Prepare yourself,communists are coming!? Again!?
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..“Russia is using the entire toolbox, from influencing political discussions to cyber attacks on critical infrastructure to sabotage on a significant scale,” he said. The Kremlin has long carried out so-called hybrid warfare against European countries, including disinformation...See more

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BREAKING: Ukraine announces it has received a second batch of F-16 fighter jets from Denmark. Denmark sending 19 F-16 in 3 batches. Ukraine received 6 F-16 in the first batch. Ukraine has been promised nearly 100 F-16s in total by 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇳🇱🇧🇪 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GeMfHs4XUAAh8aP?format=jpg&name=small

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Elections annulled in Romania, searches begin this morning. ..Romania has detected more than 85,000 cyberattacks, "including on election day," launched from around thirty countries, which "exploit vulnerabilities in electoral computer systems" to destabilize the process... https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/u-rumunjskoj-ponisteni-izbori-jutros-poceli-pretresi/2622144.aspx

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...and in about a month the KGB will be expelled from the Mediterranean!

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@rainbowsally Your memory starts from: "Let's start here." lol "Let's start from" 1945, when the fucking KGB settled that Russian cattle and oppressed Ukrainians people with KGB methods for 65 years. They were policemen, judges, politicians,... "Let's start from"...See more


NightsBug your post (screenshot at bottom) at least gets it right that Russia is NOT Nazi. Not Communist either, anymore, but there are some other careless assumptions and inaccuracies in your post - that doesn't allow comments. Let's start here. The communication cables may...See more

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Europe U.S. Air Forces Europe has reported that since November 20th, drones have continued to be observed flying over and near Lakenheath, Mildenhall, Feltwell and Fairford military bases in Britain used by American forces which has led Britain to deploy forces around the installations. Full report being written.. I found this on the following Defcon Level global threat monitor page: https://www.defconlevel.com/current-level.php

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A Russian Recruit Has A One-Month Life Expectancy After Signing Up For The War In Ukraine Russian dead and wounded may exceed 730,000—and point toward a Ukrainian strategy for victory. ...a new recruit in the Russian armed forces has a one-month life expectancy after signing...See more

Prepare yourself,communists are coming!? Again!?