Building the Next Americans

"Any movement which does not seek to reclaim the minds of the youth from these propagandists is doomed to fail. We need an army of #ChildSoldiers but rather than put machine guns into their hands we need to put true critical thinking skills into their minds." WIP Curriculum:
Type: All

It's not about fixing anything. It's about total control.

The far left wants to go scorched earth and "dismantle" everything because they believe they can rebuild humanity in their own image if they just get rid of all these pesky "social constructs." Like "men" and "women" and "owning" anything.


Not an essay,more of an idea. It's not my idea,but it's well worth passing on. Buy physical media,we know the internet and even the internet archive is scraped of ideas and stories that whoever is running this facade doesn't want you knowing or even exposed to. This is why...See more

thumb_up4thumb_downchat_bubble An essay I wrote on how the right lost the previous culture war in the arts, how this has led to a bizarre, counterproductive hypocrisy in the establishment right's attitude towards censorship, and. what needs to change going forward.


#NextAmericans "Michael J. Fox, the third president of the United States, was responsible for establishing Presbyterianism as the state religion of the new federation after its peaceful secession from...See more

"Any movement which does not seek to reclaim the minds of the youth from these propagandists is doomed to fail. We need an army of #ChildSoldiers but rather than put machine guns into their hands we need to put true critical thinking skills into their minds." WIP Curriculum: