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What is BEAT Project?

tinhkhuatJun 4, 2018, 11:41:23 AM

What is BEAT Project?

Everyday we generate billions of data points about our health and fitness - when we do sports, when we visit the doctor or when we track our nutrition. Yet, we barely scratch the surface of its potential. How can we use it to our own physical and financial advantage? How can we allow others to create value with it while remaining in full control? Imagine an incorruptible safeguard for your data that seamlessly connects you with all the institutions, companies and people that can help leverage it. Introducing BEAT: a state-of-the-art blockchain platform that safekeeps your health and fitness data and lets you share it with sports sponsors, talent scouts, doctors and many more to unlock its vast potential - one heartbeat at a time.

From wearables to fitness apps to your personal trainer, the amount of available data is staggering. Health data is valuable, not only for individuals, but for companies and gyms who use that data to refine and improve the services they offer. However, the current system is broken. Data points are fragmented between apps, doctors offices and individuals, and there’s no way to unlock the hidden potential of this data. The health and fitness industry is in the stone age when it comes to using, protecting and sharing information. At BEAT, we hold the key to revolutionizing the health and fitness industry. In concert with our NoExcuse app, we’re making it easy to create and share fitness data. The development of the BEAT ecosystem will give users, companies and data consumers the freedom to sell their data the way they choose, all while protecting the security of that data by using blockchain technology. We envision a future where people are rewarded for staying active, where companies have the power to reward their employees for going to the gym, and where data consumers, like medical researchers, have the ability to buy users data and advance the next generations of research and development.


The BEAT Concept

Our Ecosystem is developed in order to improve the way that data is shared and stored and to incentivize staying active and living a healthy lifestyle. A user downloads the NoExcuse app, and then goes to practice sports or go to the gym. After the sport session, users get rewarded with BEAT tokens proportional to the exercise they do. Users can also earn extra BEAT tokens by syncing the app within the 3,000 Magicline sports club partners, so they can sell their Sports Data. Once the user has earned enough BEAT Tokens, they will be able to redeem those tokens on marketplaces like bedarf.de or on crypto exchanges.

Companies offer incentives for their employees to go to the gym. This will possibly result in healthier, more productive, engaged employees, and less likely to miss work for a sick day. The current ecosystem doesn’t allow these companies to track their employees gym usage. By implementing the BEAT ecosystem, companies will be given the ability to reward their employees for working out and to subsidize gym costs by paying sports clubs directly in BEAT tokens.

2. The BEAT Token

The BEAT Token will give users access to services on the BEAT blockchain. When you access your health and fitness data on the BEAT blockchain, you’ll pay the BEAT foundation and the application or platform where your data is stored for access by using BEAT Tokens. The costs for access to anonymous data in the BEAT Blockchain will be lower than those for personalized data.

3. The BEAT Contract

Everyone using the BEAT ecosystem can create smart contracts between themselves. Initially, this will be a simple contract that outlines the duration and amount of data that you give a data buyer access to. In later stages, and depending on legal compliance, users and consumers will also be able to create contracts that outline uses of the data shared and the benefits that for sharing it. These benefits could be in the form of services, enhancement of contributed data, additional data of interest or anything else the Data Consumer and Data Provider agree on.

4. The BEAT Blockchain

The BEAT Blockchain holds the health and activity data of users and data consumers to verify the data stored and track transferred BEAT Tokens. It will also store data about the BEAT Contracts.

5. The BEAT Stakeholders

The BEAT Blockchain connects three important groups in the health and fitness space: Data Provider (users going to the gym, doing sports, and logging them in the NoExcuse App Data Consumer (companies, researchers, insurers and advertisers) Trusted Third Party (TTP) (the platforms where user data is transferred and stored) We will try to engage key representatives of each of these groups in the BEAT Foundation so that they can mutually work out the best solution for all parties. The following description of the functionality reflects the current status of the plans of MySports GmbH. MySports GmbH does not promise to realize these ideas exactly in the way as described herein. There are many technical, legal, organizational issues as well as stakeholder requirements that may change the logic, the functionality and the set-up. The BEAT Blockchain is built to enable the Data Providers to store their health and activity data in an anonymous and encrypted way in the BEAT Blockchain. Data Providers will have their own wallet that contains the only available private key to decrypt and access their stored health and activity data in a comprehensive way. This means that even if the encryption would fail, the data would be useless as it cannot be associated with any Data Provider. Health and activity data to be stored must be already available to be shared in an electronic form shall be generated by digital tracking devices (e.g. scales, wristbands, electrical resistance measuring devices) or other eligible equipment

BEAT Blockchain's Feature:

Facilitate Sports and Talent Sponsoring - billions in sponsorship money are waiting to be spent on target.

Any sponsor, be it parent, friend, employer or insurer, can reward their targeted sportsperson for verified sports activities with the ease of a fingertip.

Any sponsor can create sport challenges and delegate the objective verification to the BEAT Blockchain. This can start with a simple bet between a sportsperson and a trainer moving to a worldwide challenge for training most with new sport equipment.

The rewards stipulated in the sponsoring contract can be a contractual obligation settled outside the BEAT Ecosystem or be the transfer of BEAT Tokens, settled directly by the BEAT Ecosystem, making BEAT Tokens the reward exchange token of sports.

Targeted Advertising

Insurance Companies are able to reward a healthy lifestyle

Supporting medical research and development

Providing physicians and physiotherapists with a truly comprehensive view of health and activity data

The BEAT Token Sales Infomation:

Symbol: BEAT

Hardcap: 35M EURO

Max token supply: 5 Billion BEATs

Max circulating supply: 3.5 Billion BEATs

Tokens for sale: 3.5 Billion BEATs

Token price: 0.019 EUR

Blockchain Specifications: ERC20 token

Decimals: 18

Token sale ends: 15th July - 13:00 UTC

For more information:

Website: https://beat.org/

Whitepaper: https://beat.org/beat_whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/beattoken

Twitter: http://twitter.com/@beattoken

Facebook: https://facebook.com/BeatToken

Author: tinhkhuat

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1885373