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pat4cryptorealJun 5, 2018, 3:17:06 PM

UHIVE is an incipiently remodeled ground breaking social network platform utilizing physical dimension. Filled by the conventionally expanding number of web-predicated social networking users and their dynamic online conduct, UHIVE is presenting another gregarious experience and taking it higher than ever, in line with the reconciliation of cutting edge portable processors crosswise over contrivances, a developing potential has integrated to UHIVE's amendment of cutting edge convivial network platform.

With a vision to plenarily correct and take the lead to the prospective destiny of gregarious networks, to amend the lives of users with an innovative and pleasurable social experience, UHIVE intends to surpass desires and offer prosperity to all users. This prosperity is predicated on the fact that UHIVE team took their time to assemble the best implements available in the world of technology today such as the cutting edge Artificial astuteness, and Blockchain technology coupled with their ardency for steady development and a lifestyle of commitment that has availed UHIVE to launch another gregarious networking age.

UHIVE represent Gregarious networking liberation for everyone.

Over the precedent year, users conduct via web-predicated networking media keep on engendering, achieving a caliber that empowered them to bear past neighborhood or social limits, enabling them to apportion users engendered content and appreciate different highlights.

UHIVE is pushing another edge of long range interpersonal communication, which will give more than the conventional collaborations of sharing media or remarks on pages, it will give another approach to users to investigate and optically discern data through their faculties. Dissimilar to other gregarious network platform, which restrict users to hunting down keywords, paramount words and hashtags so as to fire up another revelation peregrinate for arbitrary points; UHIVE will give users the chance to stroll through abysmal spaces and agnize in vogue groups worth investigating.

UHIVE have what is termed ‘civilized world and grey world’ and other fascinating components that are integrated into the platform as follows:

⦁ The civilized world is a socialized system represented by rules and enforced directions. All the identities are genuine; individuals can link up with their families and companions, and meet others. It is a system which is open and affected by outside components, for example, governmental issues, social standards, and ecumenical regulations. It signifies that everyone connected in the civilized world, is able to visually perceive and apperceived each other very well.

⦁ Whereas in the Grey world, individuals can decided not to expose their identities and locations. This can be achieved utilizing the hybrid Blockchain technology present in UHIVE platform. In this way, users are not constrained by gregarious norms, politics or ecumenical regulations. It is decentralized.

⦁ UHIVE token which can be commensurable to the natural gold. The token is distinctive, convenient, unmistakable and, in particular, recherche. UHIVE Tokens will be the exchanging cash for items and administrations inside the two macrocosms.

⦁ Artificial Perspicacity technology herein is to offer adscititious estimation of spaces, traffic, and the audience influx on the platform. The space is a physical location that will have a price annexed to it, and people can trade spaces or sell utilizing UHIVE token, just like our landed properties can be sold. The location of the space is withal of great consequentiality and many other amenities that can boost the worth of such space.

⦁ Users can integrate to the economy of UHIVE connecting with other users, and equipollently posting and sharing media. The more people you invite and connect with, the preponderant. For every media post, and shared media, the utilizer receives a reward in the UHIVE Tokens which in the long run can be traded for fiat currency like USD, GBP, EURO, JPY etc. With this singular accomplishment, UHIVE will contribute greatly to solving the abysmal challenges of human need.

⦁ Human needs are abysmal; the UHIVE interpersonal organization will enable individuals to do sundry things: acquire money, set up another advanced life, investigate things you never kenned subsisted, have a great time, mingle, meet incipient individuals, and substantially more.

In our customary online experience, you require to have certain number of adherents to establish your presence in order to withal have access to certain content of your desire. This is a great circumscription, because one may not be so opportune to have his circle of friends or colleagues all online for followership to increment but on UHIVE convivial platform, adherents is not a do or die affair. All desired content is at your finger tip for exploration.

What Makes the UHIVE Platform outstanding ?

⦁ It offers users with a beautiful background, utilizing the physical dimension.

⦁ It has a grey world where anything goes, you are sanctioned to be yourself, and users are absolutely unknown!

⦁ It has a self-maintained economy. It is not depending or any third party to sustain its economy.

⦁ An astonishing virtual authenticity

⦁ The first convivial network controlled by artificial astuteness.

⦁ A crossbreed of Blockchain system utilizing the very finest of centralized and decentralized system.

Technology employed:

UHIVE Team responsible for this feature has proven prosperous experience of 15years and counting. The application will be built on the Amazon AWS backend for the purport of security, durability and expeditious ecumenical performance. CDS will additionally be utilized for more expeditious content distribution and streaming.

Utilizer interface: simplicity is the word for the utilizer interface. Very much more facile than Facebook and Instagram though with fresh and more advanced system for users to discover.

⦁ It withal have face detection capabilities

⦁ Object detection

⦁ Video detection technology to dissever every component of such video from faces, sex, mode, objects and scene.

⦁ Behaviour detection.

⦁ Sentiment analysis etc. thanks to the decision to integrate Artificial Astuteness into Uhive platform. (for adscititious details refer to: http://uhive.io/)

Application development: the Network will be out in two phases, first is the Uhive token, and then followed by the mobile apps which shall be available for android and iOS platform.

Market Capitalization: having read the numerous fun and earnings available on Uhive platform for its potential users, in a matter of time, Uhive platform will become tp leading Blockchain platforms ecumenically hence there will be high authoritative ordinance of Uhive token to be able to remain connected. Uhive token will grow and be accepted at a very high rate in the next five years.

In summary, UHIVE is offering liberation on gregarious network like never afore. . It is not circumscribed for users with PCs but as long as you have a mobile phone, you are an eligible utilizer. It is a platform for fun, business, socialization, earning of mazuma, communication, chat, explore, learn for people anywhere and at any time etc


Website: http://uhive.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/uhivesocial

Facebook: https://facebook.com/UHIVESocial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/UHIVEsocial

AUTHORED BY: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1025357