Marx, Engels, Marxism

The GOAL of Communism is it destroys Individual RIGHTS!!! Marx's life demonstrated the fruits of his insane ideology! How can you take seriously people, who pretend to be great thinkers, but neglect their responsibility as a parent and partner???
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Marx “just show the World the reality behind the powers that drive capitalism” in his book "Kapital: Critique of Political Economy". It took 17 (!!!) years to write it, meanwhile he failed his home economics. He raised his children in poverty and in the filthy conditions, and...See more


Маркс и Энгельс о России и русских За что К. Маркс и Ф. Энгельс ненавидели Россию и русских? Маркс, Энгельс - для советского человека это были не просто фамилии, это столпы "советской веры", практически сверхлюди, иконы эпохи, на них ведь чуть ли не молились. А между тем...See more


Карл Маркс. Евангелие от Сатаны | Загадки века В Советском Союзе биография теоретика коммунизма, "философа" и "экономиста" Карла Маркса была известна каждому школьнику. Его статьи и книги изучались во всех институтах и университетах. Основной труд Маркса «Капитал» издавался...See more


Definitely not Sun Tzu

"Accuse your enemy of what you are doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion." ~Karl Marx. Sounds like the foreign policy of the whole collective West in one sentence I found a close hit...See more


marx' Communism-Abolition of private property schwab's "You'll own NOTHING and you'll be happy."


"Marx & Satan" by Richard Wurmbrand,1986


Unholy trinity


"The classes and the races too weak to master the New conditions of life must give way ... They MUST PERISH in the Revolutionary Holocaust." ~ karl marx, 1856


Mikhail Bakunin

"Marx is a Jew and is surrounded by a crowd of little, more or less intelligent, scheming, agile, speculating Jews, just as Jews are everywhere, commercial and banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades; in short, literary brokers, just as...See more


Kenneth Goff -- karl marx and jewish Russian Revolution

The GOAL of Communism is it destroys Individual RIGHTS!!! Marx's life demonstrated the fruits of his insane ideology! How can you take seriously people, who pretend to be great thinkers, but neglect their responsibility as a parent and partner???