Western Civilization & Current Events

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This tells you all you need to know about the "REPUBLICANS" And do not forget McConnell's ties to the CCP as business partners in his massive financial investments in Red China McConnell's "investments" in China for the last 20 years have now grown to hundreds of millions of dollars One telephone call from the Red Chinese Leadership could wipe out McConnell's hundreds of millions of dollars in one day Talk about Special Interests 🤨 https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/04/07/mitch-mcconnell-donates-liz-cheney-joining-gop-proxy-war/

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https://revolver.news/2023/08/new-fl-polling-data-destroys-desantis-entire-raison-detre-and-blows-up-the-establishment-republican-narrative/ But the Republican Establishment is quite happy with Bust They belong to the UniParty If President Trump is back in power the Establishment loses EVERYTHING Within the UniParty the Republicans retain SOMETHING 🤨🤨

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ym2zlQMc3g The decline began after Reagan with Bush But EVERYONE seems to miss the main infection point of the cultural rot: OUR UNIVERSITIES The origin of "there is NO TRUTH" and Cultural Relativism Students graduated from universities to our power centers

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https://discernreport.com/can-you-feel-it-ten-signs-that-things-in-america-have-reached-a-breaking-point/ "The Democrat party in America is the pro-pedo party. They worship pedophiles and child groomers / mutilators. They pretend child sex trafficking doesn’t exist, even as they routinely engage in it. In Germany, a public radio station even promotes “sympathy” for pedophiles. Because, you know, it’s mean to criticize them… or something."

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The Four Vaginas of the Apocalypse 🤨🤨🧐🤣 Something about them just doesn't smell right

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Tools of the White Liberal They live prosperous 5 star lives While millions of their Black brothers and sisters Suffer in poverty and high crime because of their policies Disgusting self-indulgent narcissists
