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I hate band wagons/alcohol

YayoJul 17, 2018, 9:44:03 PM

I never quite could quite grasp why people jump on band wagons. 

Let us use the Star Wars Prequels (disclaimer: I am not a SW Fan, but I like them just fine as Sci-Fi) as an example. 

Don't get me wrong, there are legitimate reasons to not like them, but sometimes it feels like people hate them just because it is popular to do. Can't they form their own opinion? 

Or hating "Let it go" from Frozen. Are you being sincere, or are you just hating it because of sheep mentality? 


Another thing I don't like is alcohol. Why do people drink it in such excessive amounts? I've heard people actually tell me that they drink it to have fun at parties or other get together's. You can't have fun without alcohol? Your life must be pretty pathetic and joyless then, huh? This is, by the way, why I don't attend any party. Why should I go somewhere where everyone is more focused on shooting their brains out with Wodka-Cola or other disgusting brain-cell killing substances, and who only talk in slurring ways, or start to aggressively attack me for being a "Party-Pooper". Oh, I am sorry Mister "I-can-drink-two-whole-bottles-of-Everclear-and-can-still-drive", why don't you tell that to the little child who has no daddy any more because you drove him of the road while pretending to be Speed Racer. You are not a Demon on wheels though, you are an awful piece of shit. Have fun in court...after you have recovered from your hangover, of course.

More often than not, people drink until they are unable to pronounce words and then rely on me to drive their sorry-ass back to their apartment, so that they can release all that liquid into the toilet-bowl (from the same opening it came in, in the first place). Why drink, if you just puke it all out anyway? Not that it matters, you wont remember anything the next day anyway. How was the party Paul? Can't remember it, huh? What is the point in attending a party to have fun, if you wont be able to remember it?

For me, Alcohol is for people unsatisfied with their life, but als too lazy to change anything about it. So they drink their sadness away, and flush down their brain in the process. 

Good Job. You are now "cool". 

Was it worth it?  

I got no response.

Tombstones can't talk.

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