
Let's keep Carolina Patriot moving. Drain the swamp and Make America Great Again!! Carolina Patriot is funded solely by contributions made by the liberty loving patriots who love and use it. We are beholden to no political party. No advertisers, no outsiders, no sugar daddies, no corporate string pullers. Definitely no government subsidies or tax breaks. No 501c or other IRS non-profit status. This means no commercial ads. No annoying pop-ups. No ad tracking. No mail campaigns. No spam. No third-parties -- not even the IRS -- trying to control what we do or say. We are self-funded, fiercely independent and enjoy our freedom to speak plainly in the support of God, family, country, liberty!! But we cannot exist without you. Every donation counts no matter how big or small. If you can donate it would be greatly appreciated. Your loyal support makes Carolina Patriot possible
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Let's keep Carolina Patriot moving. Drain the swamp and Make America Great Again!! Carolina Patriot is funded solely by contributions made by the liberty loving patriots who love and use it. We are beholden to no political party. No advertisers, no outsiders, no sugar daddies, no corporate string pullers. Definitely no government subsidies or tax breaks. No 501c or other IRS non-profit status. This means no commercial ads. No annoying pop-ups. No ad tracking. No mail campaigns. No spam. No third-parties -- not even the IRS -- trying to control what we do or say. We are self-funded, fiercely independent and enjoy our freedom to speak plainly in the support of God, family, country, liberty!! But we cannot exist without you. Every donation counts no matter how big or small. If you can donate it would be greatly appreciated. Your loyal support makes Carolina Patriot possible