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Social Media 2.0 - The One Network

i7claufe2Jun 6, 2018, 6:17:29 AM

Social Media and Social Networks have become the greatest evolution since the internet was invented. It keeps improving and improving and not the other way around. Since it's invention, Social media and networks have gone a long way and it had made it's way to be a part of most of the population's daily lives.

With that said, It is now time for the next step of evolution. The One Network will use the Blockchain Technology to guarantee privacy in the New Social 2.0

ONe Social Network.

Bringing it all


ONe Network uses the latest in Blockchain and Dapp Technology with built in privacy and control features to deliver Privacy in the new Social 2.0.

About ONe

Blockchain-based technologies and cryptocurrencies have the ability to revolutionize the way people interact on social media, making the entire process more secure through self-governance and individual ownership of data. Social media is a hallmark of today’s world, generating hundreds of billions of interactions each day. However, most channels where these occur are owned by companies and outside interests, which harvest them for information and often retain all rights to use media developed and posted. Despite involving aspects of our public and private lives, there is little clarity over what is truly public and confidential data in today’s social channels.

ONe is a new social network that uses the latest technologies to provide a wide range of services that are digitally secure and private for our users. Combining the latest in Blockchain and Dapp technologies with built in privacy and security features. ONe gives customers the ability to control their data and privacy on a level never before seen.

ONebit Token is an ERC20 compliant token that will be used within our ecosystem to reward Content Creators and Users alike.


Blockchain-based technologies and cryptocurrencies have the ability to revolutionize the way people interact on

social media, making the entire process more secure through self-governance and individual ownership of data.

Unfortunately, looking at the 3.77 billion Internet users — 2.79 billion of whom already use social media — we find

that just 3.2 million are currently engaging with cryptocurrencies. This creates a significant disconnect between

capability and likelihood of true privacy because no mass market service has generated enough interest to reach

mainstream adoption.

This GRAPH will show how Social Network improved through the years;

Share of internet users in the United States with accounts on selected social media platforms as of February 2018, by age group


Social media is a hallmark of today’s world, generating hundreds of billions of interactions each day. However, most

channels where these occur are owned by companies and outside interests, which harvest them for information

and often retain all rights to use media developed and posted. Despite involving aspects of our public and private

lives, there is little clarity over what is truly public and confidential data in today’s social channels. At the same time, a growing interest in the financial and logistics sectors has pushed blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies to buzzworthy status, without creating much knowledge or adoption from average Internet users. Bitcoin

has become a media darling with limited use cases and applications, while the Ethereum platform provides

greater capabilities and support but is relegated to understanding by those with a pre-existing interest in the

space. There is no current standard privacy system or cryptocurrency used for regular interactions or the regular exchange of value in the day-to-day lives of average citizens. Blockchain has the potential to create both a decentralized, secure, and private social network with tokens supporting trade in a safe way that maintains user control of their information. The interest of ONe is to use blockchain and other associated technologies to develop a social network specifically designed to maintain core privacy with a reliable, secure, and private Token as well.



Ecosystem Development


Advertising and Marketing


Security Review and Audits




Legal and Compliance


Consulting Services




Token Sale


Reserved for ONe Platform Use and Rewards


Reserved for Founders, Team and Advisors


Reserved for Token Sale Bonuses


Pre-Sale and Main Token Sale

OBT Decimals: 18

Token Sale and Pre-Sale Supply: 125,000,000

Initial total Token Supply: 250,000,000

Token Allocation:

20% reserved for team and advisors (50M)

6-month cliff with a 24-month vesting period

20% sold during Token Pre-Sale (50M)

30% sold during Token Sale (75M)

Up to 5% reserved for Bonuses and Referrals (12.5M)

25% is reserved for Ecosystem Rewards and Use (62.5M)

Onebit (OBT) Distribution: Tokens will be distributed upon completion of TGE and will be locked until TGE and

Audit are complete.

Unsold OBTs: All unsold OBTs will be either moved to Ecosystem reserve supply or burned over time.

OB Token Utility:

Onebit (OBT) Tokens will exist in both a staked and unstaked form. Staked tokens will exist solely within the

ecosystem and will provide users with ONe platform functionality. All unstaked tokens will be available inside

or outside of platform.

All Onebit (OBT) Tokens will allow Users to purchase content, goods and services in our Marketplace as well as

exchange value between one another.

Onebit (OBT) Tokens will allow users who turn on or opt-in to participate in ad campaigns to be rewarded for

their participation with OBT.

Onebit Tokens will be used to reward content creators for bringing value to the ONe Network and creating a

reward system for both users and creators.

Pre-Sale Stage


Token Exchange:

June 12, 2018 - June 29, 2018

Equivalent to $.20

Currency Accepted:

Token Distribution: Tokens will be distributed

after TGE and locked until

Audit is complete

Pre-Sale Minimum: None

Purchase Minimum: Equivalent to $100

Maximum number of Onebit available in Pre-Sale

Pre-Sale pricing

Minimum purchase requirement

Pre-Sale dates

Token distribution

Pre-Sale goals


1 ETH = (calculator will base on $0.20 cents US for 1


$100 equivalent

June 12, 2018 to June 29, 2018

Onebit Tokens (OBT) will be minted and held in

Onebit wallet and distributed after the TGE is complete

and will be locked until the audit is complete.

No specific minimum goals will be set, but we will

define a maximum of 50M OBT.

Tiered Contribution Bonus Structure:

$225k: +40%

$100k: +33%

$50k: +27%

$10k: +23%

<$10k: +20%

Use of Pre-Sale Funding

ONe will turn presale funding into a revenue source for the further development of our ecosystem (see our Roadmap)as

well as marketing for the Main Sale of our TGE. Our goal is to advertise to users, investors, and those interested

in cryptocurrencies through a variety of direct and content marketing arms, as well as social media.

Funds distribution breakdown is subject to vary based on technical needs identified by our development team as

well as the success of individual marketing efforts and channels.

Main Token Sale Efforts

ONe will use the established TGE structure to support a variety of purchase options for Onebit, initially focused on

conversion from Ether, Bitcoin, Litecoin and PayPal (treated as fiat currency). Through an advanced wallet, we hope

to grow coinage and exchange options quickly during our presale stage to support more interest from consumers

and contributors.

Token Sale


Total Hard Cap:

July17, 2018 - Sept 12, 2018

$ 37,000,000

Currency Accepted:

Bonus Structure:

Day 1: +15%

Day 2: +10%

Week 1: +7%

Week 2: +3%

Week 3-8: None

Maximum number of Onebit available in Main


TGE pricing

Minimum purchase requirement

TGE dates

Token distribution

TGE goals


1 ETH = (calculator will base on $0.40 cents US for 1


$100 equivalent

July 17, 2018 to Sept 12, 2018

Onebit Tokens (OBT) will be minted and held in

Onebit Wallet and then distributed after TGE is complete

and will be locked until the audit is complete.

Minimum: 10M OBT sold. Maximum set at 75M OBT.

Minimum Goal

10,000,000 Onebit Tokens sold

One Network has strategically set a minimum goal to efficiently and securely develop Onebit Token and ONe

Networks Platform.

If our goal is not met, all investors will be refunded through our smart contract, minus any funds that were

liquidated for marketing and other expenses.

To know more about The One Network,

You can visit the following;

Website - https://www.onesocialnetwork.io/

Whitepaper - https://www.onesocialnetwork.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/V-1.6-ONe_Whitepaper.compressed-1.pdf

Twitter - https://twitter.com/ONeSocial_Net

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/The-ONe-Network-215684259015103/?modal=admin_todo_tour

Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/user/ONeSocialNetwork/

Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/one-social-network/

Telegram - https://t.me/joinchat/Ho-YFg43JkoeeC-fuDfw9g

Written by;

Bitcointalk Profile - i7claufe

Bitcointalk Profile URL - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1719874

ETH Address - 0xc38a4feFC0D2B94686F4E512952e8FB985FeA1B0