Judeo Christian Discussion

Are you looking for spiritual direction? The bible claims to be the word of God, and a source of teaching on how to live life successfully. This group is for the purpose of discussing the teachings of God in the Hebrew and Greek scriptures and how they relate to living in the world in the 21st century.
Type: All

Just a reminder ... this discussion group is for people who are interested in the scriptures, both old and new covenant, and thus Judeo Christian. Please only post relevant discussion material. Thanks.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CQMyyL6Mk8&ab_channel=JudeoChristian The Judeo Christian vision and mission were the motivating forces behind the preaching of the gospel to the world in the first century. This vision is alive today and gives us hope for the future in the Kingdom...See more


This group is for discussing the teachings of scripture and their application in our lives today. This is not a place for prophetic speculations, personal stories, or geo-political discussions. Our purpose is to consider the Word of God and how it applies in our daily lives so we are living in the light and not being overwhelmed by the darkness in the society around us. So our focus is on God and the light and not on the agents of darkness.


The Messiah’s coming was to give mankind hope, so we read with astonishment Isaiah’s account that foreshadowed Christ’s first coming. Instead of being heralded as our redeemer, he was despised, reviled, and abused. He suffered for us, and his suffering has set us an example of...See more


The Authentic Gospel Messiah Our Saviour Perhaps Handel would be surprised to know that though many people have heard his ‘Messiah’ oratorio, many do not read the scriptures. In fact in today’s German household only 50% have a bible, and only 6% read them. Of church-goers, only...See more


https://youtu.be/QIC18OECpIM God Does the Improbable Most people live their daily lives with no consideration for what God has done or continues to do. So it would surprise them to know how God works — how God does the improbable. But, those who have faith, who trust in God,...See more


When we face the questions of daily life and respond to a variety of situations, what principles do we use to guide u?. How do we determine the right or wrong course of action? Over the last 100 years the choices people have made have led to consequences and they have not all...See more


Jesus when prophesying about the end of the age — the end of civilization as we know it — warned those who would live then to be aware so they would not be caught up in the delusions of their time. It would be a time of great deception of people deceiving and being deceived. So...See more

Are you looking for spiritual direction? The bible claims to be the word of God, and a source of teaching on how to live life successfully. This group is for the purpose of discussing the teachings of God in the Hebrew and Greek scriptures and how they relate to living in the world in the 21st century.