Hacking Your Life with Meditations, Affirmation, and Visualizations (Law of Attraction)

Your thoughts create what you see in the world. Learn how to change your thoughts in order to change your world. You can have a wonderful, fun-filled life. But we all have some limiting beliefs keeping us from enjoying life. This group is meant to uplift and help people feel powerful over their life again.
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Know Thyself

If someone is criticizing you, you should ask, “Is it true?” If it’s true, then there’s something you can do (work on it). But if it’s not true, why spend time worrying about their incorrect beliefs? Many children internalize the criticisms they receive when younger. Some...See more

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Some misunderstand getting prayers answered or manifesting things and think it’s too easy so it must be incorrect. And they’ll ignorantly make fun of Christianity or the Law of Attraction belief that you can simply “Ask & Receive.” Of course, that comes from simplifying the...See more

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I think the quote is pretty self-explanatory, but not judging people seems to get twisted by many. The bible doesn't say not to judge people, it says to judge with righteous judgment. It also says to be "Holy" which means "Set apart" from the world. You have to judge who "the...See more

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We all have limiting beliefs that can distort our view of reality. Because I deal with questioning beliefs, I more easily recognized these limiting beliefs in the "woke." I discuss how having limiting beliefs is like going through life with distorting glasses on in this article: https://dramaofitall.substack.com/p/seeing-through-distorted-lenses I also share a few things from @ConceptualJames if you'd like to learn more about this from a slightly different perspective than mine. #dramatriangle #jameslindsay #woke #indoctrination #beliefs

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The Placebo Effect proves that faith heals. In this article, I discuss healing by faith (beliefs). I'd rather be incorrect and healed by faith in something that didn't have a logical reason to work. But I also discuss why I think some people would actually choose to not be healed if it meant they were correct. https://lawofattraction.substack.com/p/by-your-faith-you-are-healed #placeboeffect #faith #healing #reiki

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Every morning we have the chance to change how we look at our upcoming day. We can face it with pessimism or optimism. We can see ourselves as slaves to the upcoming day or as people free to make new choices to break free from old habits that haven’t served us. We all have the...See more

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No one has the power to offend you. You offend yourself based on your beliefs about things. You have the power to become immune to "offensive comments." Does that bring you joy or cause anxiety to hear it? https://lawofattraction.substack.com/p/the-real-reason-youre-offended?utm_source=twitter&sd=pf #offended #offensive #snowflake #dramatriangle #antifragile

Your thoughts create what you see in the world. Learn how to change your thoughts in order to change your world. You can have a wonderful, fun-filled life. But we all have some limiting beliefs keeping us from enjoying life. This group is meant to uplift and help people feel powerful over their life again.