Africans, Wake Up and Remember Who You Are!

They do not want us to know how great we are, because THAT is the missing link. If we really knew the potential we have- and that is really the only thing we have left... we have nothing left, but our potential. And, whenever that potential is able to be free, then we go to the top... They do not keep us out because we are the worst. They keep us out because we are the VERY BEST. --Shahrazad Ali- The very FACT that people who classify themselves as [white], will find themselves saying 'something is wrong with your genetics! Something is wrong with your genetics!'... In psychiatry we call that "projection". In other words, if I have to keep focusing on YOUR genetics, I must have some doubt about MY genetics. And, we have the basis for that; meaning the ability to produce melanin, pigment or skin color, and so forth, is the genetically dominant trait. --Frances Cress Welsing And, to understand that we can do in the classroom, what Michael Jordan did on the basketball court, What the Williams sisters did on the tennis court, what Tiger Woods did on the golf course... We can rewrite the game... We can make it so that they can't test us because they are not intelligent enough to ask us the kinds of questions that we would answer... This is how deep we are... And THEY KNOW THIS!... If I were them, I would do the same thing: 'How can I let you out? What is going to happen to me, when you find out who you are?... I will be destroyed.'... Kaba Kamene
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VOICI LA VRAIE CARTE DE L´AFRIQUE CACHÉE AUX AFRICAINS DEPUIS 600 ANS Afin que nul ne l´ignore plus. La carte géographique officielle du monde est celle réalisée en 1569 selon la projection dite de Mercator (du nom de son auteur, le Belge Gerardus Mercator), est une carte...See more


"Nous sommes dans une civilisation qui développe à fond le savoir et l’avoir. Les «connaissants» et les «#nantis» dominent le monde, alors que ce sont les «étants» qui devraient prendre les décisions et servir de guide au peuple de la Terre. L’avoir ne peut pas rendre #heureux, il enivre, il peut faire l’effet d’une #drogue. L’avoir retombe toujours, la #conscience non, l’Etre non plus. Au contraire il s’élève toujours plus haut." - Rael


Le musée du quai Branly, qui abrite 70 000 objets d’art d’Afrique subsaharienne sur les 90 000 détenus par la France, organise une exposition spéciale de 26 œuvres d’art béninoises avant de les restituer au Bénin. L’exposition aura lieu du 26 au 31 octobre. Ces œuvres et totems...See more


African Americans lined up to volunteer in the Ethiopian military. New York City, 1935. When Mussolini's Italy announced their plans to invade Ethiopia, many African Americans felt compelled to assist the kingdom as Ethiopia was the only African nation to successfully resist colonization. Rallies held to protest the invasion attracted some 20,000 people in Harlem and 10,000 in Chicago.


« S'il y a eu dans l'histoire de l'humanité un ennemi qui était vraiment universel, un ennemi dont les actes et les déplacements troublent le monde entier, menacent le monde entier et attaquent le monde entier d'une manière ou d'une autre, cet ennemi réel et vraiment universel est précisément l'impérialisme yankee/EURO RACISTE BLANC SUPRÉMATIE.

They do not want us to know how great we are, because THAT is the missing link. If we really knew the potential we have- and that is really the only thing we have left... we have nothing left, but our potential. And, whenever that potential is able to be free, then we go to the top... They do not keep us out because we are the worst. They keep us out because we are the VERY BEST. --Shahrazad Ali- The very FACT that people who classify themselves as [white], will find themselves saying 'something is wrong with your genetics! Something is wrong with your genetics!'... In psychiatry we call that "projection". In other words, if I have to keep focusing on YOUR genetics, I must have some doubt about MY genetics. And, we have the basis for that; meaning the ability to produce melanin, pigment or skin color, and so forth, is the genetically dominant trait. --Frances Cress Welsing And, to understand that we can do in the classroom, what Michael Jordan did on the basketball court, What the Williams sisters did on the tennis court, what Tiger Woods did on the golf course... We can rewrite the game... We can make it so that they can't test us because they are not intelligent enough to ask us the kinds of questions that we would answer... This is how deep we are... And THEY KNOW THIS!... If I were them, I would do the same thing: 'How can I let you out? What is going to happen to me, when you find out who you are?... I will be destroyed.'... Kaba Kamene