Minimum government. Maximum Freedom!
This community is primarily aimed at spreading the philosophy of libertarianism, aka the philosophy of non-aggression. We are not a Libertarian Party community. All liberty lovers are welcome of course.
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➝ Do No Harm — AHIMSA — Sacred Feminine and Natural Moral Law. 🔑
We have the free will to choose to integrate with the current system we are living in or to refuse to cooperate with this system that is enslaving people. We either do not follow Natural Law or we follow Natural...See more
➝ S-WORDS — Words and Swords; Our Deceptive Language. 🔑
Words are more than elements of speech or writing. When spoken out loud, words transform into frequency and vibration that can be used to harness energy and harm or heal the body. In the occult world, certain words are...See more
Following only the “heart” without taking the “brain” with you is not the path of Truth and Love, yet many people mistakenly believe this in the pseudo-spiritual and New Age movements and beliefs. This is the concept of thought, thinking, mind, logic, etc. becoming a “negative” in favor of more heavy right-brain modalities of being.
As we increase our self-knowledge we increase our consciousness, and vice versa. Expanding our consciousness through the ability to recognize patterns of information will increase our self-knowledge. The more we become aware of what is taking place within and around us, and the...See more
➝ Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars — Operations Research Technical Manual. 🚨
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, An introductory Programming
Manual” was uncovered quite by accident on July 7th, 1986 when an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. purchased a surplus IBM copier for scrap parts...See more
A balanced consciousness recognizes they are neither a master nor a slave of other beings, but can only be a master of themselves in a state of Dominion, self-rulership, self-ownership, and self-governance, one that is not divided amongst themselves. As we think, so we feel and so we act.
➝ The Pineal Gland and Symbolism of a Unified Consciousness. 🧠
A balanced state between the left and right hemispheres occurs when they come into conjunction, unison, and harmony with one another and the masculine and feminine don’t dominate over the other but are in the alchemical wedding, the marriage between the sacred masculine and the...See more
When a government no longer serves the will of the people, it is the right and the duty of the people of that nation to lawfully rebel to set their government right and ensure the safety and future of their nation — We Have a Moral Responsibility Not To Obey Unjust Laws.
All...See more
➝ Evildoers Take Silence as Tacit Acceptance — Silence is Consent❗
If you're not against a certain something, then you're supporting it by the default of letting it stand. Even if you don't say you do support it, there is an implicit support by not standing against it. You let...See more
➝ We need to stop lying to ourselves, take responsibility, and act in accord with what is Right. 🔑
Natural Law teaches that the Universe is Fractal and self similar across all scales. It is created in particular patterns and it is consciousness itself that recognizes these...See more
There are two apparent choices:
Choice A: Corporate Feudalism, cradle to grave control by the Corporations and their CEO´s (including politicians), people (like you) viewed as commodities or livestock, micro-managed, bred like animals, and told that...See more
➝ Natural Order – Hierarchy of Sovereignty. 🔑
Natural Order explains the hierarchy of sovereignty within the universe and it is entirely consistent with the order that things were created by Creation itself. This hierarchy of sovereignty is unchangeable and immutable and...See more
➝ Unalienable Rights are in-born. 🔑
In Natural Law, you were created equal to any other man or woman, and you were endowed with certain inherent Unalienable Rights that you possess as your lifelong private property.
Your Unalienable Rights were not given to you by any man-made...See more
Society, as a whole, has been deliberately dumbed down by those who wish to mold mankind into a more easily "standardized" mass group who will go along to get along and never question why it is the way it is. For those who peer deep into the truth of actual historically...See more
Minimum government. Maximum Freedom!
This community is primarily aimed at spreading the philosophy of libertarianism, aka the philosophy of non-aggression. We are not a Libertarian Party community. All liberty lovers are welcome of course.
- Community Guidelines -
In the interest of an open and honest conversation, please follow these guidelines:
No spam. Promotional posts (advertising) require a moderators' permission.
Off topic posts will be removed.
"Naked" videos or links will be removed without further warning. Add an introduction to the content. This can be as simple as copying and pasting a relevant section of the article, or the blurb from the video. Don't make us follow the link to learn if it's on-topic. We're not going to.
Do not delete comments. Deleting threads when a discussion is taking place is also frowned upon. These actions limit discussion and make people feel like they are wasting their time posting here.
Personal attacks and trolling will not be tolerated.
Violations of these guidelines will result in one or more of the following at the moderators' discretion:
Removal of the comment or post in question
Temporary ban
Permanent ban
Thank you, and have a nice day.
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