
News and info about Pathfinder roleplaying game, made by paizo.
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Does anyone play in Midgard? Or any other nonstandard setting like a d20 setting? I only found out about Midgard from Kobold Press today. Seems promising.

  • verified_user

I was thinking today about 2nd edition D&D, and how much flavor could be added, by taking 'calligraphy' or 'meditation' or 'heraldry'. Mainly useless skills that made your character have weird things to do in their downtime and made them more like an actual person. A bit of that...See more


Regarding the new hashtag implementation. May I humbly suggest #tabletop-rpg be used, to distinguish from #RPG which tends to get overrun by computer games. This would also match the tag used on Steemit.

News and info about Pathfinder roleplaying game, made by paizo.