Propaganda Hub

A group for sharing all Ethno-Nationalist propaganda infomedia. No memes, share videos from creators. This group is for sharing content people put their time in and reach more and more people with our message, not to stroke our own egos (if you create content feel free to use this group to share it though). These are the rules: only content as described above; no content that promotes division without any fundamented reason behind it; no subversive content; try to post a short summary at the very least of what the videos you share are about (no lazy posting). The rules may be subject to change if I find them insufficient, if you break any rule before it was added you will receive no punishment, but the content in question may be subject to moderation/removal. Breaking the rules once will subject all your posts to moderation; Breaking the rules twice will earn you a ban for never less than 7 days; Breaking the rules thrice will earn you a perma-ban from this group. Public Admins: Edzhus Forged in Fire
Type: All

Ferocious Chihuahua interviews Shill-Killa Linney and Based Swiss, the people behind FreeMrBond, together with musician Teknein. Links were provided to the website and their Tee Spring store, all proceeds and donations are for Mr. Bond's (Philipp Hassler) defense fund. #freemrbond


<iframe id="odysee-iframe" width="560" height="315" src="$/embed/MAINTAINING-OUR-PACK/107b8cea3c92876f80c1295c541b81566b214c58?r=DqJgj9Mryh2uGc2CZd1GoZxq27pJ6Fes" allowfullscreen></iframe> Finklestein coming with a good speech, give this man a follow if you enjoy dark, neo-noir artsy videos. #finklestein #1488worldwide


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Putintards this is what you support. First Trump, now this, when will western whites gain a backbone and stop looking towards the same crooks for leadership and guidance? The future of us will be made by us or there will be no future at all for us. #martinezperspective


Martinez brings up some heavy duty to dispel the idiocy surrounding the alleged Azov controversies in the Russian-Ukrainian War. Nothing like a critical analysis to put real nuance, and real context into perspective. #martinezperspective


Ejus continues his quest to publish all the songs in Mr. Bond's catalogue, this time we are graced with the excellent 'Europe', from the 'A Nazi Goes to Afrika' album: #mrbond #ejus #freemrbond


Ferocious Chihuahua and Mel team up to discuss Mr. Bond's work, his impact on the white nationalist scene, and some details of his current situation. @edzhus you will like this one :) #1488worldwide #nationalsocialism #ferociouschihuahua #mrbond #freemrbond

A group for sharing all Ethno-Nationalist propaganda infomedia. No memes, share videos from creators. This group is for sharing content people put their time in and reach more and more people with our message, not to stroke our own egos (if you create content feel free to use this group to share it though). These are the rules: only content as described above; no content that promotes division without any fundamented reason behind it; no subversive content; try to post a short summary at the very least of what the videos you share are about (no lazy posting). The rules may be subject to change if I find them insufficient, if you break any rule before it was added you will receive no punishment, but the content in question may be subject to moderation/removal. Breaking the rules once will subject all your posts to moderation; Breaking the rules twice will earn you a ban for never less than 7 days; Breaking the rules thrice will earn you a perma-ban from this group. Public Admins: Edzhus Forged in Fire