Spicy Memes

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👀Freedom ? 🤡We live in freedom ? 🤓Well if you have to ask for permission you are not really free are you ? 👲Again some things to think about. 😎Peace Love Unity Respect and Namaste 🙏


👀Distraction ! 🤓Thats all it is ! 🤡They do not want you to really look into things ! 👲They want you just to consume and obey thats all ! 😎Peace Love Unity Respect and Namaste 🙏


👀The truth is no longer hidden now people hide from the truth ! 🤓Truth is out there 👲 and in your-self. 🤡You only need to find and accept it ! 😎Peace Love Unity Respect en Namaste 🙏


👀Just look around you at times how much chit chat is spoken.🤡 This has its function at times but not not always ! 👲Something to think about. 🤓 PLUR😎N🙏


👀No matter the situation or the outcome if you can look at it in a positive way you will learn from that and thus win. 🤡Negativity will make you lose the war (=learning process) before the battle (= the situation) is over.🤓So always keep your calm (Peace) 👲PLUR😎N 🙏 (Peace Love Unity Respect and Namaste)


👀 Life is all about experiencing everything: the good the bad and the ugly ! 🤓This includes challenges and problems to be solved 👲Succeed or fail does not matter that much when you learn from it all. 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀Yes you are responsible you can not hide behind mommy or daddy (government) if you are a mature grown up human being. 🤓There is no excuse for not knowing since there are plenty warning signs these days and all information is out there to find and taken in. Unless you are brainwashed ofcourse (= not free of mind) 🤡 So that leaves us with willing and i think a lot of people are not willing to take responsibility and thus show they are not really matured and grown up at all. 👲Some food for thoughts 😎Peace Love Unity Respect and Namaste 🙏


👀You can read government here as the “elite, the 1% of the 1%” (the puppetmasters) behind the governments, religions and big co-operations (the puppets) ! 🤓They use divide in all kind of ways to keep control over the people of the earth ! 👲The way of countering that is to not let that happen there is a common goal: Freedom and to be Happy ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀Worth repeating from: @ vrijheid_is (Instagram) 👲check out that channel 🤓Because everyone should be free to bee happy ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀All they tell you at school is shut up, do not ask questions ! 🤓do what you are told and do not think for your-self 👲It is the dumbing down of the people at young age ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏 (Peace Love Unity Respect en Namaste)


👀George Orwell he was in the know and told you in his book.🤓It doesn't matter if he was part of (or working) for the elite the messages he brought still hold truth ! 🤡PLUR😎N🙏


👀Know your position and place in mind, soul and body. 🤓When you are grounded in Knowledge, Experience (Wisdom) and /or Intuition and thus in your energy you will be that bastion in the tide !🤡What ever that water may be ! 👲PLUR😎N🙏

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