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Am I Unique? Browser Fingerprinting

ClickForAfricaMay 27, 2018, 8:15:47 PM

I'm always pleased to come across new privacy tools, especially when they are a genuine effort to help improve privacy, and not just a crippled sample of some 'premium product'. 

https://amiunique.org/ is a tool that will analyze all your browser metadata and tell you if your configuration is unique. As of this writing, they have 712450 fingerprints to compare, so it's a pretty good indication. 

They also have a browser plug-in which you can use to track changes in your fingerprint. This helps amiunique.org to gather more data and make their analysis more accurate, and more generally gives them a larger sample for their research.

The research question we investigate is: how can we automatically reconfigure a users platform to fuzz the device fingerprint in a realistic manner? The degree of realism is important to prevent users of our solution to be detected as such. The collection of a large base of real fingerprints will allow us to tune our solution towards platforms that are as different as possible yet not distinguishable as "strange" configurations.  

It's hosted on GitHub.

Well worth a look if you want to improve your privacy and at the same time help to improve the privacy tools available to us.