Libertarian Quotes

Post your libertarian quotes and memes here! Try to keep all posts to quotes and memes. Any post that's not a quote or meme, and any off-topic posts will be removed. Check out our webpage: Admin: @greggers61
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Talladega Nights Movie: Ricky Bobby Quotes

"Dear Lord baby Jesus, lying there in your little ghost manger just looking at your Baby Einstein developmental videos learning about shapes and colors..." "Everyone turn away. Things are gonna get crazy. We're gonna make animal noises." Ricky Bobby Quotes


“If you want to get better, do the things that no-one else wants to do. Do the things that no-one is even thinking about doing.” ~ David Goggins “There is no more time to waste. Hours and days evaporate like creeks in the desert. That’s why it’s okay to be cruel to yourself as long as you realize you’re doing it to become better.” ~ David Goggins “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” ~ David Goggins


1. If kissing you were a sin, I would walk happily through hell. English Meaning: If kissing you were a sin, I'd happily walk through hell. 2. If water were beauty, you would be the entire ocean. English Meaning: If water were beauty, you'd be the whole ocean. 3. If...See more

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Post your libertarian quotes and memes here! Try to keep all posts to quotes and memes. Any post that's not a quote or meme, and any off-topic posts will be removed. Check out our webpage: Admin: @greggers61