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The Problem with Refugees Worldwide

electronicoffeeOct 20, 2018, 7:37:32 PM

This is the problem. In an article today about the Guatemala this woman claims "You know why we come to mexico.. violence, no jobs" Well who's fucking problem is that? Not Mexico. Not the USA. Fix your own damn problems. If your government is corrupt, rise up. If you don't have local businesses, organize and invest, if you don't have food, build some fucking farms and suffer a few months until you have a fresh crop yield. The problem is all these 'refugees' across the world don't want to enrich their own communities. They don't want to fight tooth and nail for THEIR OWN LANDS to be better. It's not the first world's job to take you all in and give you free food, money, clothing, education, etc. CLEAN UP YOUR OWN YARD. FIX YOUR OWN HOUSE. Don't come LEECH off another country because you haven't' take the time to have a revolution (peaceful or violent) in your own country. If you don't want to 'stand up and fight' for what's yours, then just deal with life in your country or find a way to legally immigrate. Sometimes people have to throw their bodies on the wheel to change their shitty society to bring themselves into the first world. Most of these countries have corrupt leaders or lawmakers who rob the public of taxes and US / Foreign Aid and the people don't see a fucking dime of it- so hold those people responsible. Whether through voting or violence or protest, it's YOUR JOB to CLEAN YOUR OWN HOUSE. "Clean Your Room" applies here (thanks Jordan Peterson). Don't come move into my bedroom or my house because you don't want to clean your own shit up. That's why I have zero sympathy, even for war refugees because if you got time to run away with your family, you got time to fight back and keep your state/country from falling from shithole status to a total dystopia. If you're not willing to fight for your own country/civilization/culture and vote/force out the assholes in power, then why are you gonna come here and gain the benefits of OUR Society when WE had to go through that already. WE had the revolutions and fixed our countries, we enacted laws and changed, while it's not perfect, it's better than most of the world and if we can do it, you certainly can. TAKE SOME FUCKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN SLICE OF THE WORLD. If you don't like how shit is going, then CHANGE IT, if not, I have very little (or no) sympathy for you. The first world already BANKROLLS the 2nd/3rd world's nations and that's more than we should be doing, but even that's not good enough for these people. Bringing in immigrants from areas that have shitty leaders and bad policies is only a bandaid on the problem- because the people coming here will just be a drain on society's resources (which  ARE FINITE) and their shithole country will STILL be a shithole producing more refugees  we're going to be guilted into taking in again and again like a cycle #IMMIGRATION #ILLEGAL #REFUGEES #POVERTY #SOCIETY #FACTS #BORDER #SECURITY #ASYLUM