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Glyff ICO Review

bogdanovyhFeb 27, 2019, 10:08:01 PM

The real essence of blockchain and cryptocurrency is to distribute decision making powers from central authorities and big power houses through decentralisation. One of the more interesting feature of cryptocurrency is that it can't be controlled by any middle men or authorities. On platforms like Bitcoin network where the framework is peer to peer, the transfer of real value does not require the contribution of any central power, since exchanges are approved by a distributed set of miners that exist on the system. Sadly the concept of decentralization which exists as the basis of cryptocurrency has not been completely adopted in cryptocurrency exchanges. Majority of popular exchanges with massive trading volumes are designed on centralised framework rather than on decentralized framework.

The idea of chaining blocks of data together with cryptographic hashes has been around since the late 1970’s. (I will restate the cryptographic hashes simply later at the tokenization section.) The cryptographic protocols were evolving by 1982, when Ralph Merkle’s patent was granted (Ralph, 1980). The data structure named after him, the Merkle Tree, found utility in peer-to-peer systems in which peers all needed to share identical data.

There is no explicit description of the blockchains in the cited applications. But the blockchains of cryptocurrencies are well understood. As Satoshi Nakamoto writes, they are needed to enable “electronic transactions without relying on trust.” A complete, immutable public record of transactions is not a design goal in cryptocurrencies (Nakamoto, 2008). Nakamoto wrote that “To accomplish this without a trusted party, transactions must be publicly announced.” (Dai, 1998). Blockchain promises to solve this problem.

Glyff is a decentralized online stage that empowers private esteem exchanges and gives programmable protection to shrewd contracts. Because of the Glyff stage the objective of a worldwide appropriated record with shrewd contract abilities and genuine protection is a bit nearer.

Glyff is a decentralized stage joining the blockchain and propelled zero-information cryptography with the objective of conveying protection safeguarding shrewd contracts and esteem transfers.Adding components from most recent cryptographic achievements to the Ethereum demonstrated design,Glyff balances information security and value-based security with computational efficiency,ultimately conveying an effortlessly programmable,high throughput savvy contract settlement layer up to big business level while implementing the center standards of the blockchain.

Private money exchanges with sender, recipient and amounts exchanged totally hidden.Guaranteed trustworthiness and solid namelessness properties by zero learning cryptography.Provides a stage for cross-industry arrangement of blockchain innovation fulfilling genuine requests.

Applications in Healthcare,Finance,IoT,e-Commerce,e-Governance will expand social profit by these sectors.Easily programmable brilliant contract framework with cutting edge security features.Cross-stage open source wallet application and designer structure

The key highlights of Glyff venture

- Private exchanges with sender,receiver and amounts exchanged totally covered up.

- Guaranteed respectability and solid secrecy properties by zero learning cryptography.

- Non-pro software engineers can create security centered applications,even without learning of cryptography.

- Enables brilliant contract use for decentralized applications that require private calculation and secure information.

•Website: https://glyff.io/

•Whitepaper : https://glyff.io/files/glyff-wp.pdf

•Twitter: https://twitter.com/Glyff_io

•Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Glyff-353989662044849/

•Telegram: https://t.me/glyffcommunity

Official Bounty Telegram Group: https://t.me/GlyffBounty



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