ABOUT US (Ladrao de Bicicleta on FasciBook): We’re now a TRUTH page; truth exists in every piece of EVIDENCE!!! We ‘re a response group to the elite and mediatic circus created using the SARS CoV & its supposed most recent mutation, & CoV-19, to create global lockdowns, expand Martial Law and bring upon us police-states. We’re a response to the lies created by corporate owned / bought media and corporation-owned governments revolving doors with Big Pharma, Banks and Military Industrial Complex ... You want to know what’s going on about pandemics, Western Empire (NWO), US-lead NATO endless wars, corruption in the UK as vassal of that empire ... Well, here is the place!
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Wow! this really helps you understand how the elite works, and how our media is part of the elite, is not just anymore paid millions per year, they're not vassals any more, they're part of the elite! #corporatemedia #MSM #CoronavirusCoup #antilockdown #anti-NWO


Messianic narcissists do not conceal their plans, they're proud of their plans, they even think they are good and positive people to society! They spell out their plans, write books, publish articles, create symbols/ icons, believe their "ends justify their means (#propaganda, deceit, control ...)" (Graph/ image from the Gates' other foundation, GAVI's website) #Gates #vaccines #corruption #NWO

ABOUT US (Ladrao de Bicicleta on FasciBook): We’re now a TRUTH page; truth exists in every piece of EVIDENCE!!! We ‘re a response group to the elite and mediatic circus created using the SARS CoV & its supposed most recent mutation, & CoV-19, to create global lockdowns, expand Martial Law and bring upon us police-states. We’re a response to the lies created by corporate owned / bought media and corporation-owned governments revolving doors with Big Pharma, Banks and Military Industrial Complex ... You want to know what’s going on about pandemics, Western Empire (NWO), US-lead NATO endless wars, corruption in the UK as vassal of that empire ... Well, here is the place!
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