Mankind Against Zionism If Palestine is not free of Israeli ZOG Occupation, no White European nation will ever be free of Israeli ZOG Occupation. Like-wise, if White European nations remain Israeli ZOG Occupied, Palestine and most all of the world will remain Israeli ZOG Occupied. Review this for the solution to all of this, we fought the wrong "enemy":
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An extremist group of rabbis called the Nascent Sanhedrin wrote Trump a letter asking him to make a global religious court based in Jerusalem that enforces Noahide laws. The first law is worship their God or they decapitate you, but they ask this like it's a reasonable request, and in fact there are laws related to the Noahide laws that have already been passed in America, going back to the eighties. #noahidelaws #trump


The Jews say themselves that the land they say was given to them by God was only ever a unified state of Israel two times, for eighty years a time, in all of history, this being the third, but they say they got more right to it than the Palestinians who lived there thousands of years, because they believe their own lies, which by the way, most of them don't. #jews #israel #aipac #zog


It's hard to believe this is still where we're at in the 21st century, not just perpetuating these insane world ending death cults, but fulfilling their ultimate purpose, Armageddon. #armageddon #theantichrist #endofdays #deathcults


Can you ever imagine Jews telling other Jews that they should give all their money to the poor, you won't need it in heaven, you can't serve both God and money, a rich man has as much chance of getting into heaven as a camel passing through the eye of a needle, and Jews accepting...See more

thumb_upthumb_downchat_bubble If Palestine is not free of Israeli ZOG Occupation, no White European nation will ever be free of Israeli ZOG Occupation. Like-wise, if White European nations remain Israeli ZOG Occupied, Palestine and most all of the world will remain Israeli ZOG Occupied. Review this for the solution to all of this, we fought the wrong "enemy":
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