
All things Mogg. Jacob Rees-Mogg, that is. A refuge for those who appreciate the civilised put-down, the genteel repartee and the unbridled floccinaucinihilipilification of the European Union.
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#ZeroSeats for the so called 'Conservatives'. Vote Farage and Reform. Farage and Reform are far from perfect, but for the real, Anglo-Celtic, people of Britain to survive the British uniparty of so called 'Conservatives' and Labour (plus LibDems and 'Greens') MUST be broken. Farage, who led Brexit, deserves his chance.


Goes live at 9.00pm Saturday British time, 6.00am Sunday eastern Australian time, 20.00 GMT. This week Sam Melia update, Farage/Reform, breaking the system. Join us for British and Old Commonwealth (Canada, Australia, New Zealand and, back in the day South Africa) takes on news and current events from a right of centre, traditionalist and reactionary point of view.


As usual we go live at 9.00am Saturday British time, 8.00am eastern Australian time, 21.00 GMT. Join us for British and Old Commonwealth takes on news and current events from a right of centre, traditionalist and reactionary point of view. This week's thumbnail is the Royal Navy Corvette HMS Comus of 1878. In 20 years of service she served all over the world policing the British Empire.


#UK #OldCommonwealth #Tradition #Reaction #Nationalism Goes live 9.00pm Saturday British time, 6.00am Sunday eastern Australian time, 20.00 GMT. Join us for right of centre, traditional and reactionary takes from a British and Old Commonwealth point of view. This week's...See more


#Films #History #MasterAndCommander #RoyalNavy #PatrickOBrian The best, and most authentic, film ever made about the Royal Navy of the Nelson era, (in my top three films ever) based on the books of one of my favourite authors (Patrick O'Brian) the best film, IMHO, of excellent Australian Director Peter Weir, Russell Crowe's best fim and extremely trad and British in all respects. Goes live 6.00am Monday eastern Australian time, 9.00pm Sunday British time, 20.00 GMT. Be there or be square.


#UK #OldCommonwealth #Tradition #Reaction #Nationalism Goes live 9.00pm Saturday UK time, 6.00am Sunday eastern Australian time, 20.00 GMT. Join us for right of centre, traditional and reactionary takes from a British and Old Commonwealth point of view. This week's thumbnail is Royal Navy warships bombarding Egyptian forts at Alexandria in 1882.


#UK #OldCommonwealth #Tradition #Reaction #Nationalism Goes live 9.00pm Saturday UK time, 6.00am Sunday eastern Australian time, 20.00 GMT. Join us for right of centre, traditional and reactionary takes from a British and Old Commonwealth point of view. This week's thumbnail is Royal Navy sailors in a captured Egyptian fort after the bombardment of Alexandria in 1882.


#UK #OldCommonwealth #Tradition #Reaction #Nationalism Goes live 9.00pm Saturday UK time, 6.00am Sunday eastern Australian time, 21.00 GMT. Join us for right of centre, traditional and reactionary takes from a British and Old Commonwealth point of view. This week's thumbnail...See more


#UK #OldCommonwealth #Tradition #Reaction #Nationalism Goes live 9.00pm Saturday UK time, 8.00am Sunday eastern Australian time, 21.00 GMT. This weeks thumbnail is the Royal Navy, revolutionary, mastless turret battleship HMS Devestation of 1871. This week on Splendid Isolation we are going to discuss, the thorny topic of women, WWIII breaking out and if the collapse comes after white people are a minority, what good will that do us?

All things Mogg. Jacob Rees-Mogg, that is. A refuge for those who appreciate the civilised put-down, the genteel repartee and the unbridled floccinaucinihilipilification of the European Union.