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Chapter 2:

FeistylittlekittyMay 23, 2021, 11:55:23 PM

I wake up in a hospital bed with my father on my side of the bed asleep, I can hear the doctor and the nurse conversing about my condition since it’s a strange one to them, but to my father, it wasn’t. I slowly crawled out of the bed, heading to the door to hear what the doctor and the nurse say about my condition before I escape with my father’s help, so I can go back to the house. Before I could, I have a vision of someone trying to get a hold of me for help in the spirit world, I was hoping it was my mother, but it wasn’t. I could sense my mother’s presence, but yet I could only hear the Wraith’s past victims’ whispers, which was very tempting to listen to their stories. I was overwhelmed by their stories and how the Wraith took their lives away from them. It was the Wraith instead, she turned left in my direction as if she could sense that I was there when I wasn’t. I questioned myself as to why the Wraith was following me to the hospital. Is the Wraith trying to help with my case of the missing girl or is it trying to harm me as it did with my mother and my sister, is that why the Wraith is following me? Once the vision is over, I left a note on the bed for my father and hide myself from the doctor and the nurse.

“Doctor, it’s a very strange condition, have you ever seen anything like this in your career?” she asked.

He smiles, “I haven’t but it’s worth looking into and learning from it.”

“Then what should I say to the father, doctor?” she said concernedly.

He answered, “Tell him that she will have to stay a day or two.”

I gasp then I slowly make my way to the storage room to find a spare set of clothes to change into, so I could escape and go back to the house. I found a spare set of clothes, leaves the hospital gown in the closet, and heads out of the hospital through a window. Heads back to my house so I can change again and go back to the house to see what was in the room to cause me to collapse. When I step into the house the second time, I could hear a shriek from the same room that I saw a light from earlier. It sounds like a monster shriek as if someone was trying to kill the monster, I slowly head to the room, so I didn’t scare the person that was in the room. I could see a cloaked person in the room through a cracked peephole in the door, I couldn’t see the person very well because of the cloak and their back was facing towards me. I could hear a hissing sound in the room, I don’t know if it was coming from the cloaked person or something in the room. Then I hear a police officer approaching, so I hide behind a corner where I could see the officer coming to the exact room that I was looking at.

“Hey! What are you doing here?” the police officer asked.

The cloaked person didn’t even respond to the police officer, the hissing sound suddenly stops, the cloaked person turns around to face the officer, then swat the officer to the ground like the officer was a fly to it. The attack was so swift that I couldn’t even see what it used to attack the officer, who was standing at the entrance, is now on the ground and in pain. The cloaked person heads out of the room then stops, where the cloaked person’s back was facing towards my direction, I couldn’t tell if the cloaked person could sense me or not. I closed my eyes hoping that the cloaked person could just leave then I hear the cloaked person hum a familiar tone that I knew, the tone that Jeremiah told me when we were little. I thought it can’t be him, could it? I mean I saw his dead body flowing in the lake when he was drowning from whatever was wrapped around his neck five years ago, the news of his death torn me into pieces, my best friend was dead. There was no way that I could stop time to save him from that tragic tragedy, including if I could, I had to move on from it. While I was in my head, the cloaked person had left already before I could ask, the officer’s groans got me out of my head.

“Sir, are you okay?” I asked when I reach him, then noticed that there was something on his arm.

He mumbles, “Hospital...hos...pit...al.”

I look around for his phone and call for an ambulance, so he could receive some help.