page 322, a contract is defined as "a promise or a set of promises constituting an agreement between the parties that gives each a legal duty to the other." This is wrong. Why? Here are two reasons.
Firstly, because our Covenant (agreement) is with God (not with the heathen), and the agreements we have with others should not conflict with that. And secondly, because we are not to make promises with anyone. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring, and to think about making a promise to do something tomorrow, when only God Himself knows what tomorrow will bring, is evil.
Matthew 6:34, "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
Every day brings its own cares; and to anticipate tomorrow is only to double them. He who neglects the present for the future is acting opposite to the order of God, his own interest, and to every dictate of sound wisdom. We must not perplex ourselves inordinately about future events, because every day brings along with it its own burden of cares and grievances.
So, how do you start walking out of society? How do we avoid contracts? A beginning is:
Romans 13:8, "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another:"
That's how you start walking out of society, by owing no man anything. Contracts bind you to owe man something. Contracts are for the heathen because they don't love one another, nor trust one another. They're always at war with each other. And when you join yourself to the world, and make obligations to the world, you must become part of the world to meet those obligations. We must go back to the old paths and walk in the good way.
Jeremiah 6:16, "Thus saith the LORD…ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls."`
Bondservants of Christ cannot enter into any contracts which would make us slaves to the heathen.
Servitude: The subjection of one person to another is a purely personal servitude; if it exists in the right of property which a person exercises over another, it is slavery. When the subjection of one person to another is not slavery, it consists simply in the right of requiring of another what he is bound to do, or not to do; this right arises from all kinds of contracts or quasi contracts. Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856, Lois des Bat. P. 1, c. 1, art. 1.
So when you enter into a contract with the heathen, you become bound to that heathen; it creates a legal duty. When the bondmen of Christ make "arrangements" with one another, we ought to phrase our words like, "I'll see you next month, by God's Grace," or, "Lord Willing, I'll do this for you tomorrow."
James 4:13-15, "...ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow...For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that."
This way, we do not make any "obligations" that we cannot keep if something unforeseen happens, such as a sickness, an emergency, etc. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, and we don't know what the Lord has in store for us. Therefore, we should express promises in this way:
Acts 18:21, "...but I will return again unto you, if God will..."1 Corinthians 4:19, "But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord will,"
1 Corinthians 16:7, "For I will not see you now by the way; but I trust to tarry a while with you, if the Lord permit."
Romans 1:10, "Making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you."
Romans 15:32, "That I may come unto you with joy by the will of God, and may with you be refreshed."
Hebrews 6:3, "And this will we do, if God permit."
Citizen: "A native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection. A civilian..." Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 1992, page 248.
Now, let's ask a question. Do you, as a member of God’s kingdom, owe allegiance to God, or do you owe allegiance to man's government? Can you picture Christ Jesus pledging allegiance to the government of Israel in the first century? No. To any government today? No. Then why should we pledge allegiance to a governmemt? Since the above definition of "citizen" is synonymous with "civilian," let us look at this definition:
Civilian: "A private citizen, as distinguished from such as belongs to the army and navy or to the church." Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th ed. 1968, page 313.
A citizen or civilian does not include soldiers or those who belong to the church! This is the Law! Why not? Because the government recognizes that one cannot serve two masters. You can owe allegiance only to one Lord. For us, that’s the God Almighty. We are not considered citizens of any country, nor are we considered civilians, because we are both soldiers (2 Timothy 2:3-4, Philippians 2:25, Philemon 1:2) and we belong to God's church, or to put it accurately, His ekklesia. Just like Jesus would not pledge allegiance to Israel or Rome, we, who must walk as he walked, cannot pledge allegiance to any country either. For the laws that all bondmen of Christ follow are contained in the Scripture. We need no other Lord over our lives. Least of all men that sin in Washington D.C. What right do sinners have to tell the bondmen of Christ how to live their lives?
"Citizenship implies political status. It may or may not confer suffrage or any other particular incident, but it does imply incorporation into the body politic." The National Law Library, published by Collier, Volume III, p.358 footnote.
"A person may be a citizen for commercial purposes and not political purposes." 7 Md. 209. [This makes merchandise of us (2 Peter 2:3)]
People: "A group of persons; the citizens or electorate of a state; human beings, as distinct from other animals. Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, page 1001,Pagan: "Heathen, rustic, peasant, citizen, civilian, district, country, landmark fixed in the earth. The Christians, calling themselves 'enrolled soldiers of Christ,' members of His militant church, in regarding non-Christians as not of the army so enrolled." Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology, (1966), pages 640-641.
Person: "In law, man and person are not exactly-synonymous terms." Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856, 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 137.
Person: "It is also used to denote a corporation which is an artificial person." 1 Bl. Com. 123; 4 Bing. 669; C. 33 Eng. C. L R. 488; Wooddes. Lect. 116; Bac. Us. 57; 1 Mod. 164.
Private Person: "An individual who is not the incumbent of an office." Black's Law Dictionary (4th ed. 1957), p.1359. [Note: followers of Christ are ministerial officers vested by Christ's Testament, and hold the office of Christ in His stead].
"Every full citizen is a person; other human beings, namely, subjects who are not citizens [followers of Jesus, the Christ], may be persons. But not every human being is a person [followers of Jesus, the Christ], for a person is capable of rights and duties, and there may well be human beings having no legal rights [legal personality defined by statute, code, rule, or regulation], as was the case with slaves in English law [or with slaves of Christ Jesus]." Black's Law Dictionary, 4th ed. 1957 & 1968, p.1300."…[A] court cannot acquire jurisdiction to pronounce a personal judgment against one who has no residence with the state, except by actual notice upon him within the state, or by his voluntary appearance. The modern law does not seek to compel appearance, but if the defendant ["person"] is properly served and neglects to appear and plead, the court will render judgment against him for default of appearance." Benjamin J. Shipman, Handbook on Common Law Pleading (1923), page 23.
"[A government is] sovereign within its own territories. Necessarily, its jurisdiction is exclusive and absolute. It is susceptible of no limitation not imposed by itself. This is the result of its independence. It may be conceded that its actions should accord with natural justice and equity. If they do not, however, our courts are not competent to review them. They may not bring a foreign sovereign [Jesus, the Christ, or His ministers and ambassadors] before our bar, not because of comity, but because he has not submitted himself to our laws. Without his consent he is not subject to them. Concededly, that is so as to a foreign government that has received recognition." The Schooner Exchange v. McFaddon, 7 Cranch 116, 3 L.Ed. 287; Porto Rico v Rosaly y Castillo, 227 U.S. 270, 33 S.Ct. 352, 57 L.Ed. 507; Oetjen v. Central Leather Co., 246 U.S. 297, 38 S.Ct. 309, 62 L.Ed. 726; Underhill v. Hernandez, 168 U.S. 250, 18 S.Ct. 83, 42 L.Ed. 456; American Banana Co. v. United Fruit Co., 213 U.S. 347, 29 S.Ct. 511, 53 L.Ed. 826, 16 Ann.Cas. 1026; Ricaud v. American Metal Co., 246 U.S. 304, 38 S.Ct. 312, 62 L.Ed. 733; Hassard v. United States of Mexico, 29 Misc.Rep. 511, 61 N.Y.Supp. 939, aff'd 173 N.Y. 645, 66 N.E. 1110; Mason v. Intercolonial Railway of Canada, 197 Mass. 349, 83 N.E. 876, 16 L.R.A.(N.S.) 276, 125 Am.St.Rep. 371, 14 Ann.Cas. 574; Wadsworth v. Queen of Spain, 17 Q.B. 171; Vavasseur v. Krupp, L.R. 9 Ch.Div. 351; Strousberg v. Republic of Costa Rica, 44 L.T. 199.
Acts 21:39, "But Paul said, I am a man which am a Jew of Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city: and, I beseech thee, suffer me to speak unto the people."
Citizen: "[See City, and cf. Cit.] One who enjoys the freedom and privileges of a city; a freeman of a city, as distinguished from a foreigner, or one not entitled to its franchises. An inhabitant of a city; a townsman. Of or pertaining to the inhabitants of a city."City: "The collective body of citizens, or inhabitants of a city. What is the city but the people?"
Cit: "A citizen; an inhabitant of a city; a pert townsman."
Citizenship: "One who, as a member of a nation or body politic of the sovereign states, owes allegiance to and make claim, reciprocal protection from its government. The term appears to have been used in the Roman Government to designate a person who has a freedom of the city and the right to exercise all political and civil privileges of the government. There was also, at Rome, a partial citizenship including civil but not political rights. Complete citizenship embraced both." Black's Law Dictionary, 3rd Edition, page 329.
Note there was no "allegiance" to government in Roman citizenship, and it only had to do with the city you lived in, within Roman territory, and it only meant protection of the city. Also, look at the next verse in Acts. It uses the term "license" (Acts 21:41). A license is a permit to do that which is otherwise illegal to do. Obviously, the license given Paul wasn't a picture I.D. which had his name, address, and so forth on it. This was only a verbal "license" or permission. We must be careful not to impose 20th century definitions on words that were used in the first century, and this includes the terms "license" and "citizen."
"Citizens are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a government for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights." Herriott v. City of Seattle, 81 Wash.2d 48, 500 P.2d 101, 109.
First of all, who is our "protector"? Christ is our shield and buckler (Psalms 91:4). Why are we looking to the State for protection? No man can serve two masters. The courts have consistently ruled that the police "protection" has to do with "property," and has no duty to protect people. To look to the state for protection is like looking to a criminal so that he won't hurt you. "Please don't hurt me." When the cop shows up at your rear view mirror, and his lights are flashing, you don't feel "protected," do you? The next time you get stopped by the police, say, "Thank you for your protection. I'm so glad you stopped me. Wow! What a relief! I felt so unprotected until you came by and protected me."
In Smith's handbook of Elementary Law, it says that "a citizen is a permanent member of the state...owes it allegiance at all times, and is entitled to its permanent protection. The status of his membership as citizen is distinguished by its permanent and personal nature and may be determined by the place of his birth, by the nationality of his parents, by his election, or by some form of naturalization."
Notice that citizenship may be determined by the place of "birth," which is why one of the first questions a cop asks you is about your birth date and birth place. And it also has to do with "naturalization." The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution says, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the State wherein they reside." There are conditional clauses there. Just being "born or naturalized" in a country does not make one a citizen of that country, one must also be "subject to the jurisdiction thereof."
This is easily explained by the following example. If an American soldier is stationed in Germany, and has a baby that's born in Germany, that baby is not considered a citizen of Germany but of America, even though that baby was "born" in Germany! Why is this? Because they are not "subject to the jurisdiction" of Germany, they are subject to the jurisdiction of America. Why? Because that is the law that the parents have submitted themselves to.
How do we, as followers of Christ, determine if we are subject to the jurisdiction thereof? A lot has to do with the words that come out of our mouth, but it also has to do with our walk. Are you truly serving Christ or are you serving the State (by partaking of its benefits)? Most people are driven to State worship because they love the "protection" the State gives, they love the things of the world. So, if you're not subject to Christ, he puts you under a taskmaster, the heathen, like he did with Israel. And that's the state of the people who live, move, and have their being in the State today; they're in captivity and don't even know it.
Just because one is born in a country it does not make one a citizen of that country; especially when it comes to ambassadors:
"Citizens are natives or naturalized. All persons born in the United States are not citizens. The exceptions are 1) children of foreign ambassadors..." Bouvier's Institutes of Law, 1851.
Bondservants of Christ fit this description. We are children of God, and we are ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20, Ephesians 6:20). Therefore, this is further evidence that ambassadors are not considered citizens of a country, even if born in that country. Also, as ambassadors for Christ, we can not participate in the politics of the nation.
To put this citizenship thing in a much simpler frame, here's a court case from 1865:
"You have heard some discussion as to the meaning of this term 'citizenship of the United States.' It has a plain, simple, everyday meaning, and that meaning you may safely take, without a definition, is that unequivocal relation between every American and his country which binds him to allegiance and pledges to him protection." United States v. Darnod, 25 Federal Case Number 14,915 page 763.
This is completely opposed to what scripture teaches, which is to "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another" (Romans 13:8). If we owe allegiance to Caesar, we not only owe something besides "love," but we are trying to serve two masters, which Christ says is impossible.
The way a word is spelled determines what Law one is under.
"The spelling of the term ‘state’ is distinguished from the terms ‘State,’ ‘State of,’ or ‘STATE.’ The state (lower case spelling) is entirely general and refers to a large group of people. "By the word State (capitalized) is meant one of the States of the American Union. Spelled otherwise, it refers to political societies or states in general." Robinson’s Elementary Law (1882), note, p.xxxiv. [Consistent with the rules of English usage].
"In the sense of the constitutional guarantee of a republican form of government, the term ‘state’ is used to express the idea of a people or political community, as distinguished from the government. And the people…constitute the state." Texas v. White, 7 Wall. 700. Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1914, State, page 3124.
Here is a United States Supreme Court ruling:
"There is in our political system [two governments], a government of the Several [50] States, and a government of the United States. Each is distinct from the other and has citizens of its own. A person may be a citizen of the United States and of a State, and as such have different rights." U.S. v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542, 23 L.Ed. 588.
And here is a State Supreme Court Ruling:
Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. § 1785: "The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a state". NY Re: Merrian, 36 N.E. 505 1441 S.CT. 1973, 41 L.Ed. 287.
And here are two definitions from federal law:
The United States is defined as "A Federal Corporation" in the United States Code, Title 28 - Judiciary and Judicial Procedure, Subchapter A - Definitions and general provisions, § 3002 - Definitions, at number 15 (a).
"The United States Government as such is fictitious and thus includes the States Government." Blacks Com. 133, Bouvier`s law dictionary, page 1215 (1914).
Also, in the Internal Revenue Code, Title 26, the United States is defined as "the District of Columbia," which is in Washington D.C. This is confirmed in the US Constitution, in Article I, § 8; the jurisdiction of the United States is "over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square)," and is also over federal territories purchased by the federal government. Washington D.C. is not a state.
"The District of Columbia is not a `state' within the meaning of the constitution." U.S. v. Virginia, 1805
Also, look at the name of the country in the Declaration of Independence. The name of the country is spelled as follows: "the united States of America." The term "united" was spelled in lower case letters, and was used as an adjective to describe America, it was not the name of the country. It is not a noun. You will see the same thing in the U.S. Constitution, which uses the term "several States" in place of ‘united States’, it was used as an adjective. And the U.S. Constitution is not the name of this document! It starts with "We the People" and ends with "the united States of America".
The name of the original Republic was "America." Notice, in all of these words and definitions of the "United States," the term 'America' is always left out . You never see the "United States of America" defined, you only see "United States" defined by man's codes, rules, and regulations. Ask yourself "why?" The reason is because the "United States" is not the name of a country, but of a federal corporation, located in Washington DC, which has nothing to do with a country. A corporation is always engaged in profit.
The bondmen of Christ are not ‘Americans’ either. In Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition. The term American is defined as, "of or pertaining to the United States." And in Oxford's Dictionary, 1933, the term American means "Belonging to the United States."
Dear reader, do you belong to "America" (or whatever country you're in)? Or do you belong to God? You cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24).
So, what "state" is the follower of Christ a part of? If you look up the word "state" in the dictionary, the primary definition is "the existing condition or position of a person or thing." The word is derived from "status," which has to do to with our "relation to others." Bouvier's Law Dictionary says it is "a self-sufficient body of persons united together in one community." The original Latin implied "the place where a person is located, to fulfill the obligations which are imposed upon him." So a state is a much more abstract concept than a nation or country, and it has absolutely no relationship to land or geography at all. From the law definition, it is possible for the Christ's assembly (church) to be its own state, and some law dictionaries explicitly say this. Thus the "separation of church and state" is merely an acknowledgement of the fact that the Christ's assembly can be a self-sufficient community entirely independent from the "body politic." There can be more than one state within a geographic territory or, like the church, a state can span multiple territories. So a state merely describes the political affiliation of a group of people, but says nothing about where they are physically located.
For the bondservant of Christ, we are in, of, and from the state of Christendom.
"Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself! There never was a democracy that did not commit suicide!" Samuel Adams.
Democracy: "That form of government where the people rule. But the multitude cannot actually rule: An unorganic democracy…naturally becomes a one-man government. The basis of the democracy is equality…but equality itself is no guarantee for liberty, nor does equality constitute liberty. Absolute democracy existed in antiquity and the middle ages: they have never endured for any length of time. And absolute democracy is anything rather than a convertible term for liberty." Bouvier’s Law Dictionary , 1914.
Democracy: "A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of direct expression. Results in mobacracy. Attitude toward property is communistic, negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequence. Results in demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy. Democracy is the direct rule of the people and has been repeatedly tried without success." Citizenship, Training Manual No. 2000-25, War Department, Washington, November 30, 1928, prepared under direction of the Chief of Staff, [A.G. 014.33 (4-28-28).], By order of the Secretary of War: Official: Lutzwahl, Major General, The Adjutant General, C.P. Summerall, Major General, Chief of Staff.
Proverbs 22:1, "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches,"Ecclesiastes 7:1, "A good name is better than precious ointment;"
A name has a life of its own. To know the name of someone gives insight into the nature of the one in question. The name is not only a label, but a description. Our modern tendency to give nicknames often is an attempt to describe someone. Knowing someone's name places him in your power; he is compelled to hear and obey when his name is called. He has to respond when his name is spoken. After all, if you call someone's name, doesn't he or she stop and turn around? In short, he whose name is known could be controlled.
The value of a name is easily seen in everyday attempts to communicate. We give things a name to avoid the need of describing the item every time we refer to it.
Capital: "Wealth (money or property) owned or used in business by a person, corporation, etc. Any source of benefit or assistance". Page 207.
Capitalize: "To print or write a word or words in capital letters." Page 208.
Capitalization: "Converting something into capital. Using capital letters in writing and printing." Page 208.
Now, compare how a "CORPORATION'S NAME" is spelled with how someone's "Proper Name" is lawfully spelled:
Capital Letter: "Used to begin a sentence or proper name". Page 208.
Proper: "Designating a noun that names a specific individual. ["Donald," and "Rover," are proper nouns, sometimes called proper names] (opposed to common)." Page 1078.
Common: "Belonging equally to, or shared by, two or more or by all (as opposed to proper)." Page 281.
Notice very careful that a capital letter is used to begin a proper name or proper noun. A corporation is not a proper noun, because it does not exist, except in fiction. You cannot touch it, see it, hear it, smell it, or taste it. It is brought into existence by a piece of paper. Corporations, in fact, can have no possible existence until it is given a name. The importance of names is thus manifest. Also, the name of a corporation is shared by two or more people, because a business cannot be incorporated unless there are two or more people running that business. So it is a 'common' name (see above definition), and is not a 'proper' name.
Now, if you look at all documents issued by the government, you will
the names that appear on them are spelled in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS!
(Please pause for a moment and look at your "name" on your drivers
license, social security card, credit cards, utility bills, bank
statements, permits, etc., right now). What this means, at law, is that
the entity that is named on this piece of paper is
engaged in capital! It is a creature of the government (now having
"legal" personality), and not a created vessel of God. In order to get a
license or other documents from the government, one must
substitute one's lawfully spelled name for a fictitiously spelled name. You must
deny the name given to you by God, and accept a name given to you by Caesar in
its place. Your name is not spelled in all capital letters, therefore, this name
is not yours! That is not who you are. And you must lie and say that this name
is yours to get a license, permit, certificate, document, etc. Dear reader, you have been re-named by those who want dominion over you; your name has been replaced! The name that
appears on all pieces of paper issued by the government is called a misnomer, at
Misnomer: "The act of applying a wrong name…to a person. An error in naming a person or place in a legal document." Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, page 867.
Misnomer: "Mistake in name; giving incorrect name to a person in accusation, indictment, pleading, deed or other instrument. Under rules of practice in some states, such is ground for dismissal by motion. In most states, however, as well as in the federal courts, such misnomer can be corrected by amendment of the pleadings." Black's Law Dictionary, 6th edition, page 1000.
"Misnomer is a good plea in abatement, for since names are the only marks and indicia which human kind can understand each other by, if the name be omitted or mistaken, there is a complaint against nobody. And…if the defendant has been arrested by a wrong name, the court will set aside the proceedings…and discharge him if in custody." 4 Bacon's Abridgment, (D) of Misnomer, and want of Addition (1832), page 7.
For those of you who believe that it does not matter how your name is spelled, and that a court will not dismiss a case in which the name of the accused is spelled in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, read this clipping from the front page of The Wall Street Journal, which is read world wide:
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT? A man said government court filings referred to him in bold, capital letters, instead of upper and lower case letters. Thus, he said, those filings were aimed at someone who is "either a dead person or a corporate fiction," not him. The court disagreed and dismissed his case." The Wall Street Journal, Wednesday, June 21, 2000, page 1.
Some people may ask you, "What's the difference if your name is spelled in both upper and lower case letters or in all caps?" You may simply reply, "One is my name, the other is not."
Occasionally, one's name is spelled in upper and lower case letters, but always with a middle initial! In Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, page 867., an initial is defined as "a capital, or uppercase, letter." In other words, an initial indicates capital, or commercial activity. In this case, the Godly name is still denied because the courts have ruled "that an initial cannot be regarded as a Christian name." Reg. V. Bradley, 3E. & E. 634. "An abbreviation is no part of the description." Reg. V. Tugwell, 3 Q.B., 704.
For example, if you abbreviate your (First Middle Last) name, so that there are only three letters total (i.e., F.M.L.), would you claim that these three initials are your name? Of course not. And neither is a middle initial a name. You were not given an initial at birth, you were given a name. An initial is given by Caesar, your name is given by God. (However, if your middle name is indeed a single letter, don't put a period after it, because that would indicate that your single letter is an initial). Therefore, a Godly name with an initial in its place is a misnomer, in law.
"We are of the opinion that the word 'misnomer', which means a naming amiss, is wide enough to cover the faulty indication of a Christian name by means of the initial. That it was not a mere case of misnomer, because the initials were no name at all." The Queen v. Plenty, Court of Queen's Bench, 4 C.Q.B. 46. Vide, Bacon's Abridgment of the Law, Misnomer.
"A person's name consists in law, of a given or Christian name, and a family surname. It has been said that a description or abbreviation [initial] is not the equivalent of a name…The Christian or first name is, in law, denominated the "proper name," and has been used from early times to distinguish a particular individual from his fellows…Originally, it was the only name which was recognized in law, and consequently, it has always been considered an essential part of a person's name. The giving of a wrong Christian or given name to a person, in legal proceedings or in conveyances, generally constitutes an error which may invalidate a judgment or deprive the record of an instrument of its effect as notice. It has been held that the law knows but one Christian name of a single individual." 57 American Jurisprudence 2d, Sections 1 and 4.
One's 'Christian name' is one's given name. A servant of Christ does not have a last name. The last name, or family name, belongs to your family. It existed long before you were born. Therefore, it is not you and it does not describe you. It is not a 'God-given name', but a name designated by your family relating, usually, to a previous craft or commercial profession, or to a parent's name, former master, or to a place of residence (i.e., "Davidson" from David's son; "Smith" from a shortened trade, such as an ironsmith or blacksmith). In addition, since a family name is a common name, shared by two or more people, and not a proper name (see definitions of 'proper' and 'common' above), it is considered an incorporated name under man's law. Thus, a family name is a corporation, it's an incorporated name, a family name is combining a group of people into a unit.
Incorporated: "Combined into one body or unit; united." Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, page 684.
In short, a family name is considered a 'legal fiction' in man's law. Your family name describes your relationship to a lineage for historical purposes, but your only lineage that is important, in Law, is that relating to our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus. That is not to say that your family is not, or should not be, important to you. But it is man's law that makes these distinctions important. They look to earthly connections to attach 'legal personality' to you. This is the mark of 'the old man' of the world, better known as a 'natural man,' 'natural person' or 'human being.' This is how they acquire jurisdiction over the servants of Christ.
Notice these three definitions taken from Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988.
Christian name: "The baptismal or given name, as distinguished from the family name". Page 249.
Family name: "Surname. A name or epithet added to a person's given name". Page 489.
Surname: "The family name, or last name, as distinguished from a given name". Page 1347.
This is why, when marriage occurs, the woman keeps her given name, but leaves her last name with her family, because her last name belongs to the family, and not to her. This is why adopted boys leave their last name with their former family and adopt, or 'incorporate', the name of their new family, but they keep their given name. This is why all characters in the Scripture (David, Abraham, Moses, Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Mary Magdalene, Judas Iscariot, Simon Peter, etc.) use only their given names, and not their family names, because last names belong to the earthly family. Even in all the genealogies of family trees listed throughout the entire Scripture, the family names are never mentioned in these genealogies! Jesus said one's true family are those who do the will of God (Matthew 12:49-50, Luke 8:21), and not necessarily those who are blood related. So, by using a last name, surname, or family name, you are stating that your conversation is of the world, and not of heaven (Philippians 3:20).
James 2:7, "Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called?"
John 18:4-8, "Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye? They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am [he]. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them. As soon then as he had said unto them, I am [he], they went backward, and fell to the ground. Then asked he them again, Whom seek ye? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus answered, I have told you that I am [he]: if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way:"
Exodus 3:14, "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."
Name: "A designation by which a person, natural or artificial, is known." A Dictionary of Law, (1893), William C. Anderson, Page 694.
"Names are the symbols of things." Bouvier's Law Dictionary, (1914), 'Maxim', page 2149.
"Names are the marks of things." Bouvier's Law Dictionary, (1914), 'Maxim', Page 2148.
"A name is as it were a note of a thing." Bouvier's Law Dictionary, (1914), 'Maxim', Page 2148.
Dear reader, are you a 'thing'? When you are asked, "What is your name?" by Caesar, and you give him a name, you are identifying yourself as a 'thing'. The name that Caesar gives is a mark, note, and symbol of 'things'. Things don't have a soul. And because a name refers to a 'thing', it does not refer to the bondman of Christ, for we are not 'things'. Nor are we 'individuals.'
Individual: "Any thing regarded as something single, as a unit. Especially a person, a human being." Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy (1996), page 272.
When you say you're a resident, you are calling yourself a 'thing'. In A Dictionary Of Law, William C. Anderson, 1893, page 886, Res is defined as "a thing, or things", and identifying the thing is something that's of the world. Res-ident = a thing identified. The bondmen of Christ are not residents; we are transients, visitors, and sojourners with Him. And residence is opposed to transient visitation.
"Residence implies something more than mere transient visitation." The National Law Library, published by Collier, Volume III, page 358 footnote.
When we "identify" only with Christ and become one with Him, we are not to be identified by the heathens as being a "resident" of their ungodly nation (2 Corinthians 6:14-18).
"The voice of the legislators is a living voice to impose laws on things and not on words" Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1914, 'Maxim.' P.2142.
"We impose laws, not on words, but upon things themselves." Black's Law dictionary, (4th, edition, 1957 & 1968), p. 1205.
So we see that all of the laws of the natural man are for their own, for their "things." This is how the 'police power' attaches to those who do not sojourn in Christ. Those dead to Christ are made after the image that created them. For example, under man's law, 'the State' is a corporation, and a corporation has no soul. Therefore, it's a dead thing, and they are dead to Christ, and they are made in the image of Caesar, because they live by all the corporate laws that Caesar creates. Corporations, or the corporate governments, always mark their property, or 'things', with 'legal descriptions.' (More detail on this later in this article, under the sub-heading 'Corporations').
§ 3.2: "Proper names are capitalized… [Examples given are] Rome, Brussels, John Macadam, Macadam family, Italy, Anglo-Saxon."
§ 17.1: "Courtwork differs in style from other work only as set forth in this section; otherwise the style prescribed in the preceding sections will be followed."
§ 17.9: "In the titles of cases the first letter of all principal words are capitalized, but not such terms as defendant and appellee."
"The parties to a suit must be specifically mentioned (Com. Dig. Pleader, C. 18), and actions to be properly brought must be commenced and prosecuted in the proper Christian and surnames of the parties." Seely vs. Schenck and Denise, Crandall vs. Denny & Co, 1 Penn., Rep. 75. Tomlinson vs. Berke et al (5 Haisl. Rep. 295). Oregon Supreme Court Record, Book No. 1, 1844-1845, page 58.
"The object of the description of persons in all legal proceedings is to identify them, or to designate their office or the character in which they are to be viewed [perceived] in the proceeding. All persons are presumed to have what is called a Christian or given name, and for the purpose of identifying parties, it is a primary rule in practice and pleading, that the full Christian name and surname should be given at length, unless averred to be unknown. Under our criminal code, as well as the old practice in this State, the Christian name of the defendant, if known, must be set out in full in the indictment or information." Gardner v. The State, 4 Indiana 632; Bricknell Criminal Practice, 84.
"If the Christian name be wholly mistaken, this is regularly fatal to all legal instruments…and the reason is, because it is repugnant to the Christian religion, that there should be a Christian without a name of baptism, or that such a person should have two Christian names...and therefore if a person enters into a bond by a wrong Christian name, he cannot be declared against by the name in the obligation, and his true name brought in an alias, for that supposes the possibility of two Christian names; and you cannot declare against the party by his right name, and aver he made the deed by his wrong name." New Abridgment of the Law, by Matthew bacon, 1846, Volume VII, published by Thomas Davis, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
So what we see here is that they have to bring these suits against you in your full Christian name, but instead, the State only addresses you in an all caps name. This is because all States are corporations, and corporations have no soul, and the only way they can bring suits against anyone is to make you just like them, by spelling your name in all caps and creating the same kind of fiction they are. That's how they join you to them. The government cannot legally communicate with you unless you are identified in all upper case letters. Since the names that appear on all government documents are fictitious names, and since the courts disregard the standard rule of law governing the use of English grammar and the correct capitalization of proper names, let us see what this fictitious name means.
Pseudonym: "A fictitious name." Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, Page 1085.
Nom De Guerre: "War name. A pseudonym." Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, Page 920.
Nom: "[French. 'name']. Used in expressions denoting a pseudonym, a false or assumed name; esp. a nom de guerre, lit. 'war name,' a name assumed by, or assigned to, a person engaged in some action or enterprise." The Oxford Universal Dictionary, (1964), page 1333.
A fictitious name is a pseudonym, and a pseudonym is a nom de guerre, and a nom de guerre is a war name! This name is both "assigned to" someone by Caesar, and "assumed by" that someone to be theirs (i.e., "oh, yes, that's my name"). When courts issue a judgment against a defendant, the Order is always typed in all capital letters and a middle initial which, according to the rules of law governing the English language, has no meaning at all! Yet, the courts are required to use the rules of English by their own Rules of Court! Why does the government convert our godly name into a war name? The reason our name is changed into a war name on all government documents is because all parties to an action during war cannot appear in their own name!
"An alien enemy cannot maintain an action during war, in his own name." See 'alien' in Wharton's Pa. Dig., Sec. 20.94. Cited in Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition, 1989, published by Clarendon Press.
Today's courts cannot deal with real people because, being bound by International Law and the Law of War, such courts can only deal with fictitious persons. Thus, all parties agree to be named with a fictitious name spelled in all capital letters, and/or with a middle initial, i.e., a nom de guerre (war name). But it's only because they are, as Oxford puts it, "engaged in some action or enterprise" ("action" has to do with war, and "enterprise" is strictly a commercial term). So to really join you to their courts, you have to be engaged in the same thing that they're engaged in, which is war or commerce (both of which has to do with plunder).
For example, all IRS forms and letters to taxpayers use a nom de guerre by the initial in the name, and regularly violate the rules of English. They request only a middle initial, not a full name, be used on all their forms (see the instructions to any IRS form).
And what is the purpose of them doing this? Any law dictionary will confirm that the purpose of these fictions is to give the court jurisdiction! But we must remember that when one is not engaged in carnal warfare (action) and not engaged in commerce (enterprise), the fictions that a court or government may attempt to attach to you will not "stick." When one walks according to the Spirit, in full faith, a line is drawn in the sand; the world and its things cannot and will not attach, by the Grace of God.
Fictio: "In Roman law, a fiction; an assumption or supposition of the law. Such was properly a term of pleading, and signified a false averment on the part of the plaintiff which the defendant was not allowed to traverse [challenge]…The object of the fiction was to give the court jurisdiction." Black's Law Dictionary, 6th edition, page 623.Fiction: "Founded on a fiction; having the character of a fiction; pretended; counterfeit. Feigned, imaginary, not real, false, not genuine, nonexistent. Arbitrarily invented and set up, to accomplish an ulterior object [i.e., to trick the unsuspecting into submitting themselves to an unlawful court]." Black's Law Dictionary, 6th edition, page 624.
James 2:6-7, "…Do not rich men [merchants] oppress you, and draw you [with contracts] before the judgment seats [courts]? Do not they blaspheme [deny, mis-spell] that worthy name [Godly name] by the which ye are called?"
Matthew 7:6, "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you."
When you give that which is holy (your Godly name) to the dogs (Caesar), and cast your pearls before swine, it will be converted into something dead of the State's creation (a misnomer, a fiction) which will give standing in its courts, because the law that the State declares is the one written in its books. Caesar gives you a name in all capital letters, which marks you like an animal. Caesar is now re-defining you in terms of 'the person' described in its codes, rules, and regulations. The other indicia are a birth date, address, social security number, etc. This is how the State courts acquire jurisdiction over you. Now it can proceed to tame you.
This "mask" itself is the thing that's defined in man's codes, rules, and regulations (i.e., person, human being, individual, business, corporation, partnership, organization, etc.). These terms are all a persona, which means "the mask of the actor" (i.e., a fictional character that substitutes for the flesh and blood man). From this word persona we get 'person,' a fictional entity created by the government. This is a necessary use of the word because Martial Law powers can only deal with fictions (i.e., persons). You're the actor when you become one of those things. You become something other than who God says you are.
Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:"
The Christ is, in deed, seen in you and does not identify with (confirm) that character on the paper offered before the court. The surety for the fictitious person is not found; and a warrant is issued under their "testament" for the pagan, citizen, patriot, infidel, natural person, human being, or other private person having that lawless character who will ignorantly stand as surety for that fiction. The fiction has no economic value without the ignorance of the followers of Christ. Please remember that fictions are not the Way, Truth, and the Life for the minister of Christ, and it is no sin to stand mute when questioned on whether you are surety for their kingdom (Matthew 27:12-14, Mark 15:3-5). Silence cannot be misquoted. However, you are mandated to confess Christ to avoid the malicious plans of men.
Always remember, Confess Christ to Avoid and Justify so you may be Excused. The technique is to confess the Law of Christ to justify your lawful act(s) and to avoid the consequences of their purported law.
A book has been prepared in co-operation with the Canadian Government to define the writing "styles" to be used in Canadian English, as well as by lawyers. The book is entitled The Canadian Style (ISBN 1-55002-276-8). According to Chapter 4 in this book, and specifically Section 4.03, Personal Names are to have the first letter capitalized only, such as John Doe. In Section 4.13 it discusses Military Terms, and reads:
§ 4.13: "In Department of National Defence documents, the specific part of an excercise name is written entirely in upper case, e.g. Exercise SILENT DEFENDER."
This is the only reference in the entire book to the use of ALL CAPITAL letters. Therefore, by inference, if Personal Names are to have only the first letter capitalized, which we have known since birth, then why do ALL CAPITAL names exist on our Government associated documents? Could it be the military connection? After all, most court cases are conducted in military courts, since we are in a state of war.
"A majority of the people of the United States have lived all of their lives under emergency rule…And, in the United States, actions taken by the Government in time of great crisis have, from at least the Civil War, in important ways, shaped the present phenomenon of a permanent state of national emergency". Congressional Report No. 93-549, 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Emergency Statutes: Provisions of Federal Law now in Effect Delegating to the Executive Extraordinary Authority in Time of National Emergency, page 1, November 19, 1973, pursuant to Senate Res. 9, pub. By the U.S. Gov. Printing Office, Wash D.C.
According to the Supreme Court, "Congress has made little or no distinction between a state of national emergency and a state of war." Brown vs. Bernstein, D.C. pa., 49 F. Supp. 728, 732.
According to the Law of Nations, "the most immediate effect of a state of war is that it activates the Law of War itself."
And according to the Law of War, "martial law is obtained during a state of war and in truth and reality, is no law at all."
Since martial law is no law at all, they are lawless. Thus, they cannot bring a Lawful minister of Christ into its courts, since he stands on God's Law. This is why the government cannot bring anyone into their courts using their lawfully spelled Godly name, and must convert it into a fictitious name. The United States is at war with its people, and to get jurisdiction over them, the government must convert them into something lawless, like 'corporations' and 'persons' for example. Governments only have jurisdiction over the lawless, and that's why they try to convert the bondmen of Christ into lawless entities by getting them to incorporate themselves, or by getting them to accept the marks of corporations, by making us sign contracts with them.
In the early 1930's, President Roosevelt extended 'emergency powers' by
Executive Order and declared all citizens of the United States, living in the
States, enemies of the United States. This was done by the simple act of
changing only one word in the "Trading with the Enemy Act" of 1917. He changed
the word 'without' the United States, to 'within' the United States. Congress
rubber-stamped Executive Order numbers 2039 and 2040 into law without debate.
Military Flags indicate Military Rule
"… A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a Yellow Fringe border on three sides. The President of the United States designates this deviation from the regular flag, by executive order, and by his capacity as Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces." 4 U.S.C., Chapter 1, Sections 1,2, and 3; Executive order No.10834.
"Placing of fringe on national flags…are within the discretion of the President as Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy." 34 Ops. Attorney General, 483 (1925).
And the continued use of a yellow fringed flag is prescribed in current Army regulations:
"…the Flag is trimmed on three sides with golden yellow fringe, 2 ½ inches wide. The [military] flag of the United States is authorized for indoor display for…each military installation….each military courtroom. " United States Army Regulations, AR 840-10, Chapter 2, October 1, 1979.
A yellow fringe flag always indicates a military flag!
As far as the flagstaff head finial being an eagle, the answer to what this means is in the United States Army Regulations, AR 840-10, Chapter 8, § 2(a)(1), October 1, 1979. When an Eagle is placed at the top of the flagstaff, it indicates, "Eagle - Presidential Flagstaff."
Dear reader, the president is the Commander in Chief of the military. If the flag of the Commander in Chief is flown in all court rooms today, this indicates that the law of that court is under the Commander in Chief! Which, again, confirms military law!
So why does this military flag fly in all Federal, State, County, and City courtrooms if they are not military courtrooms? The truth is, all government courts today are military courts. They sit in summary court martial proceedings against civilians, and are governed by the Manual for Courts-Martial. Just to clarify the question as to whether or not the people of the United States are considered alien enemies of the United States and subject to military courts, read the definition of "Enemy" in the above manual.
Enemy: "Enemy" includes organized forces of the enemy in time of war, any hostile body that our forces may be opposing, such as a rebellious mob or a band of renegades, and includes civilians as well as members of military organizations. "Enemy" is not restricted to the enemy government or its armed forces. All the citizens of one belligerent are enemies of the government and all the citizens of the other. Manual for Courts-Martial," U.S., 1994 Ed., at Art.99, (c)(1)(b), page IV-34, PIN 030567-0000, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C.
The Constitution doesn't apply in courts today, and governments can take a citizen's property without permission or due process of law, like they do under the current 'forfeiture laws,' because of the following law:
"When a citizen is arraigned before a military commission on a criminal charge he is no longer under the protection of the law, nor surrounded with those safeguards which are provided in the Constitution. The accused may be sentenced to death, and the sentence may be executed without a judge. A sentence which forfeits all the property of the accused requires no approval." 12 Op. Attorney General 182 (1867).
Does anyone want their day in 'court' now? Even the Scripture specifically says that we are not to go to courts of "law before the unjust" nor "before the unbelievers" (1 Corinthians 6:1,6). The reason is because we are to separate ourselves from the unjust. How incredible that the just should go before the unjust for justice!
Let's see where military law comes from. Read these two definitions from Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988.
Mars: "God of war." Page 829.Martial Law: "Temporary rule by the military authorities over the civilian population when civil authority has broken down." Page 830.
Now, what is the connection between military courts and contracts? This is the clincher!
"In maritime law: it is the law of that nation or country whose flag is flown. On a ship or government office or in a courtroom or wherever it is displayed gives notice by this flag to all who enter into contracts with the master that he intends the law of that flag to regulate such contracts, and that they must either submit to its operation or not contract with him." Black's law dictionary, 4th Ed., under ..flag, law of.
When a military flag is placed somewhere, it is giving notice to all who enter that all contracts within that place are governed by military law! And we have the choice of binding ourselves to that law, or to not contract with them.
Police enforce these military contracts, such as drivers licenses and
registration contracts. A military flag flies in all drivers license buildings.
Police happen to be all military, which is why they use military designations in
all of their positions, such as Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Colonel, etc. You
might ask, "Can someone be part of a police department and still be a servant of
Christ?" Well, is the policeman there as a minister of God to thee for good, or
is he there for the benefit of the state and to meet a quota? If he's there as a
minister of God, and you're doing the Will of God, and he sees that in you, he
won't write out the ticket. He won't do anything that will violate the Word of
God because he himself recognizes a brother doing the Will of the Father. But if
he's an ungodly man he will write out the ticket and will basically say, "I'll
let the judge sort all this out." Which means he didn't recognize the Truth when
it was brought to him. His faith was in the State, not in the Word of God. His god is the god of war...Mars.
Matthew 7:14, "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."
This is the minimum contact doctrine. The way is narrow and difficult.
2 Corinthians 6:14,17, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,"
Revelation 18:4, "...Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins."
Minimum Contacts: "A doctrine referring to the minimum due process requirement for subjecting a non-resident civil defendant to a court's personal jurisdiction. The defendant must have sufficient contacts with the forum state." International Shoe Co. v. State of Washington, 326 US. 310, 66 c.c. 154, 90 L.Ed. 95.
That gives a very good definition of what minimum contacts are, which is, if you're partaking of their system they have jurisdiction over you. It's just that simple. If you're partaking of their plagues, they're going to take a look at you and see how infectious you are.
Now, servants of Christ are 'non-residents' to the 'forum state' (Caesar's world) known as 'The United States.' It is important to avoid these 'minimum contacts' with the 'state', for it will bring you under the 'court's personal jurisdiction'. If anyone has these 'minimum contacts' with that 'forum state', he will be looked upon as belonging to that state and be fully regulated thereby.
You see, we are not affected by the words in man's law, unless it can be shown that we are connected to them in some way. If it cannot be shown that we have these "contacts" with them, it cannot be proved that those words are binding upon us.
“No person is to be affected by the acts or words of others unless connected with them, personally or by those whom he represents or by whom he is represented." State v. Beaudet, 54 Conn. 541 (1885).
Some examples of 'minimum contacts' are as follows: any government identification, drivers license, social security number (also called Social Insurance Number in Canada, or S.I.N. for short); voter registration card; free delivery of mail to your home, business, or Post Office box; bank accounts and loans; credit cards; government or corporate employment; insurance policies; automobile registration; property registration; or any other token of a benefit, privilege, immunity, or opportunity from the opposition (the unclean things), will contradict and nullify your Godly witness. When one accepts a benefit of the State, one accepts the control of the State as well.
Now, when you read these things, you might say, "Man! How am I ever going to get out from beneathe it? I can't operate without all those things." Well, that's a lie. The world has just convinced you that you can't do anything without them. And, of course, when we really look at them and put the Word of God next to them, we understand that they're not of God, but they're of the world. And, as bondservants of Christ, we cannot attach ourselves to those things because they're not of God. The reason is, the name on all such instruments, being a nom de guerre, is a fiction. Such is certainly not a Godly name. You may profess to be a servant of Christ all day long, but the evidence of your actions, the bitter fruit in your billfold or purse, says that you are not a disciple looking to Christ for salvation, but a humanist looking to the State for safety and approval.
All of the minimum contacts mentioned above, and many others, are commercial in nature. That commercial nature is what brings you into their jurisdiction. It is 'presumed' by Caesar that you are within 'his' jurisdiction. But all presumptions are rebuttable, if you can evidence that you are not the 'person' they presume you are. A presumption cannot be rebutted if you have the political ties to the government, such as those listed above. The reason it cannot be rebutted concerns the maxim of law, "No man can serve two masters." In other words, Caesar says "if you look to us for your rights and privileges to do an act, we are your absolute master; you belong to us and you will do as we say." God gives us everything we need, we don't need benefits and privileges from man. If you apply for benefits and privileges from the government, you are a 'natural person' in their eyes, and will be treated as such.
"Those applying for benefits from civil government may be classed as 'natural persons.'" Public health Trust of Dade County v. Lopez, Fla., 531 So. 2d. 946, 948.
So when you go to government for some kind of benefit from them, you are a natural person in their eyes, you are the natural man of scripture (1 Corinthians 2:14, "...the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God"). This being the case, why would any bondman want to stay in commerce? The answer is, because they do not take God's Word seriously. Even when it is pointed out, time and time again, that Scripture opposes such practice, they will first look to find some way around the clear meaning of the Scripture, rather than repent of their error; for the current life of most 'Christians' is just far too comfortable, convenient, and makes the "good life" easy. This is the real reason why there is a reluctance on their part to repent.
And as long as they accepts "benefits" from the government, they cannot free themselves from the yoke of allegiance (bondage) to the government:
"Allegiance is a duty owing by citizens to their government, of which, so long as they enjoy its benefits, they can not divest themselves." Military Government and Martial Law, William E. Birkhimer, Major, General Staff, U.S. Army, 1914, page 64).
"...brings benefit to every citizen of the United States, whether he lives in city or country." United States Postal Policy, by Clyde Kelly, a member of the Post Office and Post Roads Committee in Congress (1931).
"When it is said that a valuable consideration for a promise may consist in a benefit to the promiser, 'benefit' means that the promiser has, in return for his promise, acquired some legal right to which he would not otherwise have been entitled." Woolum v. Sizemore, 102 S.W. 323, 324.
In short, free mail delivery service is a benefit, the use of which places one into a commercial venue, and thus surrenders a legal right to the government, which it would not otherwise be entitled to, i.e., an unalienable right. People often say, "Well, I have my unalienable rights!" But what they don't understand is that 'unalienable rights' is a term created by man, and anything that man creates he can give and he can also take away. And what he has determined on unalienable rights is that unalienable rights are surrendered when one enters into commerce.
Unalienable: "Incapable of being transferred. Things which are not in commerce as, public roads, are in their nature unalienable. The natural rights of life and liberty are unalienable." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914), page 3350.
Unalienable: The state of a thing or right which cannot be sold. Things which are not in commerce as, public roads, are in their nature unalienable. The natural rights of life and liberty are unalienable." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1959), Vol.2, p.610.
Unalienable does not mean you can't lose them, but one can voluntarily opt for something else (i.e., a free benefit from the government), thereby changing ones status from unalienable to alienable, in commerce. When you are outside the Lex Mercatoria (Law Merchant, commercial laws), then you have what they call 'unalienable rights,' but what they're saying is you have God given protection. In other words, the natural man cannot regulate you because you're under God's protection, but once you start partaking of Caesar's benefits then he becomes your master. When you receive a benefit from him, there is a duty attached to it, and he'll make sure you provide that duty to him. If you receive a benefit, the government expects a return from you. Thus, the Income Tax Return is the money they collect from you for the 'services' they are giving you at your request. Again, this is commercial activity.
Let's examine the concept of a 'benefit' in Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988.
Benefit: "Profit." Page 129.
Profit: "Gain, advantage, benefit." Page 1074.
Income: "Gain or benefit received." Page 683.
Capital: "Any source of benefit." Page 207.
Merchant: "A person whose business is buying and selling goods for profit." Page 843.
Commercialize: "To make use of mainly for profit at a sacrifice of other values." Page 280.
Mercury: "God of commerce. Cleverness. Thievery." Page 848.
By accepting a benefit, one is receiving gain, capital, income, and profit. If you're receiving a profit, you are a merchant, which means you are engaged in commercial activity, which means you are a thief, because you are making a profit at a "sacrifice of other values." And if you are sacrificing Godly values to make a profit, you cannot serve God.
Matthew 6:24, "...Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
The term mammon means "riches, wealth, or material gain." If you are serving mammon, you are serving the god of commerce, Mercury, and you'll be subject to regulation under the commerce laws (the lex mercatoria).
Hosea 12:7, "He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loveth to oppress."
Revelation 18:23, "...for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived."
Additionally, once someone accepts a free benefit from the government, it is considered a 'quasi-contract'. In Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, page 1101, a quasi-contract is "an obligation, equivalent to a contractual obligation, created by law in the absence of a contract, to prevent unfair gain at the expense of another." Quasi-contracts involve gain! As discussed before, we cannot engage in contracts because this brings you out of your Godly venue and into a commercial venue, as the following cases show:
"But to whom may the quasi-contract attach? In order for a quasi-contract to attach, a benefit must be conferred upon the defendant by the plaintiff. The defendant must have displayed an appreciation of the benefit so an to make it inequitable for him to retain that benefit without payment for the value of the benefit." Moll v. Wayne County, (1952), 332 Mich. 274, 50, N.W. 2d 881.
"A person confers a benefit upon another as respects liability in quasi-contracts for restitution if he gives to another possession of or some interest in money, land, chattels, or chooses an action; performs services beneficial to or at the request of another; or in any way adds to the other's security or advantage; and he confers a benefit not only where he adds to the property of another but also where he saves the other from expense or loss." Olwell v. Nye & Nissan Co., 173 P.2d 652; Chandler v. Washington Toll Bride Authority, 137 P.2d 97.
As you can see, there is a quasi-contract involved when you accept the benefit of free mail delivery, and the government has to prevent unfair gain (from you) at the expense of the Postal Service, which is why they become attached to you under the guise of a quasi-contract. In addition, it does not matter if the statutes enforcing quasi-contracts upon the people are constitutional or not, because once one has accepted its benefits, one voluntarily waives all the protections of the Constitution (if you look to it for protection), because rights cannot be taken away by law, it can only be voluntarily waived by consent. This is proven in the following United States Supreme Court Cases:
"The Court will not pass upon the constitutionality of a statute at the instance of one who has availed himself of its benefits." Great Falls Mfg. Co. v. Attorney General, 124 US. 581; Wall v. Parrot Silver and Copper Co., 244 U.S. 407, 411-412; St. Louis Malleable Casting Co. v. Prendergast Construction Co., 260 U.S. 469.
So once you partake of a particular benefit that a statute is offering, you cannot challenge it and say, "Well, you know, I've got my constitutional rights! You can't do this to me!" Well, once you partake of the benefits of that statute, you give it life because you've entered into a quasi-contract with the government, and your so-called constitutional rights (if you look to them) are null and void.
An example to illustrate this is the use of a zip code. Under the U.S. Postal laws:
"Zip codes may be omitted from pieces mailed by the general public." Domestic Mail Manual, § A010, 1.2(e).
As you can see, zip codes are voluntary. And the United States Supreme Court has ruled that by using a zip code, you have surrendered protections of the Constitution (Maxwell v. Dow, 176 U.S. 581). So, by using a zip code, one has voluntarily waived rights secured by the Constitution. Since there is not a law requiring you to use a zip code, the government is not forcing you to waive your rights. You are waiving your rights of your own free will (self-will), or out of ignorance.
You might ask, "But how is receiving a harmless thing like free mail delivery service contradicting the Law of God? How am I sacrificing Godly values?" Well, in addition to the verses already mentioned in this article, which we won't repeat, we will show one other thing. To receive free mail delivery, one must have an address. An address uses numbers forced by the government (i.e. the house number, street number, box number, zip code number, etc.). The Scriptures forbid the use of such numbers for identification.
Here are two scriptural examples, one from the Old Testament, and one from the New Testament.
In the Old Testament era, King David gave a command to number the people (1 Chronicles 21:2). Joab warned King David that he would "be a cause of trespass to Israel" if he numbered the people (verse 3). But King David numbered the people anyway, knowing it was a trespass against them (verse 4). God was displeased with King David for numbering the people, so God smote Israel (verse 7). David admitted he sinned greatly (verse 8), and because the people themselves willfully took numbers from their government, God sent a plague upon those people and 70,000 were killed (verse 14) [See also 2 Samuel 24 for a parallel account].
In the New Testament era, we are told that governments will, likewise, try to mark all people with a number. God says those who take this mark will be punished by Him (Revelation 14:9-11; 16:2; 19:20). [Note: the term "beast" is defined as the government of a people; specifically as kings (Daniel 7:17, Revelation 17:10-12), and kingdoms (Daniel 7:18,23, Revelation 16:10) that have power to make war and kill (Revelation 11:7; 17:14)]
Basically, by MARKing your house with a number, you are placing a number issued by the government on your house, which marks it as their property. All addresses are defined as commercial in nature under man's law. And putting "in care of" on an envelope that has an address on it will do no good either. We are "in care of" the Lord. If we are in care of some address, we are saying we are in care of Caesar, since Caesar created the address.
In addition, numbers are a fictitious creation of the State, just like fictitious names are. According to the rules of law governing the English language, all numbers must be spelled out. This is why all numbers in the Scripture are always spelled out (with the exception of chapter and verse numbers, which are not part of the original texts, but were added by man later for reference). That's why on dollar bills, you see the amount of the dollar bill spelled out completely (i.e., FIVE DOLLARS). If the writer of a check does not spell the amount of the check completely, the bank will not cash that check, because it is not a lawful document until all numbers are spelled out according to the law.
So what is the alternative to receiving free mail delivery service? We
simply go to to post-office ourselves and pick up our mail there, which
is kept behind the clerk's desk. This is what they did up until the
Civil War; the outside of the envelope had just three words; a name,
city, and state. It would be delivered to the main post-office of that
city, and the people would go there to pick up their mail.
"Man has been created by, in, and for, the Word of God, and this makes him the being who is responsible. Masses, collectives, and species have no responsibility; they are not capable of assuming responsibility." 10 Rep. 32 b.
To settle the question as to whether States are corporations:
"All States whatever are corporations." Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 Dall.(US) 419, 468, 1 L.Ed. 440.
To settle the question as to whether all corporations are dead under the law, and if all corporations have no souls:
"They [corporations] cannot commit trespass nor be outlawed nor excommunicated, for they have no souls" 10 Rep.32 b.
Corporations are, therefore, dead to Christ. Those who put their trust in the State are just like it - dead to Christ. Those who put their trust in corporations are, likewise, dead to Christ. When you join yourself to corporations, you are joining the living to the dead (i.e. you're joining yourself to the dead). Human beings, persons, residents, individuals, citizens, civilians, and corporations are all the same under the law, they're all considered 'things.' They are all considered 'dead'... spiritually dead.
Psalms 115:8, "They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them."
There you have it. If you trust in something that man has made, you are made like to his image. Do you trust in the State? Are you the image of Caesar? Or are you the image of Christ?
Hosea 8:6, "...the workman made it; therefore it is not God."Isaiah 17:7-8, "At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel. And he shall not look to the altars, the work of his hands, neither shall respect that which his fingers have made..."
So, if the workman made it, and it is not God, it must be dead, because there's no life breathed into it by God himself. Corporations are made by man, so corporations are not God. The laws regulating corporations are made by man, so those laws are not part of God's Law. If their laws are not of God's Law, those corporations are not of God, and we cannot put our trust in them.
Under federal law, the "United States" is defined as a federal corporation [see 28 U.S.C. 3002 (15)]. Now, since the United States is a "federal corporation," anyone who is a 'citizen' of that corporation, i.e., a 'citizen of the United States' or a 'US citizen,' becomes incorporated themselves. When you become incorporated, you are considered a 'corporation', a 'person', or a 'natural person', with no soul. You are dead in law. Therefore, you cannot be a minister of God if you're dead and have no soul, both spiritually and physically speaking.
"Human beings are called 'natural persons' to distinguish them from 'artificial persons' or corporations. To acquire the status of artificial or legal personality, the group seeking it must be incorporated, i.e., must obtain a formal state license. In modern civil law, while incorporation is necessary for some purposes, chiefly in commercial law, a group of persons, acting as a unit, may be treated as an artificial or legal person." Warren Co. v. Heister, 219 La. 763, 54 S.2d 12." Radin, Law Dictionary (1955), page 249.
Notice that "a group of persons acting as a unit may be treated as an artificial person." If you use a family name, you are part of a group of people acting as a unit, and, therefore, you are no longer a servant of Christ in the eyes of government, but a member of a corporation with legal personality! Governments only have the power to regulate commercial activity and ungodly persons, because both are condemned in Scripture. Now, for clarification, labouring as a workman and getting paid compensation for your labor is Godly in the eyes of God. It is only when the motive is to make a profit (i.e., "for filthy lucre sake"), when you focus on just the gain of money aspect, that God disapproves of.
When you sign a piece of paper to a name in all capital letters, you stand as surety for that fictitious entity created by the State. Similar to how a man stands as surety for his corporation (meaning, if the corporation does something wrong, the man will go to court and answer to the charges against his corporation). This is what you do when you stand as surety for that fictitious name on that license issued by the State. But the Scripture is clear that we are not to stand as surety (Proverbs 6:1-2; 11:15, Romans 13:8), At 2 Kings 18:23,31, the people refused to stand as surety (pledges) for their king (government). Remember, the courts have jurisdiction over the 'person' (fictitious name, corporation, etc.), but not the 'surety', until the two become one flesh by merging together.
Look at any Church on any block, you will see the name of the Church spelled in all capital letters, which designates it as a 501(c)(3) commercial corporation, that is advertising for business. But the corporation may say, "We still haven't accepted the mark of the beast on our hand or forehead!" But can they, as a corporation, buy or sell without the numbers and fictitious names, add or remove anything from 'their Church' without a permit number, conduct any transaction without an account number, send their children to a public school without a Social Security number, get their plumbing, electrical wires, or TV fixed, or do even the most mundane thing, without it all being numbered and tracked commercially? The answer is obviously, No!!! If you look to the ways of the world, you can't do anything without a number anymore.
Think for a moment. You've already accepted a mark without which you cannot
buy or sell anything! Do you really need a mark on your hand or forehead when
you have already volunteered to carry one in your pocket??? No one forced you to
take it. You volunteered for it, because the same commercial Church leaders
you've always listened to told you to obey all authorities, and both you and
they thought that meant obeying even ungodly laws, codes, ordinances, rules,
statutes, and regulations.
Traffic Laws - Voluntary or Mandatory?
2 Peter 2:3, "And through covetousness shall they with feigned words [in their law books] make merchandise of you:"
Proverbs 12:6, "The words of ungodly men are crafty; but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them."
There are only two types of laws in existence; mandatory and voluntary. The way you can tell if a law is mandatory or voluntary is very simple. If it is voluntary, your signature is requested, a contract is required. If it is mandatory, no signature or contract is required.
For example, do you sign a piece of paper saying you will not kill anyone? Or steal from anyone? No. These are mandatory laws, and don't require your permission or signature to enforce them. Mandatory laws don't require a contract. Mandatory laws don't require your signature. They only require the presence of your body for enforceable action against you.
When you are asked to sign a piece of paper, it must always be done voluntarily. To illustrate, let's use an example of a signed confession. A signed confession must be done voluntary. If a policeman took you in a back room, put a gun to your head, and threatened to kill you if you didn't sign a piece of paper, that paper would not be signed voluntarily by you.
Now, the same applies to every piece of paper. If any man threatens you in any way to sign any piece of paper, then it is not signed voluntarily by you. Additionally, if anyone says to sign something, and threatens to take your car, or take your house, or fine you, or put you in jail, if you don't sign it, then this paper is not signed voluntarily. It is signed under threat, duress, and coercion.
Now, think of every time the government asked you to sign a piece of paper. Does the government threaten you in any way? Do they say, "If you don't sign this paper, then we will do (threat) to you?"
For example, does the government say to you, "If you don't put your signature to a drivers license, registration, and these insurance papers, well then, we will have to do some terrible things to you. When we pull you over, we will take away your liberty by arresting you and throwing you in jail, steal your car by impounding it, and extort your money by fining you. And if your kids are in the car with you, we'll take them from you and put them in a foster home, and if your pets are in the car with you, we'll bring them to the humane society and have them terminated. And, oh yea, we'll cancel your library card!"
Yes, they do threaten you like this. Why does Caesar have to
intimidate you into signing papers? Because there is no law requiring you to
sign anything! Are deceit and threats compatible with the character of God? (Lamentations 3:22-25).
If there was a law requiring you to do something, no signature would be required! If there was a law stating you were required to sign something, then this would mean they can use force, "legally," to get you to sign anything they want. If they can use force legally, then you are not signing a contract voluntarily. So, that police man who took you in the back room and "held a gun to your head" (threatened you), he would be doing his job legally by forcing you to sign a piece of paper. There is no law which forces you to sign a confession, but it makes it a lot easier to prosecute you if you do sign something "voluntarily." There is no law requiring a signature from anyone, but it makes it a lot easier for the government to convert you into something that you are not.
When you sign a drivers license (or, for that matter, any paper from the government), this signature is not required by law. For they 'ask' you for your signature. If it was the law, your signature would not be required. Only contracts and permits require a signature. Governments only have the right to regulate commerce, and commerce is regulated by contracts, licenses, and permits. These are all voluntary. This is why the government must force you to accept a mark identifying you as being engaged in commercial activity.
For example, are you engaged in 'traffic'? The following definitions are from Bouvier’s Law Dictionary of 1914.
Traffic Regulation: "Prescribed rules of conduct to promote the orderly and safe flow of traffic". [What does traffic mean?]
Traffic: "Commerce, trade, sale, or exchange of merchandise, bills, money, and the like. The passing of goods or commodities…. The subjects of transportation… See Commerce". [What does transportation mean?]
Transportation: "The movement of goods or persons from one place to another, by a carrier". [What is a carrier?]
Carrier: "Individual or organization engaged in transporting passengers or goods for hire". [To hire someone means to get paid for services.]
Commerce: "The exchange of goods…buying, selling…Intercourse by way of trade or traffic".
Stop Sign: "A legally erected and maintained traffic signal requiring all traffic to stop before entering into or crossing an intersection."
Traffic lights and stop signs are to regulate those engaged in commercial activity. However, this does not mean you can freely run these signals and signs without stopping first! For obvious reasons.
Notice that "traffic" is never, ever defined as what we normally associate it with...cars on the road. Traffic is defined as trade in man's law. In the scripture, "traffick" is also defined as trade! Trade means gain, profit, and riches.
1 Kings 10:15, "Beside that he had of the merchantmen, and of the traffick of the spice merchants."
Isaiah 23:8, "Who hath taken this counsel against Tyre, the crowning city, whose merchants are princes, whose traffickers are the honourable of the earth?"
Ezekiel 17:4, "He cropped off the top of his young twigs, and carried it into a land of traffick; he set it in a city of merchants."
Ezekiel 28:5, "By thy great wisdom and by thy traffick hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches:"
Notice that traffic (trade) increases riches, which begets pride, which is considered iniquity (Ezekiel 16:49). Here are a few cases which spell out who are, and who are not, required to hold a drivers license and registration:
"The Motor Vehicle Act (Stats. 1913, p.639) is not unconstitutional…in that it requires professional chauffeurs, or drivers of motor vehicles for hire, to pay an annual license tax, but exempts all others operators of such vehicles from such tax and regulation." In re Stork, (1914), 167 C. 294.
"A chauffeur…is one who is paid compensation for his services." Hunton v. California Portland Cement Co. (1942), 50 C.A. 2d 684, 123 P.2d 947.
A license is "a permit granted by an appropriate governmental body generally for consideration to a person, firm, or a corporation to pursue some occupation, or to carry on some business, which is subject to regulation under the police power." Rosenblatt v. California Board of Pharmacy, 69 Cal. App. 2d 69, 158 P.2d 199, 203.
Is exercising God's Law "subject to regulation under the police power"? When God commands you to go from place to place and do Godly works, are these Godly works "subject to regulation under the police power"? Are the way you do these Godly works "subject to regulation under the police power"? No! Only those engaged in a business or occupation are subject to them..
Mercury: "Merchandise. A Roman deity…the god of trading and thieving, the presider over roads." Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, Revised and Edited by C.T. Onions, Volume I, page 1235.
Notice traders and thieves are on an equal basis here. And this is why commerce must be fully licensed, regulated, and taxed. Thieves deal in speculation (i.e., inflation, deflation, market trends, etc.), to derive benefit in the form of gain or profit to the detriment of the public. To accept a drivers license means you are engaged in commercial activity, which means you are a trader and a thief. You cannot serve God and money (Matthew 6:24). One who takes a license must serve "another" master, since the ruling law is now that of the Roman god, Mercury, who is the presider over roads, traffic, traders, merchants, and thieves. But our Creator says:
Exodus 20:3, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
And you can be taken to jail for not worshipping the god of commerce, Mercury, with your sacrifices (money offerings). It's all about money. They are trying to charge us with a crime, right? What is a charge? To charge is to demand a price for a record of debt, or of something borrowed (scripture prohibits both debts [Romans 13:8, Nehemiah 5:3-5] and borrowing [Deuteronomy 15:6; 28:12]).
And where is this charge paid? At the bank! And where is this bank located?
Bank: "A judge's seat; also, a court sitting for the decision of matters of law." A Dictionary of Law, by William C. Anderson, 1893, page 109.
When you are taken to jail by the 'road patrol', these jails are engaged in commercial activity. They make money for each prisoner they have in their jails. The motive is profit. However, without a name, address, birth date, birth place, social security number, signature, etc., the COUNTY is not able to bill the STATE for the cost of keeping you in their facilities! So, they will most likely release you to avoid losing 'profit'. This is their great weakness. If they feel they can't steal anything from you, they'll leave you alone.
2 Peter 2:3, "And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you:"
The State is trying to make merchandise of you by bringing you out of your Godly venue and into a commercial venue, and their means of doing this is with "feigned words" and by the deceptive definitions of the words they use. Since, under the Law of War, it is legal to deceive the enemy, we must expect that all government officers will use deceit to get what they want, which is to compel their own (and the followers of Christ) to serve Caesar, and answer to fictitious words which describe them as those 'persons' who are engaged in commercial activity, who are spiritually dead, and who have no souls.
Remember, those who seek "benefits" from the government are seeking the "favour of rulers," but scripture says:
Proverbs 29:26, “Many wait on the favour of rulers; but justice comes to a man from the Lord.”
Human Laws: "Laws which have man for their author, as distinguished from divine laws, which have God as their author." Borden v. State, 11 Ark. 519, 54 Am. Dec. 217, 220. Law Dictionary with Pronunciations, by James A. Ballentine, 1948 Edition. Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, Rochester, New York.
The office of the Christ denotes a ministerial act of execution; doing, acting, carrying into effect, or "fulfilling the law." If you are under grace and not under God's Law, what office do you occupy, and whose Will do you execute? Because all offices are under the law that created them. And if you're not under God's law, what office do you fill? All offices are in law, and the Will is the Testament establishing the office.
Isaiah 8:16,20, "Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."
This is the yardstick by which the followers of Christ judge all law. Any purported law which has not this purpose is a lie and is no law at all. It falls short of the standards set by God. Even the laws of man agree with this Truth:
"Any law contrary to the Law of God, is no law at all." Sir William Blackstone.
"God alone is the lawgiver of eternity". Judge Henry Clay, Crimes of the Civil War, 1868, pages 428-432.
"The law is from everlasting." Bouviers Law Dictionary, 1914, 'Maxim', page 2143. (Psalm 90:2; 93:2; 145:13).
Yes, this is in harmony with the Sacred Scriptures, which declare:
Acts 5:29, "Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men."
Isaiah 33:22, "For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us."
James 4:12, "There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?"
Jeremiah 17:5, "Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man."
Psalms 118:8-9, "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes [governments of men]."
Psalms 146:3, "Put not your trust in princes [governments of men]."
Ecclesiastes 12:13, "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God [not man], and keep his commandments [not man's commandments]: for this is the whole duty of man."
Hebrews 12:8, "But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons."Job 5:17, "Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty:"
What is the purpose of man's law? It is God's rod of correction. God uses man's law to chasten His people. God uses heathens to chastine His people.
Psalms 125:3, "For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity."Psalms 106:39-48, "Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions. Therefore was the wrath of the LORD kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance. And he gave them into the hand of the heathen; and they that hated them ruled over them. Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand. Many times did he deliver them; but they provoked him with their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity. Nevertheless he regarded their affliction, when he heard their cry: And he remembered for them his covenant, and repented according to the multitude of his mercies. He made them also to be pitied of all those that carried them captives. Save us, O LORD our God, and gather us from among the heathen, to give thanks unto thy holy name, and to triumph in thy praise. Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting: and let all the people say, Amen. Praise ye the LORD."
Ezekiel 31:11, "I have therefore delivered him into the hand of the mighty one of the heathen; he shall surely deal with him: I have driven him out for his wickedness."
Ezekiel 39:27-28, "When I have brought them again from the people, and gathered them out of their enemies' lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations; Then shall they know that I am the LORD their God, which caused them to be led into captivity among the heathen..."
So, even though you may be righteous and you're following His ways, as soon as you put your hands into iniquity, "the rod of the wicked" (that's His rod) will be there to drive you back to Him.
2 Samuel 7:14, "I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son. And when he happens to transgress, then will I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the sons of men:"Even though we're His son, if we walk away from His Law, He will use "the rod of men" to chasten us and drive us back to Him. Gentile and Pagan armies may be God's armies. For example, the Chaldeans who destroyed Zion are called "His army" (Joel 2:11); the Assyrians are called "the rod of mine anger" (Isaiah 10:5); and the Medes under Cyrus are termed God's "sanctified ones" and "mighty ones" for His anger (Isaiah 13:3,17). Likewise, Jacob (i.e. the nation of Israel) is the Lord's "battle ax" and "weapons of war" that He uses to chastise other nations (Jeremiah 51:20).
Proverbs 22:15, "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him."
It is foolish to partake of the ways of the world, and "the rod of correction" will drive that from us. What's interesting is that scripture shows us how God will use the ungodly as a rod of correction, but the natural man doesn't realize that they're there for His purpose. Isaiah 10:5-15 shows that even though God will use the king of Assyria to drive His people back to Him, the king doesn't know it. He boasts about how powerful he is and attributes everything to himself, but he's actually God's rod of correction, just like all governments are.
What is the purpose of God's rod of correction?
Jeremiah 5:3, "O LORD, are not thine eyes upon the truth? thou hast stricken them, but they have not grieved; thou hast consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to return."So, we see His rod of correction is to return us to Him. And we also see from this passage that there are many who will not be driven back to Him by it. But don't despise His chastening.
Proverbs 3:11-12, "My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth."It is important to understand that the purpose of God allowing "Caesar" to be in power is to test and prove His children, to see if they will keep the Laws of God or the laws of the heathen (Judges 2:21; 3:4).
Ephesians 4:17-18, "This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles [the natural man] walk, in the vanity of their mind [reason], Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance [of not knowing the Power of Words] that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:"
So we really have to look to the Lord for everything and He will remove that blindness of the heart. "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God" (1 Corinthians 2:14), therefore his heart remains blind.
We know that the governments of men exist to keep the 'low and lawless forms of humanity' from doing violence to all, including themselves, and as our Father's rod of correction for His children. God uses Caesar to regulate corporations and the natural man. Corporations and ungodly men do not live by God's Law, thus they are both 'low and lawless' in the eyes of God, and in the eyes of man, and to control them, they must be under some kind of law, or there will be anarchy. Without the law of God in you, a regulatable personality must be created to protect others from you! This is the purpose of legal personalities.
Therefore, if you use the words of the world, or do the deeds of the world, they will perceive you to be of the world, and Caesar will acquire jurisdiction over you. To avoid being regulated by Caesar, all one must do is avoid the things of Caesar and fully partake of the things of God.
To become able to identify the things that are Caesar's, and thereby avoid them, we will reiterate that Caesar has no-thing but an image, and it is that image that gives the power unto him. That image is only established and kept alive by those who live, move and have their being in that distorted image. If you're a 'thing', you're not made in the image and likeness of God, but you're made in the image and likeness of someone else who put his seal on you, who does his own will instead of the will of Almighty God. Labels are one of those things to bring a bondman of Christ into the house of bondage to the world (Galatians 2:4; 5:1, Hebrews 2:15, 2 Peter 2:19). In short, that which is outside Christ are the things that belong to Caesar, and are the things of death.
Labels are images, as was the superscription on the silver coin shown to Christ (Mark 12:15-17). Here, Christ said, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." In this example, the Lord's answer requires everyone to make the determination as to what belongs to Caesar and what belongs to God. Since the Scripture says, "The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts" (Haggai 2:8), that means, in truth, the silver coin shown to Jesus belonged to God. The substance of the coin itself was part of God's Creation. However, those who look to Caesar for their well-being will believe this coin belongs to Caesar instead. They don't look at the substance of the coin, they only look to the image on the coin.
If you worship that image, then everything you have belongs to Caesar, including the substance. Jesus was showing the blindness of the people who were looking to the image of Caesar, and not to the substance of the coin; and that's why they all marvelled at him (Mark 12:17). Jesus spoke the Truth, that truth being...if you look to Caesar you're going to render unto him; if you can only see the superscription, the image, the outward, the flesh, then you're going to render unto Caesar.
It is those people who keep that image alive, and it is that image which gives power unto Caesar. We are not to partake of the image of Caesar. For those that do not, "Death is swallowed up in victory" (1 Corinthians 15:54) in the Lord. Look to His image only and all the hidden and veiled images will disappear.
2 Corinthians 3:16-18, "Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away. Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."Colossians 3:1-2, "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
Wisdom of Solomon 6:11, "Wherefore set your affection upon my words; desire them, and ye shall be instructed."
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