Apparel Vault

Apparel Vault is a place for anybody that wants to learn how to make their own apparel. Come and join the group as we all perfect our craft and make some clothing.
Type: All

For anybody interested in learning to start your own apparel company I'm going to use this group to teach my style for doing it. Every is also welcome to join in and share their techniques #apparel #clothing #screenprinting


Welcome to the Apparel Vault! The point of this group is to share our knowledge and become better screen printers, transfer pressers or vinyl pressers. If you love apparel then this can be your home as well. Please don't spam the group with business advertisements. We're here to learn. You'll have your chances to share your work with everyone.

Apparel Vault is a place for anybody that wants to learn how to make their own apparel. Come and join the group as we all perfect our craft and make some clothing.