I really freaking hate the toxicity with which a lot of gamers approach their online gaming experience. It is like they forgot how to behave like proper human beings, and instead turn into complete idiots with mashed potatoes for brains. Can I not play a single match without having people on my team scream at me how much I suck, or what a noob I am? Well, douche-bag, maybe if you stop screaming at me like you scream at your 4 month old daughter when she is hungry, because you are too lazy to get up from your chair to feed her, maybe then I can actually improve. But noooooo. This "get gud" mentality, or whatever, is driving me insane. What do these guys think? That I should be able to master a game within an hour?
Another thing that eats through my nerves like maggots chew through rotten meat, is that there are actually people who complain that others play on the "easy" difficulty. Sometimes going out of their way calling them "not-real-gamers" or similar things. Excuse meeeee Princess. But If I don't feel like dying at the same Boss for the millionth time, then I don't feel like doing that. I play Witcher on the lowest difficulty. So what? Why do you care? Play on your ULTRA-HARD-NOSCOPE-XxXPussySlayerXxX-Mode all you like, I just want to experience the story. ( >д<)
I am sorry about this little rant, but I needed to get this off my chest.
PS: If you find any grammatical errors in the text above, you can keep them. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
PSS: Why is there not an Online Multiplayer version of JackBox? How are friendless jerks like me supposed to play your games?