
Magnum Opus is for spiritual seekers who want to start the great internal Alchemical πŸ’« work. This is a place for #Alchemy and #Magic ✨, #Meditation and Cultivation of the Spirit. Subscribe to begin your own path to enlightenment.... β˜€οΈ
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a Modern Course in Alchemy by a current day mystic, esotertic master Alchemist, Dr. Simon Robinson. Start your journey here by downloading the course for free. https://drsimonrobinson.com/ Download and read the 3 Manuscripts in the following order: 1. Nigredo 2. Albedo 3. Citrinitas


Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. https://youtu.be/SrbxkA4uzOA


The Dwellings of the Philosophers

[EPUB] https://library.lol/main/34ECCBD2FB8A36A09284D1F6F1AF070F The Dwellings of the Philosophers is perhaps the most important alchemical work of the past two centuries. This first translation into English brings us a wealth of alchemical philosophy that has hitherto been...See more


The Heart Sutra is a summary of the Diamond Sutra which is a summary of the Buddha's teachings called the Prajnaparamita which consists of 600 volumes. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqhBSEbitutu1nltHWUPyLzgRJx0VLRbL


The BuddhāvataαΉƒsaka-nāma-mahā­vaipulya-sΕ«tra (The Mahāvaipulya SΕ«tra named β€œBuddhāvataαΉƒsaka”) is one of the most influential Mahāyāna sutras of East Asian Buddhism. It is often referred to in short as the AvataαΉƒsaka SΕ«tra. In Classical Sanskrit, avataαΉƒsaka means garland, wreath,...See more


A comprehensive guide to the core practices of the Universal Healing Tao System and the advanced esoteric practices of Inner Alchemy http://library.lol/main/0AA3394EA877A1043DBF6E70FFEA79AE


Lao Tzu : Tao Te Ching

Taoism is a diverse tradition indigenous to China, variously characterized as both a philosophy and a religion. Taoism emphasizes living in harmony with the Taoβ€”generally understood as being the impersonal, enigmatic process of transformation ultimately underlying reality. Lao-Tzu is the author of the Tao-Te-Ching during the early Warring States period, c. the 4th and 5th centuries BCE. Here are some translations of the Texts [PDF] http://tiny.cc/bnt6wz


Axis Mundi

"Countless books have been written about the origin of the myth of the Cosmic Tree, but the gist of them all can be stated very briefly. First of all, Heaven and Earth are separated. They must be, therefore, at one and the same time held apartβ€”lest the heavens fall down and crush...See more


Testimonies on Alchemy

"The tantric Vajrayana was directed to obtaining a "body of diamond," incorruptible, not subject to becoming. Hatha Yoga strengthened the body to prepare it for the final "transmutation" and make it fit for "immortality." As we have just seen, the tantric processes took place in...See more

Magnum Opus is for spiritual seekers who want to start the great internal Alchemical πŸ’« work. This is a place for #Alchemy and #Magic ✨, #Meditation and Cultivation of the Spirit. Subscribe to begin your own path to enlightenment.... β˜€οΈ