
You can make only one posts everyday here. No spamming, make sure content is your own before posting. No reminds, we get motivated here and go out into the real world motivated.
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Hello Everyone! New to the website here


No one ever climbed the ladder of success with his hands in his pocket. Jeremiah Say


Those who take high risk happens to get the high profit. Do not limit your, be vast.


You can not imagine success without indulging in the game of life


I had to go way back for this one. Still makes as much sense today, as it did many years ago.


Most times we forget the real aim in life which is to end up with our heavenly father and the only way that can happen is by death... Live a Good life on earth and pray for a Holy death...

You can make only one posts everyday here. No spamming, make sure content is your own before posting. No reminds, we get motivated here and go out into the real world motivated.