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thegraceyAug 25, 2018, 8:31:09 PM

Howdy everyone, today the advancement makes with a staggering rate and the universe of digital money types of cash is growing rapidly it is essential for cryptographic money owner,investors,analysts and everyone in the cryptographic money to get data, examination and information to remain up with the most recent of current event happening in the consistent crypto space, Lately, a steadily increasing number of ICOs are being launched. Lately, a steadily increasing number of ICOs are being launched, and consequently, there is an increase in problems that plague these kinds of investments, such is the mistrust that potential investors have in the Crypto-Asset industry, because it’s somehow hard to differentiate between a legitimate and illegitimate ICO project. As a result, even high quality and legitimate startups or existing companies struggle to have a successful ICO.

This calls for many stages of verification and due diligence to ensure that an investment is sound, well-organized and have general quality assurance. As a Crypto-Assets writer and enthusiast, it’s a must to carry out research/due diligence in validating the legitimacy of an ICO project before writing on or recommending it. I have a number of questions I ask and things I look out for in an ICO project before I could give such a project a yes-yes. One of the things I look out for is “the Goals, the Team and the Partners” of the project. And in this particular ICO project I’m writing about, it’s a yes-yes. Trust me, this is a great project.

I personally have done a lot of digging on KuBitX token and I am yet to find any major red flag that would make me give up on investing in their ICO. Knowing how much the core members of the team have sacrificed to build everything from the ground up gives me more hope about the company as a whole. KuBitX a revolutionary exchange project which is aimed at doing way more than most exchanges offer today reputation speaks for itself and is strongly supported by various facts and by real business model that works every day. By investing in the project you can be 100% sure of the reliability of your investment, as you invest into business with real assets and real people.

KuBitX is a unified cryptographic money trade. Building the most developed and powerful Trade motors, a standout amongst the most secure, quickest and hearty stage today. Established by a Team of result driven experts working in the best fortune 500 organizations and one of the "huge four" counseling firms.

Right now, establishing every one of the frameworks and linkages to center the KuBitX trade as a vehicle to open up appropriation and monetary incorporation for the developing markets.

This diversion changing stage won't simply be another charge producer, in reality all exchanging expenses will be paid utilizing our token. We will never charge expenses in different cryptographic forms of money except if the client doesn't have our token which will be anything but difficult to gain in our trade. We are here to give straightforward administrations to our clients; never trading off the honesty of clients' information.

Advantages of the KuBitX platform


Our stage is extremely adaptable, prepared to acknowledge new highlights to enhance the experience of our clients.


Our token is at first in light of the Ethereum square chain. We intend to begin our own chain sooner rather than later, which at that point will be exceptionally helpful for some cases, for example, the most well-known issues of social, collective, authoritative and administrative exercises in creating nations.

Low expenses.

Our stage brings focused level exchanging expenses, which will even be less expensive and more advantageous utilizing our tokens.


We directed broad benchmarking with the present stages, which enabled us to step forward, in addition to our security group originated from the best associations.

Biological system.

As solid professors in measure up to installment biological communities, we trust that conventional money related frameworks will in the long run be supplanted to a limited extent in view of the persistent infringement of trust, oversight and developing state funded instruction.

Minimization of dangers.

Our technique with a few mark wallets and chilly stockpiling will limit the effect of our dealer's assets. We have consolidated different systems to anchor financing on our stage.

Token Details


2018/07/16 — 2018/08/31

Token : KBX

PreICO Price :1 KBX = 0.00011 ETH

Price : 1 KBX = 0.00011 ETH

Bonus :Available

MVP/Prototype: Available

Platform :Ethereum

Accepting :ETH

Minimum investment :0.25 ETH

Soft cap :10,000 ETH

Hard cap :25,000 ETH

Country :Malta

Whitelist/KYC: KYC & Whitelist

Restricted areas : USA, China

Token distribution:

2% bounty and airdrop

3% consultants

16% public

20% kubitx investment fund

23% founders and team development

36% before public distribution of funds

5% partnerships

7.5% legal

12.5% ​​operations

15% technology

15% promotion marketing

15 reserves 30% liquidity


1. Q4 2017

Project Initiation:

Project feasibility study;


2 .Q1-Q2 2018

Project Engagement:

We building our Team;

Legal process for incorporation in Malta;

Whtepaper creation first draft (Business);

Angel/Seed Investor Engagements;

Token creation;

Community building.

3.Q3 2018

Project Execution:

Platform design & development;

Whitepaper updates second draft (Technical add-on);

Complete technical designs with Partners;

Launch KuBitX Channels Ambassadors (Flagship countries);

Complete Prototype;

End of Seed Investments;

Start Private Round;

Operations Team Set-up;

Exchange Testing and Soft Launch.

4.Q3-Q4 2018

Project Execution (Contd.):

End Private Round;

Exchange Go-Live;

Token Generation Event (TGE);

Global Promotions (Hackatons, Lauching of Blockchain Incubators across 5 Flagship countries);

Bounty Programs;

Full Operations commence.

5.Q1-Q4 2019/2020

Project Add-ons:

KuBitChain- KuBitX Exchange now on the KuBitX Blockchain;

Phase 1: Financial Services Platform integration with KuBitX;

Platform re-design;

Continuous Improvement.

For more information:

Web: http://www.kubitx.io/

ANN bitcointalk :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4628365

Whitepaper: https://kubitx.io/KuBitX_Whitepaper_v1.1_En.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kubitx

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kubitx/

Telegram: https://t.me/kubitx_official

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/KubitX/

Author: thegracey

BTT Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2073243