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cryptodammyOct 9, 2018, 12:12:41 PM

Cash and the possibility of its trade through installments have developed a great deal from the season of its initiation. From products to grain, from metal coins to paper, from financial balances to e-wallets, cash has taken different shapes, sizes, and structures. Installments advanced from a bargain framework (trade of products for grains) to the token framework (trade of coins and money on paper) to money pooling (ledgers and stores) to cashless installments (credit/charge cards, checks, e-wallets). Throughout the most recent decade or somewhere in the vicinity, installment advancements have developed at a bewildering pace.

Installments are presently developing at a fast pace with new suppliers, new stages, and new installment instruments propelling on a close regular schedule which incorporate the credit/platinum card use issued by banks for exchanges that is above all for internet shopping. As customer (online customers) conduct advances, a desire for omnicommerce rises; that is the capacity to pay with a similar technique in the case of purchasing in-store, on the web or by means of a cell phone. This move accelerates a requirement for retailers to adjust toward quick, basic and secure versatile installments.

The conventional installment work process includes an excessive number of delegates before exchanges can be effectively finished and hence making the handling too long that numerous online customers don't like.

The following is a run of the mill picture that shows how the conventional installment handling used to be when online customers make utilize the of credit/charge card;

Then, customary managing an account instruments are to a great extent not utilized in the Middle East and Africa Region because of the preservationist routine with regards to Islam and the poor saving money framework. The locale additionally has an exceptionally divided structure with various monetary standards.

With the quick approach of online business in around the world, the mechanical development of outsider installment has encountered touchy development. This vital mechanical advancement, started by developing Internet organizations, is helping the customary money related industry's installment business, spoken to by business banks that grow in both profundity and broadness.

The installments business needs a compelling and proficient change state in this time and that is the reason MENAPAY is a manageable answer for the Middle East and Africa biological community.

MENAPAY is supplanting the customary installment strategies with a blockchain-based, completely sponsored digital currency to give a protected and straightforward installment entryway empowering exchanges for each part of day by day life.

MENAPAY is coming to MENA locale to make the first, completely sponsored blockchain installment framework that is 100% Islamic Compliant.

The MENAPAY venture was begun in November, 2017 which is intended to serve 420 million individuals, crosswise over 18 nations, as their essential installment strategy.

MENAPAY flourishes to build up a fintech stage to give the best and most advantageous fund and installment answers for individuals in MENA.

MENAPAY is a stage that will interface you as an online customer with shippers from all aspects of the world straightforwardly for frictionless and reliable exchanges along these lines streamlining the installment handling for both the online customers and dealers.

The MENAPAY group is making another standard in the crypto business for the level of participatory returns, past the consistent motivating forces for clients and financial specialists that encourages;

• Peer to Peer Transactions

• P2M Peer to Merchant Payments

• M2F Merchant to Foundation, and furthermore

• Green Mining: Meaning that each MenaCash exchange between Peer to Merchant might be granted by a MenaPay token.

Each exchange on the MENAPAY stage will be done with the utilization of the MENAPAY token.


The MENAPAY venture is an outstanding one with a strong group behind it, here are numerous more reasons that make the task champion and you as a financial specialist to consider:

• MENAPAY brings a 100% Islamic, non-bank advanced arrangement, utilizing blockchain to make a solitary money to be utilized in regular and cross-outskirt exchanges. What's more, this ought to be take note of that; Arabic is the fourth most generally talked dialect on the planet.

• Cryptocurrencies can't be utilized in every day life exchanges due to business people. their value vacillations and money out concerns. MenaCash, which is 100% upheld by USDs, will be utilized as the money for exchanges under the MENAPAY stage

• Apart from tolerating 30 noteworthy digital forms of money, you can purchase tokens by means of bank exchange and charge card or you can pay on the entryway.

• 1 MenaCash will dependably be equivalent to 1 USD and shippers will have the capacity to make money outs from the MenaPay establishment. MenaPay likewise conveys simple to-utilize arrangements, for example, work area and portable wallets, coordination APIs and SDKs, detailing and an administration dashboard for vendors, all with Arabic UIs.

• The steady cryptographic money "MenaCash" will work through a private blockchain answer for kill instability and to guarantee exchanges quicker than out-dated budgetary instruments, for example, credit and platinum cards.

• MENAPAY will disperse 75% of aggregate income and benefit among holders of MENAPAY.


Token Symbol: Mpay

Token Standard: ERC-20

Add up to Supply: 400M Mpay


Keeping in mind the end goal to demonstrate gratefulness to the beginning period donors, the group will make an effective and versatile procedure for the Mpay token to acknowledge in an incentive alongside stage client base development. The underneath procedures will be utilized to help the development of Mpay token esteem;

• Onboarding premium traders who are putting forth uncommon rebates just for MENAPAY.

• By achieving 5million dynamic clients of the stage.

• Building a disconnected affiliate system to enable simple passage to the digital currency world.

• Acquiring the help of impact makers in the area, for example, ladies in the tech business, lawmakers, craftsmen and social business visionaries.


Tokens available to be purchased: 256M Mpay

Assessed ICO Price: $0.165

Target Soft Cap: $5M

Target Hard Cap: $25M

* Unsold tokens will be scorched


The team is made up of people who understand business, marketing, branding, payments and blockchain technology.


This is a unique project that will change method of payment for goods and services in Africa, Middle East and other part of the world.


By definition, Roadmap is an arrangement or methodology expected to accomplish a specific objective. In other words the MENAPAY Roadmap is a well ordered means by which the mission of the venture is to be completely accomplished.

For more information on Menapay, kindly visit this links.

Website: https://www.menapay.io/

One Psger: https://www.menapay.io/onepager.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/MenaPay

Medium: https://medium.com/menapay

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/menapay/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/menapayio

Twitter: https://twitter.com/menapayio

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC56eU1zaQh2S8k7TB4S2RjA

Writer: Crypto Dammy

Bitcointalk Username: cryptodammy

Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2357702;sa=summary

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