Spicy Memes

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👀 Know ! 🤓Do not just Believe ! 👲Do your own research ! 👲and make up your own mind ! 🤡PLUR😎 N🙏


👀Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave.”-Frederick Douglas 🤡Because then they know what binds them ! 🤓So much truth that's why i use it as background. 😎Peace Love Unity Respect and Namaste🙏


👀One needs first fall to know how to rise up. 🤓If you do not know what is wrong how can you know what is right?🤡It is all about gathering knowledge to obtain wisdom by experiences in life ! 👲PLUR😎N🙏


You will have to find truth for your-self ! 👲All that has been told to you is to serve a narrative, a story they want you to believe in so you do not question authority ! 🤓Do not just believe ! 🤓 Know ! 😎Peace Love Unity Respect en Namaste🙏


👀Most people try to take on to much in a too short of time ! 🤓They make their own paths in life more difficult ! 👲Or even blocking them ! 🤡Slow movement is better then no movement at all ! 😎Peace Love Unity Respect and Namaste 🙏


👀It is manipulation of the mind (Government means govern the mind).🤓It is also Ordo ab Chao (= Order out of Chaos) ! 👲They create a problem and come with the predestignated Solution ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀Life is all about being in balance ! 👲Everything you do creates a positive and/or negative effect ! 🤡Energy that adds to your life accounts, you are the only one who can control this ! 🤓PLR😎N🙏


👀With knowledge you actually have the choice and power to make decisions.🤡Without it you are kind of forced to go along with what you know👲And in a sense you are bound then !🤓PLUR😎N🙏


👀One can not exist without the other! 🤓Both are needed and both need to be understand in order to make balanced choices in life ! 👲You need to experience both to know the real value of what you had, have and can get ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀Ever wonder why this very flexible usefull plant is so demonized all over the world?🤓 Well it can be grown by everyone and it can not be patented to be sold to you. 👲It even can be converted to fuel ! 🌴So they keep telling us that there is a energy crisis ! ✨One more of the hoaxes to control the people while the Earth is more then capable to provide we can even grow our fuel it is a matter of will and choice ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀I was just doing my job.“ is never a valid defense if you commit crimes against another. 🤓One is always self responsible for your own actions as long as these actions have been taken knowing and willing.👲The blind follow of orders can never replace this highest moral responsibility ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀They lied ! 🤡Some just repeat what was taught to them but still those are lies ! 👲The sooner we realize that most “knowledge” is not a base to work from we realize we have a problem and can solve it! 🤓This all start with finding knowledge ! 😎Peace Love Unity Respect en Namaste🙏 #

* No spam * The sidebar chat can be used as a live chat * You are further encouraged to comment on each other's posts as much as you like for daily mutual Minds token benefit Group created by @newshoundza #SpicyMemes #Dankmemes #Memes #Meme #Dankmeme #SpicyMeme #DarkHumour #DarkHumor