Superversive Fiction

Since there's not a group for it on Minds. Ill put one here. I've connected with more #Superversive setups on Twitter but Ill port what I can over here. “You know how subversive means to change something by undermining from below? Superversive is change by inspiration from above.”-L. Jagi Lamplighter
Type: All

Freshly made Superversive fiction. My debut Star Warden is now on Amazon. Action. Adventure. Romance. Heroism. Good vs Evil. A straightforward otherworld tale with the spirit of a Saturday morning cartoon.


And from the looks of it: Ill def. be adding Star Shatter series to the #Superversive pile. Tentatively marking this one as well: Its more of a pulpy action adventure setup (with 1930s paint) but based on what I've read of book 1, it deserves a looksee as well. The Captain Hawklin Adventures.


Gonna add #games as well. Looking forward to this one. Played the demo. Has that superversive flavor I am looking for.


PS: I have no idea why I am seeing double posts here. Anyone else having that happen?


Let's see: The Scout Series: Awesome uplifting series of Sword and Planet! (Some things might repeat from my other databases and sites as I populate this with more links!)

Since there's not a group for it on Minds. Ill put one here. I've connected with more #Superversive setups on Twitter but Ill port what I can over here. “You know how subversive means to change something by undermining from below? Superversive is change by inspiration from above.”-L. Jagi Lamplighter