
Seeker of Health Freedom and Choice. I believe in the Sovereignty of our States and self, enforcing the U.S. Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our birthright to Free Speech, and our right to Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and Health. What is Nutrient-Dense Food, really? I am on a Quest for Health | To have the right to provide health promoting meals that will nourish my family. I am calling for Responsible Technology that will grow and provide foods that promote health, are free of toxic chemicals that are unproven to be safe (especially for our children), and I am an advocate for a return to sustainable organic farming techniques. I am a Health-Seeker through whole foods, as nature provides, that are free of toxic chemicals. I am a Health-Freedom Advocate for the availability of organic whole food, nutraceutical supplements, and access to natural plant based approaches and ancient herbal medicines. I advocate for the right to choose a path of holistic health-care advice and functional root cause resolution approaches towards disease prevention and diagnosis as my path to medical care, health, and healing. Physical movement and the right food can be a powerful medicine.
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Learn the truth. It's a choice. Learn what they are not telling you about our food supply and governmental guidelines for food choices. I learned and woke up about this topic from a documentary called fat head about 14 years ago. The food pyramid (and subsequent food plate) is a disastrous structure for anyone that has diabetes or blood sugar issues, which to one degree or another is most everyone.


All Pharmaceutical Drugs have side effects and NEVER cure anything and do not heal the body. They are not designed to and the Pharmaceutical companies know it and can't claim it. Root cause resolution is healing the body. Find a functional medicine practitioner for true healing instead of addressing symptoms that create side effects...


My name is Vicki and when I was younger my radio handle was Dandelion. This photo made me think of that. What is Nutrient-Dense Food, really? | I am on a Quest for Health | To have the right to provide health promoting meals that will nourish my family. I am calling for...See more

Seeker of Health Freedom and Choice. I believe in the Sovereignty of our States and self, enforcing the U.S. Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our birthright to Free Speech, and our right to Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and Health. What is Nutrient-Dense Food, really? I am on a Quest for Health | To have the right to provide health promoting meals that will nourish my family. I am calling for Responsible Technology that will grow and provide foods that promote health, are free of toxic chemicals that are unproven to be safe (especially for our children), and I am an advocate for a return to sustainable organic farming techniques. I am a Health-Seeker through whole foods, as nature provides, that are free of toxic chemicals. I am a Health-Freedom Advocate for the availability of organic whole food, nutraceutical supplements, and access to natural plant based approaches and ancient herbal medicines. I advocate for the right to choose a path of holistic health-care advice and functional root cause resolution approaches towards disease prevention and diagnosis as my path to medical care, health, and healing. Physical movement and the right food can be a powerful medicine.
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