The Cosmic Threader is a mystic, an entrepreneur, an entertainer and perhaps tragically a volunteer journalist. We live in a time that is amazing and insane all at once. Our discernment and participation has never been more important. We must save the bees. We must become better caretakers of the planet. We must take down the evil oligarchs and fear mongers. The time is at hand. I am with you and together we shall prevail...
The Cosmic Threader is a mystic, an entrepreneur, an entertainer and perhaps tragically a volunteer journalist. We live in a time that is amazing and insane all at once. Our discernment and participation has never been more important. We must save the bees. We must become better caretakers of the planet. We must take down the evil oligarchs and fear mongers. The time is at hand. I am with you and together we shall prevail...