
There are 2 sides to every story, here we discuss the other story. If it doesn't make you do a double take, and rethink your position on any subject then it doesn't belong in this group.
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Communicable disease are of great public health concern and because of that we should treat it as such. One would wonder why there is no shortage of public education on almost all the diseases that has placed much burden on our societies but the story is almost always the same. Let us give public education a priority since prevention is better than cure. https://allguideto.blogspot.com/2018/02/communicable-diseases-control-and.html

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If you have heard about the #MoonLanding then you have likely heard about the moon landing #conspiracy as half the population of the United States does not believe we actually went, but here is a side to the conspiracy nobody talks about. http://www.dailybrainfreeze.com/conspiracies/the-moon-landing-conspiracy/

There are 2 sides to every story, here we discuss the other story. If it doesn't make you do a double take, and rethink your position on any subject then it doesn't belong in this group.