Battle Games Promo Pinup Contest

A place to find examples of artwork for the contest. Contest runs from 10/18/23 to 12/15/23.
Type: All
  • verified_user

Harpy and Golden Eagle

Here are some posters I had commissioned for the book. This isn't what the entry should look like but it will give you an idea of what to look for. These are more compressed because of the image limit.

  • verified_user

Here are some other players to give you an idea of what the gear looks like.

  • verified_user

And a few more


BITCOIN MINING GAMES PLAY NOW FOR FREE @ ROLLER COIN * PAYING SINCE 2018 (This is an affiliate link.) Not financial advice.

A place to find examples of artwork for the contest. Contest runs from 10/18/23 to 12/15/23.