According to T.W.E., Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and 8 spy agencies colluded to abuse FISA and interfere with your 2016 United States elections. 7 of them are foreign agencies. Images, diagrams, tables, and sources below.
EQUAL justice under the Law? Or are some people ABOVE the law?
The TRUTH hurts but will set you FREE?
Is it unethical to abuse FISA for personal gain or for political gain? Or is it illegal? Or is it both unethical and illegal? Under the Law, what are the penalties for abusing FISA?
• The_War_Economy (T.W.E.) at
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On April 10, 2019 United States Attorney General (A.G.) William Barr declared that he thinks "spying did occur" against Donald Trump's campaign.
• Alternative 1
• Alternative 2
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After the FISA abuse was public knowledge, all 8 Directors of those 8 spy agencies either SUDDENLY resigned, SUDDENLY left, or somehow SUDDENLY no longer serve. For example, Hannigan director of the UK spy agency GCHQ SUDDENLY resigned within days of President Trump's inauguration in 2017. Why? Well maybe because after his inauguration Trump had access to all the information about who approved the FISA abuses? In other words, Hannigan's immature behaviors were exposed. Also most of the 8 Directors gave suspiciously similar reasons. Such as one of their relative having health issues. In other words, it is both the "SUDDENLY" and the "REASON" that are suspicious. In the past most Directors served for years then resigned after a long scheduled normal departure. One of them "SUDDENLY" leaving for unusual "REASON" around the same time would be normal, two still normal, three would be unusual, four would be suspicious, all of them is very suspicious. It stinks? Did those 8 Directors were involved in unethical, or illegal behaviors. As a result it was an great embarrassment for their country? And instead of courageously taking ownership of their immature behaviors, they choose to cowardly cover-up their immature behaviors? Again it is maybe just a coincidence that 8 Directors of spy agencies allegedly involved with FISA abuse SUDDENLY left around the same time for unusual reason?
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For those not familiar with spy agencies, they are also known as intelligence agencies.
For those not familiar with FISA, it means "Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act". A United States federal law about very very very hard, if not the hardest to get approval for physical and electronic spying (surveillance). Because a FISA Court warrant is the highest level of splying authority any court can grant. Also FISA requires that spying be conducted based on PROBABLE CAUSE to believe that the target of spying is a terrorist. "Probable cause" means a critically important principle behind the most basic law standard to LIMIT the power of authorities to perform RANDOM or ABUSIVE spying. FISA also requires either a U.S. Search Warrant or a Court Order. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) oversee FISA. Did FISC fail their overseeing commitment? Or was FISC lied into a FISA approval? Or Both? Source:
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This diagram shows the alleged FISA abuse & collusion. Which were done by Brennan's CIA, Hannigan's GCHQ, plus 6 foreign spy Agencies, also DNI, DOJ, FBI, NSA, USDT. The timeline of events goes from left to right.
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FISA is so hard to get, and such a big deal, that usually the spy agency director herself/himself is require to personally sign on each first FISA request, and sign again on each additional FISA renewal request, and so on. This FISA was requested MULTIPLE times, including ~THREE (3) renewals. For an extended period of time. Including BEFORE the 2016 presidential election, DURING, and AFTER. Including a renewal in January 2017. Was Trump's campaign illegally spied on before, during, and after he was duly elected?
Who were the directors of those 8 agencies in 2016 during the first FISA? Did they approve the FISA knowing it was abuses? Were they ordered to approved the FISA abuses? Or were they lied into approving the abuses? Or both?
Which agency(ies) did the FISA abusive spying? Were involved in the FISA abuse? Was connected to the FISA abuse? Knew about the FISA abuse but failed to report it to the appropriate authority? FISC?
1. Bernard Bajolet at DGSE
2. Gerhard Schindler at BND
3. Grzegorz Małecki at AW
4. John O. Brennan at CIA
5. Mikk Marran at EIB
6. Nick Warner at ASIS
7. Rob Bertholee at AIVD
8. Robert Hannigan at GCHQ
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Notice that this "TOP SECRET STRAP3 SIGINT UK EYES ONLY" leaked document is signed by Robert Hannigan, director of the GCHQ spy agency and requested by Barack Obama as US President in 2016, and the renewing was requested by Susan Rice.
Former FBI agent Hal Turner, leaked this top secret GCHQ document related to the FISA Abuse Memo. It is titled "TOP SECRET STRAP3 SIGINT UK EYES ONLY".
The British Intelligence (GCHQ) document shows that on August 28, 2016 the former President Obama, requested that GCHQ do surveillance of American citizens and American business on American soil. Called “Operation FULSOME”. Without a U.S. Search Warrant or Court Order. Invading your personal privacy is a federal crime punishable with prison, violated wiretap laws and your Constitutional protections. All of the above was before Trump was elected. A presidential candidate.
• My blog published on April 26th, 2018 at
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• Summary: They did this to both avoid the Laws & abuse the Laws, then indirectly spy on you? For serving their personal interest? For serving political interest? They were fooled, then used, next they were lied into FISA abuse? A mix of all of the above?
• Details: Why did Hillary Clinton and Obama administration asked British agencies (GCHQ) to spy on American citizens on American soil? Maybe because it’s illegal for U.S. agencies to spy on their citizens. To go around the laws that protect you, first the surveillance of American Citizens is done by British agencies, and the surveillance of British citizens is done by American agencies. Second, both the American agencies and British agencies have an agreement about sharing their collected surveillance data. Third, both American and British agencies deceive you, by claiming that they do not spy on you. But they actually DID, because they did INDIRECTLY spied on you. That is to say they have surveillance data on citizens of both countries ;)
All of them did committed in written to server you first the citizens, to be Public-Servant. NOT server their personal interest, not serve political interest, not serve money, not Money-Servant. If those allegations of FISA abuses are true, did those Public-Servants failed their commitments? Are their behaviors abuse of power? Unethical? Illegal?
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EQUAL justice under the Law? Or are some people ABOVE the Law?
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Within all those spy agencies (intelligence agencies), most public-servants are GOOD people with mature behaviors. But a minority have immature behaviors?
Were Barack Obama and or Hillary Clinton ordered to abuses FISA? Or were they lied into abusing FISA? If so, by who?
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