Outdoors pictures of beautiful and sexy girls (some mature content, but no porn, both non nudes and some artistic nudity) Nudes 18+ and no age restriction on non nudes. Keep it legal! No unrelated content, this is strictly outdoors photos of pretty women! Also no nude photos of anyone under the age of 18, keep it legal! This group is moderated, (new posts are put in queue untill it have been approved by admin or some moderators. Max 5 pictures a day each person (maybe later I will increase it to 10 pictures a day (24hrs) each person, but for now it's max 5 pics each person a day! I just have to delete all the empty posts and I am not finnished doing that yet. No unrelated stuff here, no hardcore porn and no spam! Thanks!
- Admin: @jheckle Jane Huckleberry (Group Owner)
- Second Admin: @jheckze (Jane's Sexy Collection)
- Moderator: @einherje13
Outdoors pictures of beautiful and sexy girls (some mature content, but no porn, both non nudes and some artistic nudity) Nudes 18+ and no age restriction on non nudes. Keep it legal! No unrelated content, this is strictly outdoors photos of pretty women! Also no nude photos of anyone under the age of 18, keep it legal! This group is moderated, (new posts are put in queue untill it have been approved by admin or some moderators. Max 5 pictures a day each person (maybe later I will increase it to 10 pictures a day (24hrs) each person, but for now it's max 5 pics each person a day! I just have to delete all the empty posts and I am not finnished doing that yet. No unrelated stuff here, no hardcore porn and no spam! Thanks!
- Admin: @jheckle Jane Huckleberry (Group Owner)
- Second Admin: @jheckze (Jane's Sexy Collection)
- Moderator: @einherje13