Minds Underground

Tools and resources and strategies to fight Big Brother and his minions. Help for opressed groups to facilitate communication and stay in touch with loved ones. Admin [email protected] Will not reply to non protonmail accounts. To find details on a particular resistance method use the hashtag search function, posts are tagged by category and individual method. So use hashtag methodxx where xx is the number of the method.
Type: All

#Intervention #Method180 Under political Systems which have extensive control or monopoly over systems and media of communication, the creation by opposition groups of substitute systems of communication may constitute peaceful intervention when they disrupt the regimes control...See more


#noncooperation #Method129 Refusal of assistance to enforcement agents. It is fairly common for the general population in areas where there is sympathy with "criminal" elements or fear of them to refuse to provide information to the police or disclose the wherabouts of wanted...See more


#PublicPersuasion #Method44 Political protest has been expressed in the form of a 'funeral' for some principle which the demonstrators cherish and which they accuse the opponent of violating. It may take the form of a mock funeral procession in which the participants seek to...See more


#PublicPersuasion #Method22 Protest disrobing. An effective attention getter, impact will vary depending on social norms. Risk assessment should be done of the likelihood of arrests. For maximum impact protesters should stage a 'nude-in' of an institutional building. Advisable to perform in large groups to reduce state focus on one individual.

Tools and resources and strategies to fight Big Brother and his minions. Help for opressed groups to facilitate communication and stay in touch with loved ones. Admin [email protected] Will not reply to non protonmail accounts. To find details on a particular resistance method use the hashtag search function, posts are tagged by category and individual method. So use hashtag methodxx where xx is the number of the method.