Operation: Minds Revival

We're dedicated to bringing the light back to minds, even in the face of a dwindling userbase. We knew where we came from, and we plan to stay, even to the day it shuts down. We will NOT be forced to move. Nostra lux nunquam moritur.; "Our light never dies."
Type: All

Hello to any and all Minds Veterans to Operation Minds Revival. This group is dedicated to the creatives of the community, and our parts to help revive it. By January of 2025, I hope to have worked with enough of you all to start a massive social media campaign called...See more

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We're dedicated to bringing the light back to minds, even in the face of a dwindling userbase. We knew where we came from, and we plan to stay, even to the day it shuts down. We will NOT be forced to move. Nostra lux nunquam moritur.; "Our light never dies."