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Ace Returns vs The Autopools Game

CryptoLove.lifeJun 1, 2020, 3:32:56 AM

The Autopools Game:

The first cycles pay you and with the days slower and at the end never and they announce you to relaunch the contract with a new name and your money? stays in limbo ... It's the game of giving away your money ... Don't do it ...

To all the people who blindly believe in any global autopool system and jump in there, let me tell you how it works. Don't be fooled and keep jumping on all the new systems. Finally you will end up losing your money. I am not saying anything against any specific system. I am saying in general about the autopool system.

In the autopools system, you can earn a referral commission only on the registration fee of up to 3-4 levels or as defined in the contract. The profits will not be huge. It can help you for pocket money. But you can't earn much. To win the real money, you have to buy one of the autopools or many autopools as much as you can afford and you will get 2x or 3x depending on the smart contract. But that will not serve everyone.

That is a global spillover system. If the smart contract pays you 3 times, only a third will be paid and the others will not be paid. For example, if there are 1000 people registered in the autopool, only the first 333 people will receive 3x and the others will not receive any payment.

To pay the balance of 667 people, another 2001 people would have to join. Even if those 2001 people unite, those 2001 people will be the losers. They need another 6003 people to get on board to receive payment. So even if the contract has 100,000 people, only 33,000 people will receive a payment. Always the balance of 77% of percentage of people will be losers.

At any given time, 77% of people will earn nothing.

This is the reality that is not clearly explained anywhere. The automatic pool payment is paid in order depending on the time stamp you enter the pool. Suppose if your pool ID is 500, you will be paid only when the ID reaches 1500. Only the few people who join the contract right away will win good autopool money and everyone else will lose money. This is something like Ponzi's usual return on investment, where only the first few members benefit.

Why Ace Returns is Different

You can ask me the same question about AceReturns or Forsage as this also depends on the new business that will be paid to them. Let me explain why acereturns can be better maintained compared to all other autopool systems.

In acereturns it is not a global spillover system. You can have a lot of leaders and each leader will bring a group of people and that will overflow your downlines. This is not on a first come, first serve basis. You can join at any time and start recommending people. You can build a team and get paid along with your team. This is teamwork and real work. If you work hard you get paid. If you don't work hard, you can still get paid if you work as a team with a strong leader.

With autopool systems, the team will work only for registration fees. That also only up to 4 levels or whatever. Therefore, you cannot earn more in the automatic grouping system. Here at AceReturns, you can join in with a small 0.03 + 0.03 Gas fee and earn a large amount of money as the team grows.

There is a lot of difference between autopool and AceReturns.

AceReturns is made to be long-term sustainable. The Autopool system is not made for that. There is a lot of difference between autopool and AceReturns. AceReturns is made to be long-term sustainable. The Autopool system is not made for that.

Right now, most have lost their money on autopool systems. Don't jump into another autopool program to get your lost money back. The same owners will launch different autopool systems under different names every other day. They will say no referrals are needed and promise high performance. They will give you all the false promises. Do not fall in the trap. In the autopool or any other quick system to get rich, you will end up losing money.

This is the reality that you have to understand. Just stay focused on sustainable systems like the ones we recommend here and build a strong team.

Anything that promises high returns without doing anything is risky. Don't fall for attractive offers. Those are all cheating and trash.

AceReturns is not a quick get rich scheme. However, if you have the patience and determination to succeed, you will get richer over time. Stay focused on AceReturns and build a strong team. Over a period of time, you will get richer and richer.

Notes from AceReturns Owner:

Some people asked me to make an autopool system and start it. Sorry! That is not a fair system and I don't want to do that. I prefer to do something that is sustainable.

If you have any problem with anything, please feel free to let me know. Some people asked me who I am and how long I have been here. I am the founder / developer of Acewins. It is a 21 month online casino. Some of them from the crypto space know me. Some do not like me because I did not hear them and some respect me for my integrity. You can do your own research on me. https://t.me/AceWinsCasino is the telegram group of my other business. If you want to know more about me, ask the people in that group.


ONLY 0.03 ETH TO JOIN AND EARN up to 473,928.05 ETH ($98,207,370.52) This is a decentralized ETH earning system where the ETH is distributed peer to peer. Register Here.

While all the other similar systems allow you to have only 2 or 3 directs on your level 1, AceReturns allows you to have 4 directs from whom you receive direct payments.

Hence your earnings will be huge compared to all other similar systems.

You can start with a small investment of only 0.03 ETH which will be sent automatically to your upline. Work as a team and earn huge profits. Because of the spillover system, you may get referrals from your team leaders or sponsors.

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Final Veredict

Regardless of anything, AceReturns is a smart contract and it works automatically. This is an honest sustainable income system. Do your own research, understand the logic, and then get to work. I am here to help if you need anything ...

If you really want to make money, just stick to one or two sustainable projects and keep building a strong team. Study The Top Recommended Smart Contracts at our TeamPortal.cryptolove.life

Network marketing is the most powerful way to earn big bucks. But you must have patience and determination to achieve it. The bigger the team you have, the more money you can earn. Focus on teamwork duplication for success.

Most leaders have a good team. But they mess up their name by referring them to scam projects. Leaders must be honest and refer their team only to good projects. At the end of the day, leaders will earn money. But the team will lose. If the leaders keep repeating this, they will lose their potential team. Maintain integrity. That will surely pay and reward you in many ways.


Team Portal (Team Rotator):

