WWWatchDog - USA

A place to share news, current events and historical articles to show the state of corruption in the United States of America #USA #Corruption #WWWD
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The recent integration of two military contractors into a $10 billion behemoth is the latest in a wave of mergers and acquisitions that have transformed America’s privatized, high-tech intelligence system into what looks like an old-fashioned monopoly. An update of an article I originally posted in The Nation in 2016. Ever hear of Leidos? You should have. https://timshorrock.com/2016/12/08/oligarchy-of-spies-the-five-companies-that-dominate-the-u-s-intelligence-industry/


Birth Rates Last Year Still Below Replacement Level, CDC Says “The total fertility rate in 2022 remained at below replacement,” the CDC said. American women are still having too few babies to replace themselves and their partners, the latest national birth data suggests. https://www.theepochtimes.com/birth-rates-last-year-still-below-replacement-level-cdc-says_5313653.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=minds

A place to share news, current events and historical articles to show the state of corruption in the United States of America #USA #Corruption #WWWD