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Bearly Thoughts: Kingdom Come: 2/28/21

DeepgreenbearFeb 28, 2021, 8:57:04 AM

"Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven"

When I reflect upon the world as it is now, this short portion of the Lord's prayer haunts me.  The "Kingdom," forgiveness, mercy, self sacrifice, long suffering, loyalty, discernment, and - greatest of all - Love. This can be with us here, now, in our lives this very moment! 

What burdens my heart is that any hope of this kingdom has of becoming a reality is soaked out by an ocean of voices trying to solve their problems by forcing other people to change, and never once looking into themselves to see what needs to change within themselves.  

What is so heart breaking is that these voices hold on to a seed of truth: the world is full of injustice. It always has been, and likely always will be.  So, these voices look at their broken lives and focus their bitterness outward and pour it forth into the reality of those around them.  In truth, I cannot blame anyone for doing this; life and hardship are inexorably connected. But there is another Truth that has seemingly been forgotten. 

There are 2 parts to our reality: the world outside over which we have very little power, and the inner reality over which we - by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit - may gain tremendous control, through prayer and will.

This comfort that we can find is not absolute, as some might advocate.  Our spirits contend with flesh that is fallen and weak, but if anyone seeks to change their lot in this life, one of the most important questions to ask is: "What can I change within myself?" 

In my life, I have met people who earn less in a year than I do in a week, and I tell you truly, there was more joy in them than just about anyone I have ever met. They were living good, fulfilling, love filled lives, living in abject poverty. I remember shooing horse flies away as I ate a meal they had prepared for me and those I was with, and seeing them smile and talk with such joy as we ate. 

The reality of existence is this: humanity has lived through everything we are presently suffering, and more.  We have lost in this present time the wisdom of the ages, the wisdom of the Bible, the wisdom of our Lord Jesus...  the wisdom that tells us the poor will be with us always, that we must rejoice when we encounter sorrows of many kinds, that this life is fleeting so what is in our hearts is more valuable than what is around us in the world.  

So, today, I encourage you: look within yourself, find your bitterness, and pray for the strength to forgive; find your ingratitude, and pray for eyes that see blessings so that you may be thankful; look upon your weakness and lazy nature, and pray for the strength to carry your own burden and just a little more so you can lighten the burdens of others.  

The "Kingdom of Heaven" begins with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit by the grace of Christ Jesus, and if it is not built first in your heart, you will never see it in this life or the next.